Save uahim/9b755b3a728bf790f67488f84f26a3ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
# usage | |
# arte_v2.sh <url> | |
# now also displays the link to high quality direct download of the mp4 and supports arte concert | |
# important: | |
# requires jq, which is "like sed for JSON data" ( https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ ) | |
# replace with your preferred user agent | |
ua="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0" | |
IN=$(echo "$1") | |
arrIN=(${IN//\// }) | |
language=${arrIN[2]} | |
filmcode=${arrIN[4]} | |
if [ "$language" == "de" ]; then | |
langshort="A" | |
langsub="ALL" | |
audiocode="VA-STA" # via https://fta-media.konsole-labs.com/pdf_files/allgemeine-technische-richtlinien-arte-geie-v1-07-1.pdf | |
elif [ "$language" == "fr" ]; then | |
langshort="F" | |
langsub="FRA" | |
audiocode="VOF-STF" | |
fi | |
api="https://api.arte.tv/api/player/v2/config/$language/$filmcode" | |
apikey="Nzc1Yjc1ZjJkYjk1NWFhN2I2MWEwMmRlMzAzNjI5NmU3NWU3ODg4ODJjOWMxNTMxYzEzZGRjYjg2ZGE4MmIwOA" # thanks to https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/pull/3302#issuecomment-1153001508 | |
streams="https://api.arte.tv/api/opa/v3/videoStreams?programId=$filmcode" | |
readarray -t a < <(curl -s -k -X GET "$api" -H "User-Agent: $ua" -H "Referer: $1" | jq -r ".data.attributes.streams[0].url,.data.attributes.metadata.title,.data.attributes.rights.begin,.data.attributes.rights.end") | |
curl -s -k -X GET $streams -H "User-Agent: $UA" -H "Accept: */*" -H "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5" -H "Referer: $1" -H "Authorization: Bearer $apikey" > ~/artestreams.json | |
readarray -t pt < <(cat ~/artestreams.json | jq -r '.videoStreams[] | .profileAmm') | |
progtype=${pt[0]} | |
progtype="${progtype//$'\r'/}" | |
if [[ $progtype == *"CONCERT"* ]]; then | |
download=$(jq -r '[.videoStreams[] | select(.protocol == "HTTPS" and .bitrate == 2200 and .platform == "ARTE_NEXT") | .url][0]' < ~/artestreams.json) | |
else | |
download=$(jq -r '.videoStreams[] | select(.protocol == "HTTPS" and .bitrate == 2200 and .platform == "ARTE_NEXT" and .audioLabel == "'$audiocode'") | .url' < ~/artestreams.json) | |
fi | |
download="${download//$'\r'/}" | |
url=${a[0]} | |
title=${a[1]} | |
start=${a[2]} | |
end=${a[3]} | |
url="${url//$'\r'/}" | |
subs=$url | |
re='(.*)'$filmcode'_(.*)' | |
while [[ $subs =~ $re ]]; do | |
subs=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} | |
done | |
re='(.*)T(.*)' | |
while [[ $start =~ $re ]]; do | |
start=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} | |
done | |
while [[ $end =~ $re ]]; do | |
end=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} | |
done | |
filename="${title//$'\r'/}" | |
filename=${filename//[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_} | |
filename=${filename//___/_} | |
filename=${filename//__/_} | |
filename=$(echo "${filename}") | |
printf "\n" | |
echo $title | |
printf "\n" | |
echo $start - | |
echo $end | |
printf "\n" | |
# printf "\n" | |
echo $url | |
printf "\n" | |
echo "download:" | |
echo "$download" | |
printf "\n" | |
echo ffmpeg -referer \"$1\" -user_agent \"$ua\" -i \"$url\" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc \"$filename.mp4\" | |
printf "\n" | |
echo subtitles: | |
echo curl $subs"medias/"$filmcode"_st_V"$langshort"-"$langsub".vtt" \> \"$filename.vtt\" |
there is currently no option to download the subtitles in the browser with my userjs script, BUT you should be able to get them using your browser's "Developer Tools" via the "network" tab. this is a quick solution: open and play the video and select your desired subtitle language, then for example in Firefox hit SHIFT + CTRL + I keyboard shortcut, then "filter urls" for vtt and you should see the url of the vtt file.
in this example, I selected the subtitle "German for the hearing impaired":
you can also try programs such as JDownloader or mediathekview or, at worst, yt-dlp (this one definitely offers subtitle downloads).
all available audio, subtitle and video links are stored in the file https://api.arte.tv/api/opa/v3/videoStreams?programId=<FILMCODE>
there is an option to download subtitles for French or German using the script this page, but unfortunately no option to go through all the available ones.
the codes that correspond with the different subtitle files (FRA = French, ALL = German etc) are described in https://fta-media.konsole-labs.com/pdf_files/allgemeine-technische-richtlinien-arte-geie-v1-07-1.pdf
thank you very much, it's working!!!!!!!!!!
Hello @uahim
Is it possible to have the audio dubbing without downloading all the dubbed videos?
It would be to remux a multilingual version.
This may not be one of the objectives.
n40l-remimu filmcode is part of the address, e.g. 071467-000-A in
Is it possible to have the audio dubbing without downloading all the dubbed videos? It would be to remux a multilingual version.
sure, I suggest using yt-dlp as you should be able to do this automatically
Hi uahim, thanks for your reply and I am trying to find a way to download ARTE video with different language subtitles. Do you know how to do it?