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Created December 30, 2015 01:04
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module AesonOSC where
import BasePrelude hiding (readMaybe)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Sound.OSC.Type
import Data.Vector ((!?))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
foo :: BSL.ByteString
foo = "[\"#bundle\",{\"timestamp\":0.0},[\"/c_set\",3,4.5],[\"/n_free\",0]]"
(.!) :: FromJSON a => Array -> Int -> Parser a
v .! ix = case v !? ix of
Just a ->
parseJSON a
Nothing ->
fail ("No such index " <> show ix <> " in vector " <> show v)
-- | This differs from decode_datum in that it always parses numbers
-- to a Float.
instance FromJSON Datum where
parseJSON (Object o) =
parseBlob <|> parseMidi <|> parseTimestamp
parseBlob =
Blob . BSL.pack <$> o .: "blob"
parseMidi = do
[p, q, r, s] <- o .: "midi"
return (midi (p, q, r, s))
parseTimestamp =
TimeStamp <$> (o .: "timestamp")
parseJSON whole@(Number _) =
Float <$> parseJSON whole
parseJSON whole@(String _) =
string <$> parseJSON whole
parseJSON invalid =
typeMismatch "Datum" invalid
instance ToJSON Datum where
toJSON d =
case d of
Blob b -> object [ ("blob", toJSON $ BSL.unpack b)]
Midi m -> object [ ("midi", toJSON $ encodeMidi m)]
TimeStamp t -> object ["timestamp" .= t]
Int32 n -> toJSON n
Int64 n -> toJSON n
Float n -> toJSON n
Double n -> toJSON n
ASCII_String s -> toJSON $ BSC.unpack s
encodeMidi (MIDI p q r s) = map toJSON [p,q,r,s]
instance FromJSON Bundle where
parseJSON (Array v) = do
b' <- v .! 0
timestamp <- v .! 1
guard (b' == String "#bundle")
Bundle <$> (timestamp .: "timestamp") <*> traverse parseMessages (toList (Vector.drop 2 v))
parseMessages (Array w) = do
addr <- w .! 0
Message <$> parseJSON addr <*> traverse parseJSON (toList (Vector.drop 1 w))
parseMessages invalid =
typeMismatch "Bundle' messages" invalid
parseJSON invalid =
typeMismatch "Bundle'" invalid
instance ToJSON Bundle where
toJSON (Bundle t m) = do
let b = toJSON ("#bundle" :: String)
let t' = toJSON t
let m' = map encodeMessage m
toJSON (b : t' : m')
encodeMessage (Message a d) =
let a' = toJSON a
d' = map toJSON d
in toJSON (a' : d')
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