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JavaScript: sort object properties by value (numeric or string)

Sort object properties by value (values are text)

I have following object:

var cities={10:'Tashkent', 14:'Karakalpakiya', 16:'Andijan'};

I want sort it by city names, so after sort it should be:

var cities={16:'Andijan', 14:'Karakalpakiya', 10:'Tashkent'};

But I can't sort object properties, instead can convert object into array, then sort items.

function sortProperties(obj)
  // convert object into array
	var sortable=[];
	for(var key in obj)
			sortable.push([key, obj[key]]); // each item is an array in format [key, value]
	// sort items by value
	sortable.sort(function(a, b)
		var x=a[1].toLowerCase(),
		return x<y ? -1 : x>y ? 1 : 0;
	return sortable; // array in format [ [ key1, val1 ], [ key2, val2 ], ... ]


var sortedCities=sortProperties(cities);
console.log(sortedCities); // [[16, 'Andijan'], [14, 'Karakalpakiya'], [10, 'Tashkent']]

Sort object properties by value (values are numbers)

I have following object:

var cities={Tashkent:447, Karakalpakiya:900, Andijan:120};

I want sort it by city rating, so after sort it should be:

var cities={Andijan:120, Tashkent:447, Karakalpakiya:900};

But again I can't sort object properties, instead can convert object into array, then sort items.

function sortProperties(obj)
  // convert object into array
	var sortable=[];
	for(var key in obj)
			sortable.push([key, obj[key]]); // each item is an array in format [key, value]
	// sort items by value
	sortable.sort(function(a, b)
	  return a[1]-b[1]; // compare numbers
	return sortable; // array in format [ [ key1, val1 ], [ key2, val2 ], ... ]


var sortedCities=sortProperties(cities);
console.log(sortedCities); // [[Andijan, 120], [Tashkent, 447], [Karakalpakiya, 900]]

###Improved version with additional parameter to set sort type (numeric or text)

 * Sort object properties (only own properties will be sorted).
 * @param {object} obj object to sort properties
 * @param {bool} isNumericSort true - sort object properties as numeric value, false - sort as string value.
 * @returns {Array} array of items in [[key,value],[key,value],...] format.
function sortProperties(obj, isNumericSort)
	isNumericSort=isNumericSort || false; // by default text sort
	var sortable=[];
	for(var key in obj)
			sortable.push([key, obj[key]]);
		sortable.sort(function(a, b)
			return a[1]-b[1];
		sortable.sort(function(a, b)
			var x=a[1].toLowerCase(),
			return x<y ? -1 : x>y ? 1 : 0;
	return sortable; // array in format [ [ key1, val1 ], [ key2, val2 ], ... ]
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osk2 commented Oct 8, 2015

Thanks, this helps me a lot 👍

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kl3sk commented May 11, 2016

Thanks for your function, but i need to sort a structured object, so i update your function like this.

         * Sort object properties (only own properties will be sorted).
         * @param {object} obj object to sort properties
         * @param {string|int} sortedBy 1 - sort object properties by specific value.
         * @param {bool} isNumericSort true - sort object properties as numeric value, false - sort as string value.
         * @param {bool} reverse false - reverse sorting.
         * @returns {Array} array of items in [[key,value],[key,value],...] format.
        function sortProperties(obj, sortedBy, isNumericSort, reverse) {
            sortedBy = sortedBy || 1; // by default first key
            isNumericSort = isNumericSort || false; // by default text sort
            reverse = reverse || false; // by default no reverse

            var reversed = (reverse) ? -1 : 1;

            var sortable = [];
            for (var key in obj) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    sortable.push([key, obj[key]]);
            if (isNumericSort)
                sortable.sort(function (a, b) {
                    return reversed * (a[1][sortedBy] - b[1][sortedBy]);
                sortable.sort(function (a, b) {
                    var x = a[1][sortedBy].toLowerCase(),
                        y = b[1][sortedBy].toLowerCase();
                    return x < y ? reversed * -1 : x > y ? reversed : 0;
            return sortable; // array in format [ [ key1, val1 ], [ key2, val2 ], ... ]

