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Created October 26, 2016 08:05
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Utility Methods to Transpose a org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
def transposeRowMatrix(m: RowMatrix): RowMatrix = {
val transposedRowsRDD ={case (row, rowIndex) => rowToTransposedTriplet(row, rowIndex)}
.flatMap(x => x) // now we have triplets (newRowIndex, (newColIndex, value))
.sortByKey().map(_._2) // sort rows and remove row indexes
.map(buildRow) // restore order of elements in each row and remove column indexes
new RowMatrix(transposedRowsRDD)
def rowToTransposedTriplet(row: Vector, rowIndex: Long): Array[(Long, (Long, Double))] = {
val indexedRow = row.toArray.zipWithIndex{case (value, colIndex) => (colIndex.toLong, (rowIndex, value))}
def buildRow(rowWithIndexes: Iterable[(Long, Double)]): Vector = {
val resArr = new Array[Double](rowWithIndexes.size)
rowWithIndexes.foreach{case (index, value) =>
resArr(index.toInt) = value
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