87 Multiple Choice items (85 scored, 2 unscored)
120 minutes to complete the exam
Based on Magento Community Edition 1.9 and Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14
Magento Certified Developer Plus exam: For sections 11 & 12 combined a score of 7 or higher AND meet the overall passing score of 48 or higher
5% 1-Basics (config, events, cron, translations, theme, locating template/layout file)
6% 2-Request Flow
6% 3-Rendering
11% 4-Working with Database
8% 5-Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model
6% 6-Adminhtml (ACL, cache, grids, forms, system config)
8% 7-Catalog (product types, indexing, prices, categories, catalog rules, tax)
13% 8-Checkout (inventory, add to cart, totals, cart rules, payment methods, shipping methods, multishipping)
9% 9-Sales and Customers (order, refund, partial invoice/shipping/refund, cancel, customers)
11% 10-Advanced features (widgets, API)
11% 11-Enterprise Edition (target rules, reward points, website restrictions, full page cache, payment bridge)
8% 12-Challenge Questions
- events collection
- app request, response (optional)
- config
- run app
- error handler + default timezone
- load base config - /etc/*.xml (config.xml, local.xml)
- cache - new core/cache by , request_processors x send response here if in cache _initModules:
- loadModules (declared, modulesConfiguration)
- applyAllUpdates (unless new install)
- loadDb
- saveCache x code and db are ready run:
- load area (global events)
- initCurrentStore (cookie,get) |
- initRequest (pathinfo) | unless new install
- applyAllDataUpdates |
- front dispatch
x <web><routers>
- admin, frontend. CollectRoutes from <admin><routers>
and <frontend><routers>
- events
-- prepend routers here. - routers (from
) + collectRoutes ([frontName] => modules[])router.collectRoutes(router_key, router_area)
- router key -- only routes with
== router_area are collected. e.g. use=admin, use=standard - router area -- load routes from area, e.g. frontend/routers, admin/routers ! admin/routers -- registers concrete route . in modules reference concrete route to add more controllers to chain
- router key -- only routes with
- event
-- append routers here. CMS adds router here
- _checkBaseUrl (unless admin)
- rewrite (db + config)
- loop
- send response (headers, exceptions, body)
- events (2)
- preDispatch
- call action
- postDispatch preDispatch:
- rewrite (+forward)
- cookie + session start
- load area (config, events, design, translate)
- events (3) postDispatch:
- events (3)
- app addEventArea
- translator init (setConfig: locale code, store id, design package name (exceptions: regexp user agent -> custom package, skin, template, layout, default)) initDesign (only front):
- design = design package singleton
- design config (/app/design/{area}/{package}/{theme}/etc/theme.xml -> tree {area}/{package}/{theme}/...) ! theme.xml: layout/updates here
- design fallback (inheritance: parent = package/theme, legacy: theme default, 'default')
- design_change (store, date): package/theme -> design package packageName, theme
getLayoutFilename, getTemplateFilename, getLocaleFilename -> getFilename
- getFallbackScheme - first no update, then parents
- _fallback(file, params, fallback themes)
- return found validateFile: getBaseDir.file
- or renderFilename base/default
- design/package/name
- design/theme/default
translate_inline - allowed and active admin/front - only devAllowed
- update addHandle
- addActionLayoutHandles STORE_$code, THEME_$area_$package_$layout, $route_$controller_$action
action loadLayoutUpdates:
- event
- update load update load:
- loadCache
- merge[]
- saveCache fetchFileLayoutUpdates:
- getFileLayoutUpdatesXml (once) area, package, theme, store id - load all layout files
- event
- update files (config $area/layout/updates, theme layout/updates, local.xml) ! frontend/layout/updates/(convert_shopby module="Convert_Shopby" - to disable output)/file='convert/shopby.xml'
- append all layout files xmls merge[] handle: builds _updates array of all matched handle contents
- fetchPackageLayoutUpdates (handle)
- packageLayout handle
- fetchRecursiveUpdates + addUpdate handle text content
- packageLayout handle
- fetchDbLayoutUpdates (handle)
- getUpdateString handle from core_layout_update, core_layout_link by handle, store id, area, package, theme
- fetchRecursiveUpdates + addUpdate
action generateLayoutXml:
- event
- layout generateXml
- - ignore block and its references (but keep if acl isAllowed)
- setXml
action generateLayoutBlocks:
- events (2)
- layout generateBlocks (recursive)
- ignore marked
- generateBlock
- type, name -> createBlock, _prepareLayout, event
- insert before/after/append parent->child
- insert anonymous no suffix - _blocks[ANONYMOUS_0]->_blocks[root.child0], nameInLayout=root.child0, alias=root.child0, _children[root.child0]
- insert anonymous with suffix _blocks[ANONYMOUS_1]->_blocks[root.suffix], nameinLayout=root.suffix, alias=root.suffix, _children[root.suffix]
- insert name no suffix _blocks[head], alias=head, _children[head]
- insert name with suffix _blocks[footer.before], _children[footer_before]
- template, output
- generateAction <arg1_array> value0 value1 </arg1_array> true false false Translatable string _blocks[root].doSomething( array(key1 => value1, key2 => value2), // simple assoc helper(catalog/category)->getStoreCategories(true, false, false), // helper result json_decode(helper(module)->returnJson()) array(b => array(c => helper(core)->__(Translatable string))) );
layout xml: simplexml_element layout simplexml_element block name=root simplexml_element block name=head ... simplexml_element block name=core_profiler
_blocks[root] = block_object(type=page/html,nameInLayout=root,layout=obj,template=page/3columns.phtml,_children=[obj]) _blocks[head] = block_object(type=page/html_head,nameInLayout=head,layout=obj,parentBlock=obj,blockAlias=head) ... _output[root] = toHtml
- renderTitles - $this->_title('foo')->_title('bar') => head: foo / bar
- events (2)
- layout getOutput
- translate inline { {{original}} {{.}} {{.}} {{.*}} }
- response appendBody
send response events: Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front::dispatch - 2 events Mage_Core_Controller_Response_Http::sendResponse - event
items[type/name], type - js_css, skin_css, js, skin_js; rss, link_rel
addCss(styles.css) addJsCss(js-slider/slider.css) addItem(skin_css, lucky.css, 'whatsthis?', 'lt IE 7', 'feel_lucky') addItem(rss, http://feed.mikle.com/support/rss/, 'title=RSS') addLinkRel(http://non.skin/style.css, 'rel=stylesheet type=text/css')
_items["skin_css/styles.css"] = [type skin_css, name styles.css] _items["js_css/js-slider/slider.css"] = [type js_css, name js-slider/slider.css] _items["skin_css/lucky.css"] = [type skin_css, name lucky.css, params 'whatsthis?', if 'lt IE 7', cond 'feel_lucky'] _items["rss/http://feed.mikle.com/support/rss/"] = [type rss, name http://feed.mikle.com/support/rss/, params "title=RSS"] _items["link_rel/http://non.skin/style.css"] = [type link_rel, name http://non.skin/style.css, params "rel=stylesheet type=text/css"]
getCssJsHtml: lines['']['skin_css']['']['styles.css'] = 'styles.css' lines['']['js_css']['']['js-slider/slider.css'] = 'js-slider/slider.css' if $feel_lucky: lines['lt IE 7']['skin_css']['whatsthis?']['lucky.css'] = 'lucky.css' lines['']['other'][] = lines['']['other'][] =
prepare css (+merge), prepare js (+merge), prepare other _prepareStaticAndSkinElements:
- designPackage getSkinUrl or getFilename
- if merged, single file per group, else separate files
caching, parent/children, sort, child groups, messages block, surround frame, helpers (url, date, escape), inline translate
- set layout events (2)
- to html events (2) absolute path - Mage::getDir('design') -> core/config_options::getDir() -> getDesignDir()
model - define resource model when constructed resource model (entity) - define resource prefix (for read/write connections) / main table entity init(main table, id field). mymodule/maintable: resource prefix = mymodule, resource model = maintable e.g. connections = {resourcePrefix}{connection} = mymodule_read, mymodule_write collection - define model and resource model when constructed migrations: all resources with setup child -> module name -> module/resource_name/migrations...
install/upgrade/rollback/uninstall, php/sql install-{$version}, upgrade-{$version} {$connection->model}-install-{$version}, mysql4-upgrade-{$version}
class core/resource_setup utility methods:
- run (multi sql)
- getTable, tableExists
- getTableRow, deleteTableRow, updateTableRow
- setConfigData, deleteConfigData
- getIdxName, getFkName
transactions tables - create, drop, describe, ... + batch columns - add, modify, drop, ... indeces foreign keys select - Varien_Db_Select inserts - 5 methods update, delete query, multiQuery fetch - 6 methods quote - 5 methods startSetup, endSetup dql cache - 6 methods prepare condition, value sql fragments - check, case, ifnull, concat, length, least, greatest, substring, std. deviation date format, add, sub, to/from unix timestamp getTableName generate name - index, fk enable/disable keys (indexing) selects by range insert/update/delete from select table checksum order rand for update primary key name decode binary create table from select drop trigger change autoincrement
- getModelName name or [name, suffix] + event
getResourceModel(convert_acme/flat) => resourceModel = global/models/convert_acme/resourceModel, getModel(resourceModel/flat) load:
- beforeLoad + events (2): generic, tailored (_eventPrefix, _getEventData, _eventObject)
- resource load
- afterLoad + events (2) generic, tailored
- set orig data, mark no changes save:
- delete if isDeleted
- check _hasModelChanged
- resource.begin transaction
- before save (can _dataSaveAllowed), set is new + events (2)
- resource save
- after save - cleanModelCache + events (2)
- resource commit
- afterCommitCallback + events (2)
- commit, rollback
- commit callbacks
- format date
- serialize/unserialize field
- get read/write adapter
- _prepareDataForTable -- keeps only data for columns that exist in table
- serializableFields, uniqueFields, ...
