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Created September 30, 2019 00:18
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use futures::Future;
use warp::Filter;
async fn main() {
let r1 = warp::path("index").and_then(route1);
let r2 = warp::path::param().and_then(route2);
let routes = r1.recover(recover).or(r2.recover(recover));
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3020)).await;
fn route1() -> impl Future<Output = Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection>> {
dbg!("was here");
futures::future::err::<String, warp::Rejection>(warp::reject::custom(
fn route2(_param: String) -> impl Future<Output = Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection>> {
futures::future::ok("hello world")
async fn recover(err: warp::Rejection) -> Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection> {
Ok(warp::reply::with_status("an error happened", warp::http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST))
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