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Forked from olivierlacan/An_example.markdown
Last active August 3, 2023 18:14
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  • Save umpirsky/5842174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save umpirsky/5842174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sublime Text Monokai Sidebar Theme.
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Thanks @Jazzer360

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VeraBE commented Apr 10, 2016

Thank you very much! :)

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Hello someone could help me to do this? I Have Sublime Text 3 and Ubuntu 16.04

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it succeeds !, but I did not work what he said @Jazzer360, copy, paste and save on the line mentioned, but the problem is not solved.

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acimnotes commented May 4, 2016

Thank you so much sir! :D

UPD: I have an issue tho: the right side-bar ( that gives the bird's eye look over the whole file) is now missing the highlight of my current position in the file. Please tell me how to bring the highlight back?

UPD2: oh, it's Ok now, just need to restart Sublime :) Thank you again!

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thanks @Jazzer360

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Crack (Y)

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radik909 commented Jul 8, 2016

Awesome ❤️

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ghost commented Aug 19, 2016

Where do I save this file, please?—Oh, I see: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Default.sublime-theme

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ghost commented Aug 19, 2016

I like the crisp text on dark background in the sidebar, but how do I get sidebar icons back, please?—Ah, I see:

        "class": "icon_file_type",
        "content_margin": [8,8]

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daemth commented Aug 21, 2016

Awesome, thanks!

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extra0 commented Sep 14, 2016

thanks, its works!!!

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Working for ST3, downloaded zip and extracted in /Data/Packages/User

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juayhi commented Jan 17, 2017

Works perfectly in SB3. Thanks!

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Works great!

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SuelenGC commented Mar 14, 2017

Awesome!!! ST3 works!

I just created a folder inside Preferences >> Browse Packages... and add this file (with this name) and automatically my sidebar changes.

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ghost commented Apr 28, 2017

This is on windows put the file here:

C:\Users\Computer Name\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User

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Eleisonchr commented May 16, 2017

Work´s fine on ST3.
In Windows like informed above, create a place the file named Default.sublime-theme at C:\Users\Computer Name\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User enjoy!

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ghost commented Jul 1, 2017

Thanks it's working exactly as the screenshots indicates.

@Eleisonchr: Not sure but you can also (that's what I did) place the file at "C:\Users\Computer Name\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages"

Have a nice one!

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Thanks for awesome theme.

It worked fine on Build 3126. Got something wrong on Build 3143

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robagar commented Sep 14, 2017

yep, same red+yellow dazzle for me with ST 3.0 (3143)

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Same issue with colors here since updating to 3143, it's linking to the wrong image, of something like that.

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maxrosecollins commented Sep 15, 2017

Same issue for me. It it pointing to the wrong textures...

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h3ndrk commented Sep 16, 2017

Possible Workaround for build 3143:

Preferences -> Theme... -> Select 'Adaptive.sublime-theme'

Yes, this is another theme. It may be that I've installed this theme from another package. However, this makes the sidebar dark and keeps the color scheme.

EDIT: It seems that it chooses the background color of the tabs-area as background for the side- and statusbar.

Hope this helps someone 😉

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jordan2175 commented Sep 21, 2017

Yes, the Adaptive theme does not really work right with this, it makes the sidebar all black. There is something wrong with this theme with build 3143

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I fixed the theme file by redoing it from the default included theme. This works with build 3143. I added a few minor enhancements to make it more useable. You can find it here.

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wilon commented Sep 26, 2017

Hi there, try to install this package
Already adapt to Build 3143.

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domkl14 commented Sep 28, 2017

I had the same issue after upgrading to Build 3143. I decided to make my own theme based off of the Adaptive sublime theme to match the Monokai color scheme ( Hope someone else finds this helpful!

screen shot 2017-09-28 at 9 51 23 am

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ghost commented Dec 28, 2022

great works!

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