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Created May 6, 2021 04:14
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loki systemd unit file for ubuntu 18.04
Description=Loki service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/loki --config.file /etc/grafana/loki/loki-local-config.yaml
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udomsak commented May 6, 2021

Pre-pare and configure Loki on Grafana server.

#Default loki running with BoltDB and store on file system -> /tmp

#Download loki from release page. github

#this note use 2.2.1
curl -O -L ""
mkdir -pv /etc/grafana/loki
cp loki-local-config.yaml /etc/grafana/loki/
sudo useradd --system loki
sudo vim  /etc/systemd/system/loki.service
# test 
sudo -s
su loki -c '/usr/local/bin/loki --config.file  /etc/grafana/loki/loki-local-config.yaml'

#Apply configuration
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable loki
systemctl start loki
systemctl status loki

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Currently, this is my version of the systemd unit file:

Description = loki server service
After =
After =

Type = simple
User = loki
Group = loki
ExecStart = /opt/loki/loki-linux-amd64 -config.file=/opt/loki/loki-local-config.yaml -log.level=info -server.log-source-ips-enabled=true
ExecReload = /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
# Give a reasonable amount of time for the server to start up/shut down
TimeoutSec = 120
Restart = on-failure
RestartSec = 2
# This creates a specific slice which all services will operate from
#  The accounting options give us the ability to see resource usage through
#  the `systemd-cgtop` command.
Slice = loki.slice
# Set Accounting
CPUAccounting = True
BlockIOAccounting = True
MemoryAccounting = True
TasksAccounting = True
# Set Sandboxing
PrivateTmp = True
PrivateDevices = False
PrivateNetwork = False

WantedBy =

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m-rtijn commented Mar 27, 2023

Thanks for sharing this. I had one question: what is the purpose of enabling systemd resource accounting if you are not setting any quota's, restrictions or caps on CPU/IO/memory usage?

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