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Created December 10, 2019 11:21
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
/** Error Messages **/
const char undefinedCmd[100] = "Undefined Command.";
void swap (int *a, int *b) {
int tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
char boolToSignal (bool signal) {
return signal ? '+' : '-';
int absValue (int value) {
return value > 0 ? value : -value;
struct Point {
int x, y;
char name;
void initialize (int X, int Y, char NAME) {
x = X, y = Y, name = NAME;
char* repr () {
char* stringValue = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
sprintf(stringValue, "%c(%d, %d)", name, x, y);
return stringValue;
void output () {
printf("%c(%d, %d)\n", name, x, y);
void symmetricTrsp (char base) {
switch (base) {
case 'x':
y = -y;
case 'y':
x = -x;
case 'o':
x = -x, y = -y;
case '=':
swap(&x, &y);
printf("%s\n", undefinedCmd);
void parallelTlsl (int amountX, int amountY) {
x += amountX, y += amountY;
double distanceToPoint (Point p) {
return sqrt(pow(x - p.x, 2) + pow(y - p.y, 2));
struct Equation {
int xCof, yCof, constVal;
bool ySgn, constSgn; // true -> +, false -> -
void initialize (int XCof, int YCof, int ConstVal) {
xCof = XCof, yCof = YCof, constVal = ConstVal;
ySgn = xCof > 0, constSgn = ConstVal > 0;
char* repr () {
char* stringValue = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
int absY = absValue(xCof), absConst = absValue(constVal);
sprintf(stringValue, "%dx %c %dy %c %d = 0",
xCof, boolToSignal(ySgn), absY, boolToSignal(constSgn), absConst);
return stringValue;
void output () {
int absY = absValue(yCof), absConst = absValue(constVal);
printf("%dx %c %dy %c %d = 0\n",
xCof, boolToSignal(ySgn), absY, boolToSignal(constSgn), absConst);
double distanceToPoint (Point p) {
double dist = absValue(p.x * xCof + p.y * yCof + constVal) / (double) sqrt(xCof * xCof + yCof * yCof);
return dist;
int main () {
Point a;
a.initialize(3, 3, 'A');
Point b;
b.initialize(5, 9, 'B');
/* Print Distance From Point A To Point B */
printf("점 %s와 점 %s 간의 거리 : %.2lf\n", a.repr(), b.repr(), a.distanceToPoint(b));
Equation c;
c.initialize(3, 2, 5);
printf("점 A를 x축에 대해 대칭이동 하기 전 좌표 : %s\n", a.repr());
printf("점 A를 x축에 대해 대칭이동 한 후의 좌표 : %s\n", a.repr());
return 0;
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