- getTable name or [name, suffix], name can be full model/entity or short entity (current model)
- getMainTable
- load:
- getLoadSelect, fetchRow, setData
- unserializeFields
- afterLoad
- save:
- delete if isDeleted
- serialize fields
- before save
- check unique
- detect mode update/insert (model getId() and optionally isObjectNew())
- have id, not new - normally update, but if no auto-increment decide insert/update using select id exists (explicit id)
- no id or is new - insert, set last insert id
- unserialize
- after save
: getReadAdapter()->select() = Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->select() = new Varien_Db_Select
connection instanceof Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract::select() - new Zend_Db_Select
eav/resource_entity_abstract - eav
core/resource_transaction: - order, invoice, creditmemo, shipment, quote submitOrder
- addObject, addObject, ... - models with getResource method
- addCommitCallbacksave, addCommitCallback, ...
- save - save[], callback, commit
- delete - delete[], callback, commit Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface: insertMultiple, insertArray (model->getResource() | Mage::getSingleton('core/resource'))->getConnection('default_write')
- ! add/get filter
- curPage, pageSize
- ! count - loaded items, getSize - all collection, get last page number count($collection) = load() + count(items) $collection->getSize() = smart COUNT() SQL
- get items/first/last/by id
- get column values/items by column
- add item, remove item by key
- get all ids
- load, load data, clear
- walk, each
- set data to all
- set order
- set item object class, get new empty item
- to xml/array/option array/option hash
- cache key/tags/lifetime
- distinct
- render filters/orders/limit
addFilter('name', 'Roman', 'and') # noop setOrder('position', 'asc')
- connection (Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract)
- select (Zend_Db_Select), get select sql,
- add bind param
- id field name
- init cache (external cacher) - prefix, hash select
- ! get cur page - loads collection! fixes out of bounds
- ! get select count sql - used by getSize
- order
- ! add field to filter
- fetch item
- get/reset data
- add filter to map
- print log query
addFilter('name', 'Roman', 'and') # select->where addFilter('name', 'Roman', 'or') # select->orWhere addFilter('', 'stores.id is not null', 'string') # value as is addFilter('name', ['eq' => 'Roman'], 'public')
addFieldToFilter('name', 'Roman') ! addFieldToFilter('name', ['eq' => 'Roman']) -- one of: eq, neq, like, nlike, in, nin, is, notnull, null, gt, lt, gteq, ... ! addFieldToFilter('name', [ -- nested OR ['eq' => 'Roman'], // OR ['null' => 'anyvalue'], ]) addFieldToFilter(['first_name', 'email', 'roman_friend'], ['Roman', '[email protected]', ['notnull' => 'anyvalue']]) # OR
see \Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql::prepareSqlCondition
- from,to
- one of: eq, neq, like, nlike, in, nin, is, notnull, null, gt, lt, gteq, lteq, finset, regexp, from, to, seq, sneq
- nested OR(queries[])
addOrder('position', 'asc') === setOrder unshiftOrder('position', 'asc')
- model, resource model
- main table, get table
- events (2 + 2)
only if _eventPrefix and _eventObject defined:{prefix}_load_before
- ! add/remove field/expression field to select
- ! join (table, cond, cols). join('some/table', 'a = b', '*'); join(['alias' => 'some/table'], 'a = b', ['alias' => 'col'])
- reset items data changed
- save -- each item[].save
- mage app cache -- initCache must be called to work
- initial fields to select (id)
addFieldToSelect('count(entity_id)', 'cnt') addExpressionFieldToSelect('cnt', 'COUNT({{entity_id}})', 'entity_id')
initCache --> _cacheConf:
- ['prefix'] -- influences cache id
- ['tags']
- ['object'] == _getCacheInstance getData:
- _renderFilters, _renderOrders, _renderLimit
- _prepareSelect -- stupid
- ! _fetchAll: -- try to load cache, if miss - load and save to cache
- _canUseCache -- enabled in admin AND
configured - _loadCache -- use _getSelectCacheId --
_cacheConf['prefix'] + md5(select)
- ...
- _saveCache -- tags =
'mage', 'collection_data' + _cacheConf[tags]
-- describe dependencies to refresh your collection, e.g. category model
- _canUseCache -- enabled in admin AND
- _afterLoadData
- addAttributeToSelect -- + joinType
- addAttributeToFilter
- addAttributeToSort
- addEntityTypeToSelect -- dummy?
- addStaticField
- addExpressionAttributeToSelect
- groupByAttribute
- joinAttribute
- joinField -- regular table
- joinTable
- save / delete
- importFromArray / exportToArray
- select batch insert, batch split, float fix
- debug, DQL cache, hostinfo, check DDL in transaction, query hook, FK_, delete/update/insert/create from select, dates
- Varien_DB_Adapter_Interface
- Varien_Db_Select
- dsn, exec
- connection, profiler, crud, select, quote.
- Zend_Db_Select
- delete/update/insert from select (adapter)
- order rand (adapter)
- exists
- reset left join
- distinct
- from('name', '*'), from(['alias' => 'table'], ['alias' => 'col'])
- union([select1, select2])
- join/joinInner, joinLeft, joinRight,
- joinFull = left + right, nulls missing
- joinCross = cartesian product, no condition
- joinNatural = same name in both columns, no condition
- where, orWhere
- group
- having, orHaving
- limit, limitPage
- getPart, reset(part)
- order
- query(mode, [bind])
resource model must provide entity type id ✔, id field ✔ attributes (source/backend/frontend model), system, user-defined
resource model, entity, is different - Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Abstract -> Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Abstract (✔)
- load, save, delete methods entity collection - Varien_Data_Collection -> Varien_Data_Collection_Db -> Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract (✔)
- join attribute tables setup class - Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup -> Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup (✔)
- add/update attribute
- modify attribute values
- set/get type
- get/add attribute
- unset attributes
- get attributes by code/id/table
- is attribute static
- entity table
- entity id field
- validate
- set new increment id
- check attribute unique value
- is partial save/load
- save attribute
- get default attributes
- add attribute to filter == add field to filter
- add/remove attribute to select
- add attribute to sort
- add entity type to select
- add static field
- add expression attribute to select
- group by attribute
- join attribute
- join field
- join table
- set page
- import from array/export to array
- get loaded ids
- clean
- remove
- load
- test
- ...
- load - single entry
- test - single entry
- save - single entry
- remove - single key
- clean - all/by tag
flush magento cache:
- flushSystem - by tag MAGE - added when saving anything in Magento
flush cache storage:
- flushAll -> all
_isAllowed - controllers, some blocks (custom check) Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action::preDispatch:
- check form key on post, secret key
- check _isAllowed
- set default session locale event adminhtml:controller_action_predispatch -> admin/observer::actionPreDispatchAdmin:
- check open actions
- handle post login -> admin/session::login -> admin/user::login -> admin/resource_acl::loadAcl -> redirect on success
- redirect to adminhtml/index/login otherwise
admin/resource_acl::loadAcl acl = admin/acl == Zend_Acl
- admin/config::loadAclResources into admin/acl resources -> read all adminhtml, add recursively all children, prepending parent/ path, completes each resource with children Zend_Acl::add('all', parent=null)
- load roles from admin_role -> into admin/acl roles
- load rules! e.g. acl->_rules->byResourceId->[admin/system/config/sales]->byRoleId->[G31]->allPrivileges->type=DENY
admin/resource_acl -> have resources loaded from config, load roles from db, load rules from db
admin_role - union (roles - parent_id=0, user_id=0; assigned users - parent_id=role, user_id=user) admin_rule join admin_assert - role-access to each resource (allow/deny)
layouts: main.xml, report.xml, catalog.xml, customer.xml, promo.xml
...- buttons (adminhtml/widget_button), area (footer)
- header text
- event
- template widget/grid/container.phtml [header][buttons] // [grid]
- add button (createUrl), back button
- 'grid' auto child
- header css class, header width
- id
- current url
- creates button html
- global icon
- data properties: sortable, var_name_filter, grid_header, use_ajax, additional_javascript, collapsed, js: row_click_callback, checkbox_check_callback, row_init_callback
- _extensible properties: {headers,filter,pager}Visibility, countTotals, countSubTotals, {varName,default}{Limit,Page,Sort,Dir,Filter}, massActionIdField (id, query_id)
- extensibleMethods: addColumn, addExportType (url,label), addRssList (url,label), setTotals
- multipleRows: row item->children
- template widget/grid.phtml
- columns
- limit, page, sort, dir, dir
- totals, subtotals, rss
- export types: csv, xml, excel
- main buttons: reset filter, search
- prepare mass action
- collection
- ajax
- grid header (concrete)
- jsObjectName: {id}JsObject = varienGrid
- filter: prepareCollection: prepare pager, set order, set filter values
- use_select_all, use_ajax, error_text, form_field_name
- addItem: items-actions (label, url, selected, additional, confirm), additional action block (create block by name or from config form-like) -- set new status, assign to customer group
- get javascript: {jsObjectName} = new varienGridMassaction
- selected json: params(internal_massaction)=1,2,3,..., items, gridIds, useAjax,
- data properties: type, header, index, renderer, filter, width, align, html_decorators (nobr), frame_callback, editable, sortable, dir, css_class, header_html_property, totals_label, filter_index, filter_condition_callback
- get renderer - class or by type adminhtml/widget_grid_column_renderer_* by type (text, date, datetime, ...)
