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Created May 30, 2016 02:14
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Repository impl helper(with Realm, Future)
@_exported import class BrightFutures.Future
import func BrightFutures.future
import var BrightFutures.ImmediateOnMainExecutionContext
import RealmSwift
protocol RepositoryImplType {
func runWrite(f: (Realm) throws -> Void) -> Future<Void, RepositoryError>
func runRead<T>(f: (Realm) throws -> T) -> Future<T, RepositoryError>
func runReadAndBlock<T>(f: (Realm) throws -> T) throws -> T
func runWriteAndBlock(f: (Realm) throws -> Void) throws -> Void
extension RepositoryImplType {
func runWrite(f: (Realm) throws -> Void) -> Future<Void, RepositoryError> {
return future(context: RealmIOContext, task: {
let realm = RealmInstanceManager.sharedManager.realm()
do {
try f(realm)
try realm.commitWrite()
return .Success()
} catch {
return .Failure(.IOException(reason: "", error: error as NSError)) // TODO
}).map(ImmediateOnMainExecutionContext, f: { $0 })
func runRead<T>(f: (Realm) throws -> T) -> Future<T, RepositoryError> {
return future(context: RealmIOContext, task: {
let realm = RealmInstanceManager.sharedManager.realm()
do {
let res = try f(realm)
return .Success(res)
} catch {
return .Failure(.IOException(reason: "", error: error as NSError)) // TODO
}).map(ImmediateOnMainExecutionContext, f: { $0 })
func runReadAndBlock<T>(f: (Realm) throws -> T) throws -> T {
let realm = RealmInstanceManager.sharedManager.realm()
return try f(realm)
func runWriteAndBlock(f: (Realm) throws -> Void) throws -> Void {
let realm = RealmInstanceManager.sharedManager.realm()
do {
try f(realm)
try realm.commitWrite()
} catch {
throw RepositoryError.IOException(reason: "", error: error as NSError) // TODO
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