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Created July 17, 2018 01:30
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#include <Wire.h>
#include "Arduboy2.h"
uint8_t AcXH, AcXL;
constexpr float Tau = 6.28318530718;
constexpr float mapRange(float input, float inputMin, float inputMax, float outputMin, float outputMax)
return outputMin + (input - inputMin) * ((outputMax - outputMin) / (inputMax - inputMin));
constexpr uint8_t screenWidth = WIDTH;
constexpr uint8_t screenHeight = HEIGHT;
constexpr uint8_t halfScreenWidth = WIDTH / 2;
constexpr uint8_t halfScreenHeight = HEIGHT / 2;
Arduboy2 arduboy;
// amplitude is the sine wave's
// distance from the vertical baseline in pixels.
// i.e. the height of the wave is 2 * amplitude
uint8_t amplitude = 20;
// frequency is the number of pixels a full wave spans
// on the horizontal axis.
uint8_t frequency = 16;
// sampleOffset is used to animate the sine wave
uint8_t sampleOffset = 0;
void setup()
TCCR1B = (bit(WGM32) | bit(CS31)); // CTC mode. Divide by 8 clock prescale
// Initialize MPU-6050
Wire.write(0x6B); // PWR_MGMT_1 register
Wire.write(0); // set to zero (wakes up the MPU-6050)
// previousX and previousY are used for drawing
// the lines that make up the sine waves.
// They represent the endpoint of the previous line.
uint8_t previousX = 0;
uint8_t previousY = halfScreenHeight;
void loop()
Wire.beginTransmission(0x69); // I2C address of the MPU-6050
Wire.write(0x3B); // starting with register 0x3B (ACCEL_XOUT_H)
AcXH =; // 0x3B (ACCEL_XOUT_H)
AcXL =; // 0x3C (ACCEL_XOUT_L)
OCR1A = AcXH<<8|AcXL; // load the count (16 bits), which determines the frequency
frequency = (127 & AcXH);
if (arduboy.justPressed(UP_BUTTON))
TCCR1A = bit(COM1A0); // set toggle on compare mode (which connects the pin)
if (arduboy.justPressed(DOWN_BUTTON))
TCCR1A = 0; // set normal mode (which disconnects the pin)
// x represents the x coordinate of the current screen pixel
// This is used as an offset for sampling sine
for(uint8_t x = 0; x < screenWidth; ++x)
// theta is derived by mapping the sampleOffset
// from a (0, frequency) range to a (0, Tau) range.
float theta = mapRange((sampleOffset + x) % frequency, 0, frequency, 0, Tau);
double y = halfScreenHeight + (-amplitude * sin(theta));
if (x >= previousX)
arduboy.drawLine(previousX, previousY, x, y, WHITE);
previousX = x;
previousY = y;
sampleOffset %= frequency;
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