- get filter - false, class or by type
- column filter or by type adminhtml/widget_grid_column_filter_*
- css: align, column class, editable
- get row field + decorators, frame callback?
- get row export field
- column getter
- render header
- render + column editable input
- render export
- render property (width etc.)
- render header
- get condition - for select by current value --> collection.addFieldToFilter(column, condition)
- _toHtml
- get escaped value
- template widget/form/container.phtml
- 'form' auto child
- data: form_action_url
- prop: _formInitScripts, _formScripts, _objectId (id, sitemap_id) for delete button and url
- buttons header, footer: back, reset, delete, save
- form action url
- template widget/form.phtml [form_html][form_after]
- data: dest_element_id, show_global_icon
- element types
- Form.set{Element,Fieldset,FieldsetElement}Renderer
- set fieldset (attributes, to fieldset) - to mass add dynamic eav attributes (customer, category)
- extensions:
- prepare form, set form
- init form values
- get additional element types
- get additional element html
- data: attribute_code, is_visible
- source: all options
- frontend: input type, input renderer class, label, class
- set readonly
- add type (type, class name)
- add field (id, type, config, after) - creates from types by name
- add fieldset
- add column?
- add element - simply adds instance
- toHtml
elements: date, label, reset, textarea, multiselect, submit, radios, select, radio, multiline, text, checkbox, checkboxes, note, file, link, image, imagefile, hidden, button, password, column, gallery, time
- get sections
- get tabs
- loads modules' system.xml
- apply extends
- event
- system.xml/sections, system.xml/tabs
- acl: system/config/{section}
- default - first allowed section
<frontend_type> - form field types + registered with fieldset in adminhtml system_config_form:: _getAdditionalElementTypes:
- export
- import
- allowspecific
- image
- file
blocks: left - adminhtml/system_config_tabs content - adminhtml/system_config_edit .form - adminhtml/system_config_form
virtual downloadable = virtual + link simple = virtual + weight grouped = add 3 products with 1 click. No variations, separate options, no total qty, no group price, no sku control, separate items in cart bundle = add 1 composite product, consisting of many selected variations. options independent. sku dynamic/fixed, weight dynamic/fixed, price dynamic/fixed. each qty x total qty configurable = add 1 composite product, consisting of 1 selected variation. all options are connected
custom product - create? index? store custom data? existing:
- calculation?
- parent-child?
- shared tables and specific?
model/product.getTypeInstance (singleton|ornot).model/product_type.factory
MyModule Custom Product Type mymodule/product_type_mytype mymodule/product_type_mytype_price 1 1 1 0 mymodule/catalog_product_price_mytype mymodule/catalogindex_data_mytype- type instance.isSalable
- enabled and data(is_salable) <-- by inventory>
- not composite. why?
- product.isAvailable = above + ability to skip in admin when create/edit order?
- product.isSalable = above + 2
- product.getIsSalable -- stupid, doesn't check enabled
- type instance.getIsSalable
- data(is_salable) <-- by inventory>
- fallback above
-- sturdy data: .type_id = 'mytype' .has_options = 1 -- flimsy data: .category_id (product.setCategoryId(something); product.getCategory() -- loads as defined) .category_ids .website_ids .store_ids .has_options .product_options .type_has_options .required_options (bool) .cart_qty .parent_product_id .stick_within_parent .options_validation_fail events:
is super
-factory - product_type -price factory
.setConfig(from_file) .setProduct() - not always! only if not singleton .beforeSave() .save() -- after save .getSetAttributes() .isSalable() .isComposite() via _isComposite .hasOptions() .hasRequiredOptions() .canConfigure() via _canConfigure .canUseQtyDecimals() via config .getSku() .getWeight() .isVirtual() .processBuyRequest() -- convert buyRequest back to options to configure!
- when configure .checkProductConfiguration() -- return errors when configuring added product. not to extend
- when configure .assignProductToOption()
- quote_item_collection._afterLoad > _assignProducts > process each item option[] ._prepareProduct() -- buy request
- prepareForCartAdvanced -- return cart candidates .checkProductBuyState() -- check product has all required options. read product.getCustomOption, @throws
- quote_item.checkData() -- checks if product in cart is healthy .getProductsToPurchaseByReqGroups
- cataloginventory/stock_item.getStockQty .getOrderOptions() .getSearchableData() - delegate to product_option by default .getRelationInfo() - [table, parent_field_name, child_field_name, where] - used in:
- fulltext search to get attributes of product+children
- product flat indexer - insert children into flat .getChildrenIds()
- stock per website, when changing parent inventory to IN_STOCK, at least one child must be IN_STOCK, or will not set
- when apply catalog rule, mark active quotes with children => trigger_recollect=1 .getParentIdsByChild()
- indexer
- inventory stock change
checkout_cart_configure helper catalog/product_view.prepareAndRender -- pass buyRequests helper catalog/product.prepareProductOptions: - product.processBuyRequest - type.processBuyRequest -- add specific options to buy request - type.checkProductConfiguration - type.prepareForCart -> prepareForCartAdvanced - _prepareProduct - product.setPreconfiguredValues (some options, qty)
- from type.processBuyRequest -- convert buyRequest back to options!
- get price
- get base price -- min: group price, tier price, special price
- get final price = base price + event 'catalog_product_get_final_price' + options prices -- regular price on product view + price of added product accounting for qty
- unleass there's shortcut -- product.setCalculatedProductPrice() by
- calculatePrice -- unused?
- get child final price -- only for bundle
- total: address subtotal
- _get group price -- price by customer group
- _get tier price -- price by qty
- calculate price
- catalogindex/data_abstract.getFinalPrice() - special price (from-to) vs catalogrule price
- _calculate special price
- addStoreFilter
- addWebsiteFilter
- addCategoryFilter
- setVisibility
- addPriceDataFieldFilter (%s < %s, [final_price, price])
- get price fixed -> as defined -- product.getPriceType = Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Abstract::CALCULATE_PARENT dynamic - 0 -- product.getPriceType = Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Abstract::CALCULATE_CHILD
- get final price base + options + selections
- get final price - same + selection extra
is_delete is_require .saveOptions()
- set option, set product
- validateUserValue(buy_options) -- check required, max chars, dropdown single selection, file max width/height, parse date
- prepareForCart -- format selection for storing: concatenated ids for dropdown, format date
product_option_value: (e.g. pepper, mustard, ketchup)
- qty
- product -- child for configurable
- related_products
- super_product_config[product_id] -- parent
- super_product_config[product_type]
- bundle: []super_group_{id} -- qty, show only if item salable
- options
- reset_count, id
- info_buyRequest - serialized
- product_type (of parent + parent product id)
- option_ids -- keys of product_type._prepareOptions
- option_{id} = {value} -- values of product_type._prepareOptions
- product_qty_{product_id}
- attributes = serialize attributes
- product_qty_{simple_id} = 1
- simple_product = object
- option_ids, {ids,ids,..}
- option_{id}, {value}, option_{id}, {value}, ...
