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Created October 20, 2023 17:15
const CommonTranslations = {
} as const;
const StartPageTranslations = {
START_PAGE_TITLE: "Startpage",
START_PAGE_ERROR: "Error: {{error}}",
} as const;
type GetParamKeys<TTranslation extends string> = TTranslation extends ""
? []
: TTranslation extends `${string}{{${infer Param}}}${infer Tail}`
? [Param, ...GetParamKeys<Tail>]
: [];
const constTranslate = <
TTranslations extends Record<string, string>,
TKey extends keyof TTranslations,
TParamKeys extends string[] = GetParamKeys<TTranslations[TKey]>,
translations: TTranslations,
key: TKey,
...args: TParamKeys extends []
? []
: [params: Record<TParamKeys[number], string>]
) => {
const translation = translations[key];
const params: any = args[0] || {};
return translation.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, (_, key) => params[key]);
const typeTranslate = <
T extends Record<string, string>,
TParamKeys extends string[] = GetParamKeys<T[keyof T]>,
key: keyof T,
...args: TParamKeys extends []
? []
: [params: Record<TParamKeys[number], string>]
) => {
console.log(key, args);
// This works as it should.
constTranslate(CommonTranslations, "COMMON_WELCOME", { username: "Jan" });
// This works as it should.
constTranslate(StartPageTranslations, "START_PAGE_TITLE");
// This errors as it should.
constTranslate(CommonTranslations, "COMMON_WELCOME");
// This should give an error, but doesn't.
typeTranslate<typeof CommonTranslations>("COMMON_WELCOME");
// This works as it should.
typeTranslate<typeof StartPageTranslations>("START_PAGE_TITLE");
// This works as it should.
typeTranslate<typeof CommonTranslations>("COMMON_WELCOME", { username: "Jan" });
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