Exemple :

            var cities = {
                'first city': {
                    name: 'First City',
                    sort: 10
                'second city': {
                    name: 'Second City',
                    sort: 14
                'third city': {
                    name: 'Third City',
                    sort: 20
                'fourth city': {
                    name: 'Fourth City',
                    sort: 2
            sortProperties(cities, 'sort', true, false);

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Neat function. And if you need to convert that array back into an object, simply do this:

function sortObjects(objects) {

    var newObject = {};

    var sortedArray = sortProperties(objects, 'zindex', true, false);
    for (var i = 0; i < sortedArray.length; i++) {
        var key = sortedArray[i][0];
        var value = sortedArray[i][1];

        newObject[key] = value;


    return newObject;


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RejinR commented Dec 27, 2016

Thanks... This helped me a lot.. 😄

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pufinek commented Feb 9, 2017

Great, thx, very helpful

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giffeler commented Jul 6, 2017

Convert the object into an array using yourArray = Object.entries(yourObject). Afterwards use Array.sort with your own sorting function e.g. yourArray.sort((x, y) => y[0] - x[0]);

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awesome thanks

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fonini commented Mar 21, 2018

Thanks, @kl3sk

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jgorene commented May 14, 2018

Many thanks!

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I have to make an indexing project, you are heaven sent.

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wmrsp commented Jul 31, 2018

Thanks mate! Still think it's ridiculous that javascript does not know associative arrays. It feels like such a waste having to iterate through, in my case, an api output containing id's and value's only and saving them in a javascript object only to iterate through them again because the javascript object is now sorted by key, and I need to present the user with an alphabetical list of values, with no way to sort by value. This all coming from a, currently, frustrated php developer. Cheers :).

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once sortProperties called. i am getting object as reverse order but when i called your function sortObjects, it again reset the object from ascending to descending. how to get back JSON object in same reformat.

Before sortObject (which give result as i want) [8, 5, 3, 1] correct in reverse order

But, See, what i am getting after sortObject [1, 3, 5, 8] worng in reverse order


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rodrigoespinozadev commented Jan 25, 2019

Thanks for your function, but i need to sort a structured object, so i update your function like this.

         * Sort object properties (only own properties will be sorted).
         * @param {object} obj object to sort properties
         * @param {string|int} sortedBy 1 - sort object properties by specific value.
         * @param {bool} isNumericSort true - sort object properties as numeric value, false - sort as string value.
         * @param {bool} reverse false - reverse sorting.
         * @returns {Array} array of items in [[key,value],[key,value],...] format.
        function sortProperties(obj, sortedBy, isNumericSort, reverse) {
            sortedBy = sortedBy || 1; // by default first key
            isNumericSort = isNumericSort || false; // by default text sort
            reverse = reverse || false; // by default no reverse

            var reversed = (reverse) ? -1 : 1;

            var sortable = [];
            for (var key in obj) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    sortable.push([key, obj[key]]);
            if (isNumericSort)
                sortable.sort(function (a, b) {
                    return reversed * (a[1][sortedBy] - b[1][sortedBy]);
                sortable.sort(function (a, b) {
                    var x = a[1][sortedBy].toLowerCase(),
                        y = b[1][sortedBy].toLowerCase();
                    return x < y ? reversed * -1 : x > y ? reversed : 0;
            return sortable; // array in format [ [ key1, val1 ], [ key2, val2 ], ... ]

Exemple :

            var cities = {
                'first city': {
                    name: 'First City',
                    sort: 10
                'second city': {
                    name: 'Second City',
                    sort: 14
                'third city': {
                    name: 'Third City',
                    sort: 20
                'fourth city': {
                    name: 'Fourth City',
                    sort: 2
            sortProperties(cities, 'sort', true, false);

Thanks @ @kl3sk this helped me a lot!

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0zkr1 commented Oct 4, 2019

@ForgeableSum: You can also do:
newObject = sortedArray.reduce( (obj, ent) => { obj[ ent[0] ] = ent[1]; return obj; }, /** @type {Any} */({}) );

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kl3sk commented Oct 28, 2019

@sudhir600 this is because chrome/firefox console re sort them naturally. Use JSON.stringify and see that is sorted as you wish

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Thanks a lot! It works perfectly for me.

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macyhvt commented Jan 16, 2024

Saw this from one of colleagues comment and thanks for the great help. Cheers !!

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