- option_{id}, {value}, option_{id}, {value}, ... -- copy product options from parent to simple
- parent_product_id = {parent_id}
- bundle_option_id
- bundle_selection_ids
- bundle_option_ids
- bundle_selection_attributes
- bundle_identity
- can configure, is saleable --> add to cart btn/view details/out of stock
- has required options --> build link to product
- hasOptions - options price jsonConfig
- getSetAttributes - show additional data (visible on front)
- is salable - display availability, show buy btn
- is salable and has options - display product options
- is composite - cataloginventory.getStockQty - as is or sum
- getProductsToPurchaseByReqGroups - cataloginventory.getStockQty - only for composite
quote.addProductAdvanced() -- full process mode; create quote_items, add qty
type.prepareForCartAdvanced() = type._prepareProduct()
type._prepareOptions () -- return options [option_id] = option
event sales_quote_product_add_after
event checkout_cart_product_add_after
collect totals, collect rates
event checkout_cart_add_product_complete
- last added product id
- quote id
- cart was updated
- no cart redirect
-links_purchased_separately -> has options, has required options, link selection required when prepare product -price model.get final price: base price + . + options
- downloadable/link
- downloadable/sample
- downloadable/file
- is_downloadable = true
- real_product_type = downloadable
- price model.get final price
- composite
- associated products
- product form:
- []super_group_{id} -- qty, show only if item salable
- custom options:
- attributes
- configurable attributes (table product_super_attribute_id)
- custom options:
- bundle_selection_ids
- selection_qty_{selection_id}
- entity_id, website_id, customer_group_id, tax_class_id --- base prices w/o options
- price - as entered in admin
- final_price - as a group member, my base price is this --- display in catalog grid --- if I buy just a bit, I get my group price + options
- group_price - (price,final_price) + min options --- optional
- min_price - (price,final_price) + min options
- max_price - (price,final_price) + max options --- if I'll buy a lot, I'll get tier_price
- tier_price - best I can get + min options --- optional
getProductAttributes = getAttributesUsedInProductListing = resource.getAttributesUsedInListing:
- crosssell
resource catalog/product_indexer_price.getTypeIndexers catalog/product_type.getTypesByPriority indexer:
set type id
set is compisite
cataloginventory_stock cataloginventory/indexer_stock ┠catalog_product_attribute catalog/product_indexer_eav ┗catalog_product_price catalog/product_indexer_price catalog_url catalog/indexer_url catalog_category_product catalog/category_indexer_product catalogsearch_fulltext catalogsearch/indexer_fulltext
1 column: mode manual and missed auto update event 2 column: has lost index events
- logEvent - create index_event, process[].register,matchEvent -> indexer.register,matchEvent,_registerEvent e.g. before delete store, stock item after save, before delete eav attribute
- processEntityAction - logEvent + 2 events + indexEvent (process[].safeProcessEvent,matchEvent,processEvent,matchEvent -> indexer.processEvent,matchEvent,_processEvent)
- indexEvents - process unprocessed. 2 events + process[].indexEvents, indexer.matchEntityAndType, process._processEventsCollection,processEvent -> indexer.processEvent,matchEvent,_processEvent i.e. process existing unprocessed row events collection
processEntityAction - log + register + process, full suite logEvent - only insert, no register/process indexEvents - only process new, created by log, e.g. recursively created events after indexes worked once. call at the end
- _registerEvent - write data to event object
- _processEvent - do actual work, delegate to resource
global: end_index_events_* - index/indexer.indexEvents end_process_event_* adminhtml: after_reindex_process_*
(index/indexer)->logEvent(entity, entityType = 'catalog_product', eventType = 'delete') save row in index_event registerEvent index/index -> []indexer(price,url,tags,...).register abstract_indexer[].register matchEvent, _registerEvent... PriceProcessIndexer.register matchEvent _registerEvent -- specific to price process indexer write some generic metadata to event object productTypePriceIndexer[].registerEvent()
(index/indexer)->processEntityAction(entity, entityType = 'catalog_product', eventType = 'save') every matched indexers - register: addProcessId(), addNewData(). each process_id => insert index_process_event, status every matched indexers - safeProcessEvent: lock file var/index_process_{$id}.lock processEvent
process: index/process (index_process) - index management page - indexer_code, status, mode, started at, ended at process.getIndexer(indexer_code)
<model></model> <!-- Mage_Index_Model_Indexer_Abstract -->
- name, description, is visible
- _matchedEntities [entity, actions[]]
- reindexAll -> resource.reindexAll
- register
- registerEvent
priceIndexer._registerEvent - change process status or write some ids, let product type price indexers take part (mostly useless) priceIndexer._processEvent - reindexProductIds() or reindexAll() or callEventHandler() # TODO - research product_type_price_indexers role here
catalog/product_indexer_price mymodule/proPimcore duct_indexer_pricemodel catalog/product_indexer_price -> resource catalog/product_indexer_price _registerEvent: write some data to event depending on changes:
- product_type_id={id}, reindex_price=1 -- if (options|website|relations|prices) changed
- reindex_price_parent_ids -- if deleted a product and parents found in
- reindex_price_product_ids={mass_ids}
- id
- catalog_product_price_reindex_all=true
for each product type, product_type_<price_indexer>.registerEvent --- each type indexer add own metadata. why call all?
- save product? catalog_product_save_commit_after -> catalogrule observer applyAllRulesToProduct -> processEntityAction(product, reindex_price) resource.reindexAll
- import products: convert_adapter_product.finish -> processEntityAction(import, save)
dynamic resource.{entity}_{type}() or resource.{type}
catalogProductSave() -- if (options|website|relations|prices) changed
! productTypeIndexer.reindexEntity(product_id) -- parent and all children
in multiple steps move toproduct_price_indexer_(idx|tmp)
copy index data by product_id to main tableproduct_index_price
catalogProductDelete() -- if deleted a product and parents found incatalog/product_relation
! productTypeIndexer.reindexEntity(parents_ids) catalogProductMassAction() if affected > 30% of all products, reindex all -> type_indexer[].reindexAll else type_indexer[].reindexEntity(ids)
- registerEvent -- for logEvent and processEntityAction
- reindexEntity(ids) -- one or multiple
- reindexAll
model catalog/product_indexer_flat -> singleton catalog/product_flat_indexer -> resource catalog/product_flat_indexer on product save, mass action on eav attribute save, delete on store save, delete on store group save on import products
eav attributes shown in flat category:
- system attributes:
- hardcoded - 'status', 'required_options', 'tax_class_id', 'weight'
- from **(
) =>frontend/product/collection/attributes
: -- why reference node path in other node???? <url_key/> <special_price/> <special_from_date/> <special_to_date/> <short_description/> <small_image/> <image_label/> <thumbnail_label/> <small_image_label/> <tax_class_id/> <news_from_date/> <news_to_date/> <created_at/> <updated_at/>
by default DISABLED inglobal/catalog/product/flat/add_filterable_attributes
- updateStaticAttributes
- getAllAttributes -- backend_type == 'static'
- updateEavAttributes:
- getAllAttributes -- backend_type <> 'static'
- updateAttribute
- isAvailable - enabled and indexer not running and no lock file
- isBuilt - table not empty
getTreeModel, getTreeModelInstance
move - 2 events before, 2 events after, event
, indexer.processEntityAction, clean cache by tagcatalog_category_tree_move_before
getPathIds, getUrlPath, getLevel
getParentId, getParentIds
getParentDesignCategory - Category
getAllChildren - = by default joined ids ("2,3,4...") + parent id, recursive, only active
getChildren - joined ids ("2,3,4..."), only immediate, only active
hasChildren - recursive, only active
getAnchorsAbove - array of ids - parents that are anchor
getProductCount - only directly assigned, all
getCategories - tree|collection|Category[]. recursive, only active, only include_in_menu, rewrites joined
getParentCategories - Category[], only active
getChildrenCategories - collection|Category[], only active, only immediate, include_in_menu*
getChildrenCategoriesWithInactive - collection|Category[], all immediate, include_in_menu*
count($collection) = load() + count(items) $collection->getSize() = smart COUNT() SQL count($array) count(tree) = count(nodes) -- immediate or recursive?
- checkId
- getAllChildren - array of ids+my id
- getChildren* - array of ids, by default recursive, only active
- getChildrenAmount - by default only active (or only inactive), recursive
- getCategories* - tree|collection|array
- getParentCategories*
- getChildrenCategories
- getParentDesignCategory
- getChildrenCategoriesWithInactive*
- changeParent
- findWhereAttributeIs
- getChildren* - only active, by default recusive
- getChildrenCategoriesWithInactive* - returns Category collection
- getCategories* - by default node_tree (or collection) + parent id, recursive, by default (active+include_in_menu), by default with rewrites. node tree|collection
- Varien_Data_Tree > Varien_Data_Tree_Dbp > resource catalog/category_tree
- Varien_Data_Tree_Node_Collection - actual node storage
- Varien_Data_Tree_Node - holds tree, parent and children collection
- - attributes to load
- getChildrenCategories* - collection, only immediate, only active, with rewrites
- verifyIds
- getAnchorsAbove
- getChildren* - by default active, by default recusive
- getChildrenCategoriesWithInactive* - returns Category[]
- getCategories* - resursive, by default active, only include_in_menu, rewrites always joined. array|collection
- categories can be excluded by event 'catalog_category_tree_init_inactive_category_ids'
- attributes can be added to select in event 'catalog_category_flat_loadnodes_before'
- getChildrenCategories* - Category[], only immediate, only active, only include_in_menu, with rewrites
invalidate cache -- by default block_html, can add more in <related_cache_types>, e.g. amasty collections data
model.applyAll - full rework, recreate matching products, reindex rule prices, reindex all prices, clear cache resource.applyAllRules - only reindex rule prices
- product_type_indexer.prepareFinalPrice "prepare_catalog_product_price_index_table"
- alter configurable price "catalog_product_type_configurable_price"
- before save product - mark which rules is already matched. why?
