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mkdir test
cd test
git clone
pushd enarx-keepldr
cargo +nightly build
git clone
pushd client
mkdir test
cd test
git clone -b wip/dueno/wasm-test
git clone -b wip/dueno/wasm-test --recurse-submodules
cd enarx
cargo make
./enarx-keep-sgx/target/debug/enarx-keep-sgx \
--shim enarx-keep-sgx-shim/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/enarx-keep-sgx-shim \
--code keep-runtime/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/keep-runtime
ueno /
Last active September 1, 2024 02:36
Testing FIDO2 with libfido2

Install libfido2 package from copr

$ sudo dnf copr enable gtb/libfido2

Create a credential (a keypair on the token)

Create a parameters file

$ echo credential challenge | openssl sha256 -binary | base64 > cred_param
# Will cause pygobject2 be loaded.
import ibus
# pygobject3 cannot be loaded at the same time pygobject2 is
# loaded, so this will raise an exception on Fedora 16 or later.
from gi.repository import Translit
Transliterator = Translit.Transliterator
except ImportError:
# Load libtranslit through ctypes, instead of gi. Maybe the code
diff --git a/src/engine.c b/src/engine.c
index dcfbe48..ed82f43 100644
--- a/src/engine.c
+++ b/src/engine.c
@@ -623,6 +623,12 @@ ibus_m17n_engine_callback (MInputContext *context,
else if (command == Minput_reset) {
else if (command == Minput_get_surrounding_text) {
+ gchar *text;
+ gint cursor_index;
# Capture video/audio stream and send it to an Icecast2 server on
# and to a local file sink "stream.ogv".
# Only tested with Logitech Qcam Pro 9000.
: ${VDEV:=/dev/video1}
: ${OV_TEXT:="caption"}
: ${OV_FONT:="VL Gothic 18"}
: ${ADEV:=hw:1,0}