- after save product - model.applyAllRulesToProduct -- add/delete to matched, reindex
- resource.applyToProduct
- resource.applyAllRules
- invalidateCache
- product import before finish - add/delete to matched, only imported
- product import after - resource.applyAllRules - reindex all catalogrule prices
- after delete catalog attribute - remove from conditions, model.applyAll if found (full rework)
- after saving attribute, uncheckign 'use in promo rules' - remove from conditions, model.applyAll if found (full rework)
- catalogrule_product -- matched products to rules, used for indexing prices
- catalogrule_product_price -- joined when indexing final price ? catalogrule_group_website
- for every rule, call resource.updateRuleProductData(rule) -- update matched products
- clean all matched products by rule
- for each store, insert matched products by conditions
- resource.applyAllRules() -- reindex catalogrule prices for date period
- invalidateCache
- price indexer.reindexAll -- our event listener will join catalogrule prices table
ancestor for:
- catalogrule
- salesrule
- enterprise targetrule
- enterprise reminder
- enterprise customersegment methods:
- {get,set}Conditions
- {get,set}Actions
- getConditionsInstance
- getActionsInstance
- loadPost
- validate
- vaildateData
- getProductFlatSelect - product flat select + catalog_product + conditions SQL
product save/delete/massaction attribute save import products
only indexable attributes:
- filterable (layer), filterable in search (layer), visible in advanced search
- only select (int,select)/multiselect (varchar,multiselect)/decimal types, but not price
catalog_product_index_eav --- product-attribute-value_id. when filtering by manufacturer, filter products where attribute = manufactuerer and value = requested catalog_product_index_eav_decimal
eav_attribute_option (dropdown ordered ids by attribute) eav_attribute_option_value (dropdown text values) catalog_product_eav_indexer_(idx|tmp)
layer attribute.applyFilterToCollection -- join catalog_product_index_eav same for decimal
tax class (product/customer) tax_caltulation_rule - nothing interesting tax_calculation_rate - tax_calculation -- rate, rule, customer tax, product tax
so, I know customer class (by customer group) and product class, I only to choose rule and rate. rules are mostly dumb, so rate decides! rate - location and rate!
tax can be based on: billing/shipping/origin/default country,region,postcode
- Billing
- Shipping
- Origin (Shipping settings - Origin - Country,Region,Postcode)
- Default (Tax - Default Tax Destination Calculation - Country,Region,Postcode) -- cannot be explicitly chose, fallback when address not available and customer default emtpy
- select matching filtering by customer class, product class and location
- {value, process}
- rate value = complex percent of all matched (unless 'calculate_subtotal' flag) --> product.tax_percent
- calculation process = array of logged calculation steps --> product.applied_rates
cataloginvetonry_stock - dummy 1 cataloginventory_stock_item - workhorse, contents of inventory tab on product edit cataloginventory_stock_status - index table, product-website-qty-status. resource indexer.reindexEntity() cataloginventory_stock_status_indexer_idx - index table, same. resource indexer.reindexAll(). same as above. why?
influence catalog listing, product view page? decrement?
product block.displayProductStockStatus() - event catalog_block_product_status_display
- from global system config
if not manage stock, always is in stock
is_in_stock - what admin entered stock_status = is_in_stock = is salable
- assign product.stock_item, product.is_in_stock
- stock_status.assignProduct
- resource stock_status.getProductStatus
- product.is_salable = read cataloginventory_stock_status.stock_status. why not just stock_item.is_in_stock?
stock_status.addStockStatusToProducts ! product.stock_item may be mocked = Object.is_in_stock = is_salable = stock_status
- check is_in_stock (and parent if exists), add validation error to quote and item
- check all options qty (e.g. configurable, bundle), stock_item.checkQtyIncrements, validate qty increments, add error to quote and item
- check min sale qty by customer group
- check max qty
- check backorders
- subtractQuoteInventory (once)
- check qty or throw error
- substract qty (unless disabled in config)
- revert quote inventory
- reindexQuoteInventory
- affected stock
- affected price
- subtractQuoteInventory (once)
- check qty or throw error
- substract qty (unless disabled in config)
- reindexQuoteInventory
- affected stock
- affected price
- add qty to stock
- set is_in_stock (if config enabled)
- if config auto_return_refund, add qty back to items
- updateSetOutOfStock
- updateSetInStock
- updateLowStockDate
/checkout/cart/add cart model.add to cart (request) quote.prepare add to cart advanced protuct type.prepare add to cart advanced - add custom options
- /add
- params: qty, product, related_product, super_product_config
- cart.add product
- check min sale qty
- quote.addProduct = quote.addProductAdvanced
- event
- cart.add product by ids (related)
- quote.addProduct
- event
- /addgroup -- reorder from sidebar "Last Ordered Items" -- from last order, up to 5 random (hardcoded)
- /delete
- /configure
- /updateItemOptions
- /updatePost
- /estimatePost
- /estimateUpdatePost
- /couponPost
- /ajaxDelete
- /ajaxUpdate
- init - remove paymens, addresses, (and rates if empty)
- get items -> quote items collection
- get quote product ids -> quote items -> []product_id (including children)
- get product ids - same?
- add order item - add product from order item (reorder)
- add product
- check min sale qty
- quote.addProduct = quote.addProductAdvanced
- add product by ids -- add related in addition to main
- quote.addProduct
- suggest items qty - when calling 'update_qty' -- quote_item.suggestQty. fixes min/max/increments
- update items + events before/after
- update item -> quote.updateItem
- remove item -> quote.removeItem
- save,saveQuote + events before/after -- save addresses, collect shipping rates and totals
- truncate -> quote.removeAllItems()
- get summary qty -- depending on config checkout/cart_link/use_qty
- "Display item quantities" -> get items qty
- "Display number of items in cart" -> get items count
- get items count -> quote.getItemsCount
- get items qty -> quote.getItemsQty
- checkout method -- guest/register
- get items count, get items qty
- update item
- remove item
- add product = add product advanced
- product type instance! .prepareForCartAdvanced -- can return error as string. return products with qty, cart_qty (optional) and custom options (buy request, selected options, parent link)
- _prepareProduct -- return all products to be added, e.g. many for bundle, grouped, parent and child for configurable. Hook here for extra logic
- _prepareOptions -- can return error as string, [option_id] = "option specific value", e.g. date timestamp, text comment etc, ids for dropdown
- check and save parent when super_product given (e.g. configurable)
- wrap product custom options
- store options in product.customOptions
- process file queue -- added by _prepareOptions > option_type_file.prepareForCart > addFileQueue
- _prepareProduct -- return all products to be added, e.g. many for bundle, grouped, parent and child for configurable. Hook here for extra logic
- for each candidate:
- quote._addCatalogProduct -- find or create quote_item for product, move product.custom_options > quote_item.custom_options.
event - quote_item.addQty (product.cart_qty)
- event
- quote._addCatalogProduct -- find or create quote_item for product, move product.custom_options > quote_item.custom_options.
- product type instance! .prepareForCartAdvanced -- can return error as string. return products with qty, cart_qty (optional) and custom options (buy request, selected options, parent link)
- []address.collect totals
- getTotals -- only assigned when total[].fetch via address.addTotal
- billing address.getTotals if virtual (retrievers order)
- shipping address.getTotals
- add/merge all addresses.getTotals
- sort again
! quote.trigger_recollect - schedule collectTotals and save on next load
- events
- clear {base,}{subtotal,subtotal_with_discount,grand_total}
- process addresses[]
- clear {base,}{subtotal,grand_total}
- address.collectTotals
- quote.{base,}{subtotal,subtotal_with_discount,grand_total} += address.value
- validate grand_total not ∞
- calculate items_count, items_qty
- validate coupon_code -- must exist in address as well
set{base,}TotalAmount(code) -- 1) sets values on address 2) summed by grand_total
get{base,}TotalAmount(code) -- for reading by other totals
getAll{base,}TotalAmounts -- used by grand total to assign and display grand_total
getTotals -- beware! non-caching
addTotal(data) -- array wrapped into sales/quote_address_total and assigned address
- events
- total collector[].collect(address)
collect, fetch cached in config cache
collectors: one,two... one,two... block/here <sort_order>0</sort_order> <nominal_totals> </nominal_totals> <order_invoice> </order_invoice>
retrievers (optional, without sort goes last): <totals_sort> 10
nominal (tricky) | + subtotal subtotal | + discount freeshipping | + shipping giftwrapping | + tax <taxes*> (if config tax/cart_display/grandtotal) tax_subtotal | weee msrp | + reward weee | + giftcardaccount shipping | + customerbalance tax shipping | + grand_total
discount | + nominal tax | msrp tax_giftwrapping | freeshipping grand total | tax_subtotal reward | tax_shipping giftcardaccount | + giftwrapping customerbalance | + tax_giftwrappingcollect --- strings all nominal totals.collect each nominal_total.collect fetch: if address has nominal items, just add 1 total with them
recurring_initial_fee recurring_trial_payment nominal_shipping nominal_discount nominal_tax_subtotal nominal_tax
properties to extend:
- _canSetAddressAmount -- can disable _setAmount (=address.setTotalAmount). disabled in nominal-shipping
- _canAddAmountToAddress -- can disable _addAmount. disabled in all nominal-*.
- _itemRowTotalKey interface:
- processConfigArray(config) -- can change sort order
- collect:
- address.setTotalAmount(code, amount) -- 1) assigns value - address.{code_amount} = amount 2) address._totalAmounts.{code} = amount
- address.addTotalAmount(code, amount)
- _setAmount = address.setTotalAmount if allowed
- _addAmount = address.addTotalAmount if allowed ...
- fetch:
- custom logic...
- address.addTotal(code, as, title, value, area) -- area = -1 -- include everywhere? -- as lets user total renderer of other guys
by checkout/cart_sidebar, checkout/cart_totals
- renderTotals
- []renderTotal(total)
- get total renderer:
- block {code}_total_renderer if present
- 'renderer' from total config
- checkout/total_default
- assign totals -- all totals
- assign (total, colspan, renderingArea) -- specific total
salesrule - workhorse, grid + basic params + actions + conditions salesrule_label - translations for stores salesrule_customer_group -- assign groups, has-many salesrule_website -- assign websites, has-many salesrule_coupon -- type (0-auto, 1-specific-auto generated and manual), expiration (not applicable when coupon type=no coupon) salesrule.coupon-type = specific, use_auto_generation, salesrule_coupon.type = 1 salesrule.coupon-type = specific, no generation , salesrule_coupon.type = 0 salesrule.coupon-type = auto, -------------------, salesrule_coupon.type = 0 coupon_aggregated coupon_aggregated_order -- by orders.created at coupon_aggregated_updated -- by orders.updated at
! sales totals discount -- not used salesRule totals discount - salesrule/quote_discount
salesrule_coupon_usage -- coupon usage by customer
salesrule_customer -- rule usage per customer
salesrule_product_attribute -- attributes used in actions/conditions
-- selected by quote_item collection after load -> assign products -> add to select (used in promo)
in 'sales/quote_config'->getProductAttributes
! {quote_item,address,quote}.applied rule ids
- by_percent -- per item
- by_fixed -- per item
- cart_fixed -- quote.subtotal
- buy_x_get_y
-- start processing from parent items -- address: discount description, shipping discount amount, discount amount -- quote_item: discount amount, discount percent
- set discount_amount 0
- calculator.init -- load all sales rules matching website-customergroup-quotecoupon
- calculator.initTotals -- for future items calculation by rules of action cart_fixed
- process rules with action = cart_fixed
- if can process rule -- conditions and coupon ok
- check each quote_item[] -- rule.actions.validate
- store total matched price and count in _rulesItemTotals
- if can process rule -- conditions and coupon ok
- process rules with action = cart_fixed
- !extension chance - quote item.no_discount
- for parent and each child item[]
- event
- ! calculator.process
- aggregate item discount -- negative address.discount amount -= item.discount amount
- event
- process weee discount (if enabled in weee config)
- ! calculator.process shipping amount
- negative address.discount amount -= address.shipping discount amount
- if coupon applicable, load coupon, check coupon.usage limit, coupon.usage per customer usage per coupon/customer (coupon_usage)
- check rule.uses per customer (rule_customer)
- rule.conditions.validate(address)
for each rule (until stop processing met):
- if can process rule -- coupon and global conditions are ok
- if rule.actions.validate(quote item)
- work ... depending on simple action ... item.discount percent, {base,}discount_amount
- event
! {quote_item,address,quote}.applied rule ids
add total {discount amount, discount description}
- calculator.init
- calculator.processFreeShipping (quote_item)
- for each rule:
- if can process rule -- coupon, conditions ok
- if rule.actions.validate(quote_item)
- if simple free shipping
- per item -- quote_item.free shipping = "Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To" ?: true
- whole address -- address.free shipping = true
- stop rule processing if set
- for each rule:
after place order:
- rule.times_used++
- rule_customer.times_used++
- coupon_usage.times_used++
- add used attributes from table
convert quote to order:
- set order.coupon_rule_name
after delete attribute in admin:
- if attribute was used in promo, remove it from used rules
after unchecking 'used in promo':
- remove from rules
aggregate rules for previous day:
- createdat -- {day,store,order status,coupon_code, .... other boring stats .... }
- updatedat
global/payment/cc/types/{type}/code,name,order global/payment/groups
Recurring profiles (magento) - recurring payment. e.g. magazine subscription, phpstorm subscription :)
- only Paypal express
- show as nominal items
- order not created ---- how to manage?????????????????????
- purchased separately from other items
- not added to totals
- nominal grand total
- shipping only fixed, rate and free (methods with carrier._isFixed = true)
- method instance must implement Mage_Payment_Model_Recurring_Profile_MethodInterface
billing agreements
remember my payment, e.g. save credit cart on AliExpress
shown as separate method
manage on custom account page
charged directly via API without interaction
onepage.saveShipping: addressForm = customer/form customer/form:
- form_code
- entity_type
- is_ajax_request
- prepareRequest(POST) - clone request, clear and reassign only POST
- getAttributes:
collection '{module}/form_attribute_collection'
- all attributes from customer_form_attribute
- by entity_type, form_code, but resource is customer/form_attribute
quote.checkout_method = Mage_Checkout_Model_Type_Onepage::METHOD_REGISTER quote.password_hash
-- show billing address + select shipping: same/different onepage.saveCheckoutMethod:
- quote.setCheckoutMethod -- register/guest
- selected existing customer address:
- billing[address_id]
- billing[...] other fields sent anyway! copied from default customer billing address
- selected new billing address:
- billing[address_id] still selected. wtf? not used?
- billing[...]
... create account - quote: guest:
- customer_email
- customer_is_guest
- customer_group_id register:
- quote.getCustomer - new customer
- quote.setCustomerId(true) - will be picked up in service_quote.submitOrder, if(customer) transaction.addObject(customer)
- customer.addAddress(billing.exportCustomerAddress)
- customer.addAddress(shipping.exportCustomerAddress)
- shipping.customerAddress = ... sames as ? ...
- password, password hash
- quote.setCustomer after submit quote -send email customer:
- {billing,shippingn}: new address or save in address book? customer.addAddress(quote address.exportCustomerAddress)
- .... is default {billing,shipping}
- quote.setCustomer
get payment html -> handle checkout_onepage_paymentmethod
- event
-- save specific params from shipping step, e.g. giftmessage, giftwrapping - return block
in _prepareLayout create form blocks for each method and set a child payment.method.{code} helper payment.getMethodFormBlock(method) create block _formBlockType block payment/form.setMethod
in template foreach block payment/form_container.getMethods
- helper payment.getStoreMethods -- return all, filter isAvailable
- config.active
- event
- method.isApplicableToQuote -- check country, currency, min-max, zero total
- helper payment.getStoreMethods -- return all, filter isAvailable
print method title
- form_block.method_title if present
- else config.title
print method form - render form_block
- can change template from layout: ....... ... fill in form fields unser name payment[], submit to checkout/onepage/savePayment
- address.set payment method -- not saved in DB?
- quote.payment.importData -- quote.payment == just container class, holds specific method_instance
- event
-- modify POST fields from method -- import specific values - quote.collectTotals
- !method.assignData -- write needed data from POST to quote.payment fields
- !method.validate -- by default check canUseForCountry - billing country. @throws
- quote payment._beforeSave: !method.prepareSave
- event
- quote.save -- saves payment info as well ! redirect opportunity ! quote.payment.getCheckoutRedirectUrl -> method.getCheckoutRedirectUrl
payment data in POST again quote_payment.importData again onepage.saveOrder:
- prepare quote depending on mode
- guest: quote.customer_email (from billing.email), customer_is_guest=1, customer_group_id=0, customer_id=0
- register: ... quote.password_hash (not erased?!), customer_id
- customer ...
- !service_quote.submitAll
- involve new customer if registration (send confirmation/success email, auto login)
- {+} checkout_session:
- lastQuoteId
- lastSuccessQuoteId
- {-} checkout_session.clearHelperData:
- last billing agreement id
- redirect_url
- last order id
- last real order id
- last recurring profile ids
- additional messages
- event
- queue new order email (unless ...)
- {+} checkout_session:
- last order id
- ! redirect_url -- method.getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl
- last real order id (increment)
- last billing agreement id*
- last recurring profile ids*
- event
! redirect to checkout_session.redirect_url (optional)
submit nominal items:
- validate addresses, each recurring item[].submit and delete submit order:
- quote._validate -- addresses, shipping and payment method
- {shipping, billing} address._validate
- basic check - firstname, lastname, street, city, telephone postcode (unless optional), country_id, region_id (if required)
- event
- should_ignore_validation implicit data flag
- shipping_method and rates must be selected
- quote_payment.method must be selected
- {shipping, billing} address._validate
- quote.reserve order id
- order = addressToOrder -- shipping (unless virtual)
- toOrder
- new order
- use reserved increment, assign customer
- copy fieldset quote -> order
- event
- copy fieldset address -> order
- event
- toOrder
- new order.{billing,shipping} address -> convert
fieldset + event
- new order.payment -> convert quote_payment
fieldset + event
- assign any order data from _orderData --- by adminhtml when creating order - link to previous order
- order items -> convert
fieldset + event
- event
-- not necessarily onepage though? - event
- transaction.save
- customer
- quote
- order
- !order.place
- order.save -- join store_name, new increment_id if not reserved, total_item_count, protect_code
- inactivate quote
- event
- event
- event
- order_payment.place
- event
- payment.{amount_ordered, shipping_amount}
- method.set store
- !method.validate -- by default check country
- default order {STATE_NEW, STATUS from config or default assigned in admin} --- bad, not used in sales reports. should set somewhere
- !method.getConfigPaymentAction: -- by default config.payment_action, can process
- no action - leave {STATE_NEW, STATUS default}
- !method.isInitializeNeeded: -- some custom logic wanted
- !method.initialize() -- work and update order {state,status}
- initialize not needed: -- typical flow, admin selected action order/authorize/capture
- order(full amount): -- rare case
- !method.order(full amount) -- canOrder + custom logic -- write payment.transactions, additional info, transaction_id, parent_transaction_id
- implicit SkipOrderProcessing -> stop here
- implicit IsTransacitonPending -> {STATE_PAYMENT_REVIEW, status default}
- implicit IsTransacitonPending+IsFraudDetected -> {STATE_PAYMENT_REVIEW, STATUS_FRAUD}
- implicit PreparedMessage
- add order transaction (TxnType = order) implicit SkipTransactionCreation, TransactionId, IsTransactionClosed, ParentTransactionId, ShouldCloseParentTransaction
- order state or default {STATE_PROCESSING, status auto}
- authorize (full amount):
- payment.amount_authorized = full_amount
- !method.authorize(full amount) -- canAuthorize + custom logic. normally create session and reserve/authorize money
- implicit IsTransacitonPending -> {STATE_PAYMENT_REVIEW, status default}
- implicit IsFraudDetected -> {STATE_PAYMENT_REVIEW, STATUS_FRAUD}
- add order transaction (TxnType = authorization) implicit SkipTransactionCreation, TransactionId, IsTransactionClosed, ParentTransactionId, ShouldCloseParentTransaction
- order state or default {STATE_PROCESSING, status auto}
- capture:
- payment.amount_authorized = full_amount
- payment._invoice
- new invoice: convert order -> invoice, order items -> invoice items, invoice.collectTotals
- invoice.register:
- invoice item[].register -- order item.*_invoiced - qty, taxes, discounts, row
- can capture and online: invoice.capture()
- payment.capture()
- implicit payment ParentTransactionId,TransactionId
- generate transaction
- event
- !method.fetchTransactionInfo (if existing transaction id)
- implicit invoice IsPaid, IsTransactionPending -- if not yet paid and not pending
- !method.capture -- custom logic, check canCapture -- use $payment->getParentTransactionId()
- add transaction (TxnType = capture)
- implicit IsTransactionPending -> {STATE_PAYMENT_REVIEW, status auto}, invoice is not paid
- implicit IsTransactionPending+IsFraudDetected -> {STATE_PAYMENT_REVIEW, STATUS_FRAUD}, invoice is not paid
- no implicit pending -> {STATE_PROCESSING, status auto}, invoice is paid
- !method.processInvoice --- rare, almost deprecated
- implicit invoice IsPaid -> invoice.pay()
- invoice {STATE_PAID} unless implicit payment ForcedState
- payment.pay -- update _paid, _captured
- payment.amount_paid,shipping_captured
- event
- order.total_paid
- event
- payment.capture()
- can capture and offline: invoice.pay()
- can't capture and !method.isGateway or offline: invoice.pay()
- order.*_invoiced -- total, subtotal, taxes, shipping, discounts
- default invoice state {STATE_OPEN}
- event
- order(full amount): -- rare case
- event
- event
- order: does not affect values
- authorize: fraud detection - checks same currency and capture final
- authorize: payment.amount_authorized = full_amount
- authorize can be offline
- method -- assigned in block
._prepareLayout when creating
- sort_order - when get store methods
- info_instance -- quote_payment OR order_payment
- ! store (from quote or order)
- _code
- _canManageRecurringProfiles - only PayPal Express, PayPal BillMeLater (+UK)
- _formBlockType -- extends block payment/form
- _infoBlockType -- extends block payment/info
- _prepareSpecificInformation -- should be varien object
- event
-- if not set explicitly
- _canUseCheckout
- _canUseForMultishipping
- _canUseInternal
- _canVoid - to cancel online, must exist non-closed auth transaction
- _canCapture
- _canCapturePartial - qty editable
- _canRefund
- _canRefundInvoicePartial - qty editable
- _canReviewPayment - when status payment_review, accept/deny buttons will show up
!assignData -- assign specific fields from POST. write to quote.payment fields !validate -- when saving form data and before placing order !prepareSave -- when quoet payment saved. rare, used only by cc !getCheckoutRedirectUrl -- before order placed. can be in data.
- if returned, will skip order review and redirect
- if empty, normal order review step with button "Place order" ! getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl - after order created ! getOrderOptions -- extract/unserialize product.custom_options for external usage by type
- !don't forget to set 'product_calculations' = parent/child, affects invoicing getConfigData canUseForCountry -- see config.allowspecific canUseForCurrency -- custom canUseCheckout -- _property canUseForMultishipping -- _property canUseInternal -- _property canManageRecurringProfiles -- _property + instanceof recurring isGateway !initialize !order !authorize !capture
- use $authTransactionId = $payment->getParentTransactionId();
- is_capture_complete = (int)$payment->getShouldCloseParentTransaction() processInvoice --- rare, almost deprecated fetchTransactionInfo isAvailable:
- by default from config.active
- event
- checks recurring (_canManageRecurringProfiles + implement interface)
- admin - invoice, refund
payment.additional information:
- instructions <- payment_method.getInstructions()
- can cancel
- not on hold, not payment review state
- not canceled, not complete, not closed
- !not ACTION_FLAG_CANCEL (can set after order load)
- payment.cancel:
- online <== method.canVoid and auth transaction found and not closed
- implicit payment.message
- if online:
- method.void
- insert transactions txntype void
- order {STATE_PROSESSING, status default}
- event
- order.registerCancellation:
- cancel order_items[] -- *_canceled
- order.*_canceled
- {STATE_CANCELED, status default}
- event
- creditmemo_item.cancel -- update order.{qty,tax,hidden_tax}_refunded
- order payment.cancelCreditmemo:
- order payment.{amount,shipping}_refunded
- event
invoice.cancel -> payment.cancelInvoice (payment fields), fields order.*_invoiced, event sales_order_invoice_cancel
, state
invoice.void = payment.void (online), invoice.cancel
- total_qty
- base_total_refunded
- is_used_for_refund
order.cancel -> payment.cancel -- decide online/offline order.registerCancellation -- fields *_canceled, state order:
- normal totals ....
- shipping_{canceled,invoiced,refunded,tax_refunded}
- subtotal_{canceled,invoiced,refunded}
- tax_{canceled,invoiced,refunded}
- total_{paid,qty_ordered,canceled,invoiced,online_refunded,offline_refunded}
order_item.cancel -- checks status_id: PENDING - nothing happened SHIPPED INVOICED REFUNDED BACKORDERED CANCELED qty_ordered = qty_canceled PARTIAL MIXED order_item:
- qty_{ordered,backordererd,canceled,invoiced,shipped,refunded}
- {tax,hidden_tax}_canceled
- {tax,hidden_tax,discount}_invoiced
- {tax,hidden_tax,discount}_refunded
payment.cancel -> _void (online/offline) -- decide online or offline, event sales_order_payment_cancel
payment.void -> _void (online) -- event sales_order_payment_void
payment.cancelInvoice -- fields payment._paid, payment._captured, event sales_order_payment_cancel_invoice
order payment:
- shipping_{captured,refunded}
- amount_{ordered,authorized,paid,paid_online,canceled,refunded,refunded_online}
method.cancel - void when no invoices, e.g. authorization method.void - actual logic
canVoid - auth transaction found and not closed canCapture - if auth transaction is found but closed, order transaction must be there
void and capture transactions - parent should be auth
order, auth, capture, void, refund
transaction->closeAuthorization: {void,capture}Transaction -> closeAuthorization (parent) authTransaction->close, closeAuthorization transaction->closeCapture: captureTransaction -> close, closeCapture refundTransaction -> closeCapture (parent)
!method.checkoutRedirectUrl and checkoutOrderPlaceUrl not supported! virtual items assigned to billing address
- enabled in config shipping > option > allow multi
- doesn't have items with decimal. why?
- doesn't have nominal items
- min amount for each address/total by config sales > min order amount > amount and validate separately
- not all virtual
- below max qty per config shipping > option > max
- quote not virtual
quote.is_multishipping quote_address_item[] -> quote_item
- type_multishipping.init:
- import customer default {shipping,billing} address and email: copy fieldset customer address -> quote address
- add all items to default shipping address -> quote_address_items[]
- split quote_address_item[] by 1 qty -- getQuoteShippingAddressesItems
- cast qty to int
- render rows product-qty-saddress
- checkout.setShippingItemsInformation -- saves changes
- checks max qty
- event
- redirects to
- for each quote.getAllShippingAddresses:
- shipping rates form
- display address items
- event
- save shipping method for each address
- payment methods form for billing address
- save selectedpayment - checkout.setPaymentMethod
- quote payment.importData --- method.assignData, validate
- collectTotals and rates
- display selected payment method + !method info block
- for each address, display selected shipping method and address items
- check min amount
- check required agreements
- checkout.createOrders:
- _validate:
- check method.isAvailable
- all shipping addresses[].validate --
- basic check - firstname, lastname, street, city, telephone postcode (unless optional), country_id, region_id (if required)
- event
- should_ignore_validation implicit data flag
- shipping methods and rates must be ok
- billing address.validate
- if has virtual, add address for them based on billing
- for each address:
- _prepareOrder:
- order = convert address to order (quote to order)
- event
- event
- event
- order billing and shipping address - convert -- event
- convert payment -- event
- for all address items, convert -- event
- order = convert address to order (quote to order)
- event
- _prepareOrder:
- for each created order:
- order.place -- events before/after + payment.place -- call method order/authorize/capture
- order.save
- queue new email -- mailer.send via setQueue: core/email_queue (entity type order, entity id, event new order)
- core session.order_ids
- checkout session.last_quote_id
- quote set not active
- event
on error
- _validate:
- session.clear:
- event
- quote_id = null
- last_successful_quote_id = null
- event
event checkout_multishipping_controller_success_action
what I remember:
- default/carriers/{code}:
- model
- title
- active
- debug method instanceof Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Abstract: implements Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Interface!
- isTrackingAvailable
- creating invoice, can also create shipment. dropdown with carriers
- creating shipment
- order view in admin -> link to view/remove
- !getAllowedMethods:
-- consider standard config 'allowed_methods'
- used in source model
- in turn used in cart price rule as condition "Shipping Method is ..."
- used in source model
- collectRates(request) request->addRate(new rate) shipping adderss.shipping method shipping rates
shipping address.getGroupedAllShippingRates
-- 1 to check specific available countries
-- comma-separated available destination countries
-- error if country validation failed. or default
-- show error message or just skip carrier
shipping/rate_result - has appended shipping/rate_result_abstract[]:
- shipping/rate_result_method
- carrier
- carrier_title
- method
- method title
- price
- cost
- shipping/rate_result_error
result = shipping/rate_result -- shipping/shipping.getResult - holds overall result
result = shipping/rate_result
for each sub-method[]:
- method = shipping/rate_result_method
- result.append(method)
can return result with methods[]
can return just single method
setStore -- store_id present
setActiveFlag('active') -- stupid
getFinalPriceWithHandlingFee - adds handling_fee, handling_type(fixeD/%), handling_action(per order/package)
!proccessAdditionalValidation - when collecting rates, return false to skip
!isTrackingAvailable -- when creating shipment:
- add to carriers in Shipping Information-Add Tracking Number box
- option to create labels in popup?
!isGirthAllowed... -- for packages popup, hardcoded for USPS, only when displayGirthValue
!getDeliveryConfirmationTypes -- for packages popup
!getContentTypes -- documents, other...
!requestToShipment -- do work when creating shipment
quote.collect totals
{weight, free method weight, shipping_amount} = 0
- sum items:
- address.item_qty = sum(item[].qty)
- address.weight = sum(item.qty * item.weight)
- address.free method weight = 0 for free address, sum of only non-free item weights (item can have max qty for free shipping)
- collect shipping rates
- if shipping method selected, copy from according rate:
- address.shipping_amount = rate.price
- address.shipping_description = "rate.carrier_title - rate.method_title"
not sorted before collected
flag collect_shipping_rates -- only once, saved in DB
remove all shipping rates - mark deleted, will delete on save
!address.country_id is required
request shipping rates:
new request = shipping/rate_request -- just varien object
- all_items -- quote_items[]
- dest_country_id
- dest_region_id
- dest_region_code -- 2 letter state code or full region name
- dest_street
- dest_city
- dest_postcode
- package_value -- address subtotal, includes virtual price
- package_value_with_discount -- subtotal_with_discount, includes virtual price
- package_weight -- address.weight
- package_qty -- address.item_qty - all items
- package_physical_value -- subtotal - virtual_amount, excludes virtual price
- free_method_weight -- 0 for address.free_shipping, sum of items weights excluding item.free_shipping max qty
usage examples?
- store_id
- website_id
- free_shipping -- whole address
- base_currency
- package_currency
- limit_carrier --collect only specific carriers. examples?
- base_subtotal_incl_tax -- base_subtotal_incl_tax + base_extra_tax_amount
- !request.orig -> set request from config Shipping settings > Origin:
- country_id
- region_id
- city
- postcode
- read carriers from default/carriers/
- for each carrier[], shipping/shipping.collectCarrierRates:
- carrier = instantiate by and
- carrier.checkAvailableShipCountries -- by config, not to extend
- carrier.proccessAdditionalValidation if no country error -- return shipping/rate_result_error on error
- if carrier config 'shipment_requesttype' ???? examples, result???
- split packages by config 'max_package_weight'
- carrier.collectRates for each divided package with reduced weight
- aggregate prices somehow
- if not split:
- carrier.collectRates
- sort result.rates by price
- global result.append carrier result rates
add result rates to address
if shipping_method found in rates, copy address.shipping_amount
if none found, reset {shipping amount,shipping method,shipping description}
- only items with qty_decimals 'Qty Uses Decimals'
- only items with is_decimal_divided 'Can be Divided into Multiple Boxes for Shipping'
- splits into packages by max_package_weight
- not working with bundle
- prices = collect each package separately and sum each results
- carrier shipment_requesttype should be 'Use origin weight (few requests)'
shipment = convert order > shipment
shipment items[] = convert order items[]
item[].qty_to_ship = qty_ordered - qty_shipped - qty_refunded - qty_canceled
-- submit form
- shipment item[].register -- order item.qty_shipped += qty
- shipment.total_qty
add shipment comment to collection
!create shipping labels if supported:
- carrier.isShippingLabelsAvailable
- shipment.setPackages from request
- shipping/shipping.requestToShipment
- ensure non-empty:
- admin first and last name
- store name and phone
- shipping origin street, city, postcode, country
- request object:
- order_shipment -- just shipment
--- from admin user
- shipper_contact_person_name
- shipper_contact_person_first_name
- shipper_contact_person_last_name
- shipper_contact_company_name
- shipper_contact_phone_number
- shipper_email
- shipper_address_street
- shipper_address_street1
- shipper_address_street2
- shipper_address_city
- shipper_address_state_or_province_code
- shipper_address_postal_code
- shipper_address_country_code
--- from address
- recipient_contact_person_name
- recipient_contact_person_first_name
- recipient_contact_person_last_name
- recipient_contact_company_name
- recipient_contact_phone_number
- recipient_email
- recipient_address_street
- recipient_address_street1
- recipient_address_street2
- recipient_address_city
- recipient_address_state_or_province_code
- recipient_address_region_code
- recipient_address_postal_code
- recipient_address_country_code
--- other
- shipping_method
- package_weight
- packages -- from request
- container, weight, customs_value, dimensions, units, confirmation ... and items
- base_currency_code
- store_id
- !carrier.requestToShipment -- return varien object: errors, []info.tracking_number, []info.label_content
- !shipment.shipping_label -- parse and generate single PDF from each []info.label_content. can be encoded images or encoded PDF
- !save each info.tracking_number to order_shipment_track
- carrier_title
- Tracking
- Url
- Status
- Deliverydate
- Deliverytime
- Deliverylocation
- Signedby
- TrackSummary
! if all items free shipping, updates whole request free shipping
- gather free qty (item.free_shipping ? item.qty)
!not respecting max free shipping qty?
- price = per order - just add config.price, or per item - (package_qty - free_qty)*config.price
- supports handling fee fixed/% per order/package
- if not include_virtual_price, updates request.package_value -= virtual items
- respects max freeshipping qty
- deducts request.package_value for free and virtual (if not include virtual)
- resource shipping/carrier_tablerate.getRate
select from tablerate where
<= order value(package_weight,package_qty,package_value)
- supports handling fee
UPS - united parsel service (world), USPS - united states postal service, FedEx - Federal Express (international), DHL (world)
- enabled for RMA
- UPS type
- container
- destination type
- request_type - split/not
- pickup type
- max package weight
- handling fee
- sub methods
- !free method
--- this is shared for all carriers! _rawRequest, _freeMethod, _setFreeMethodRequest, _getQuotes, _updateFreeMethodQuote
- if all items are free_shipping > request.free_method_weight = 0, only selected submethod will get price 0
- Minimum Order Amount for Free Shipping -- if order price is big, free method is searched and set price 0
implements Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Interface:
- isTrackingAvailable
- getAllowedMethods
! free shipping method - if order subtotal >= threshold, submethod.price = 0
! free shipping items support - get rate for "free shipping method" with reduced weight
- check max weight -- each item separately
- dest post code is required (unless - isZipCodeOptional by country)
- split to packages if Packages Request Type - Use origin weight (few requests)
- when total weight > max, splits by num_boxes, e.g. total 68 and max 20 -> 4 boxes
- weight = average between all boxes, e.g. 68 lbs / 20 lbs max = 4 boxes * 17 lbs average
- when parsing response price:
- sets price 0 if subtotal > free shipping min amount
- sets price = num of boxes * cost + fee
- update free method:
- fetch only rate with only paid weight: only 2 boxes * average 17.5 lbs
- cost is the same, but num of boxes is lower, so XPR 900
ship separately?
taxes when refunding? ------ totals?
credit memo totals?
partial invoice/ship/refund?
cancel order/order item/shipment/invoice/credit memo?
taxes when canceling? ----- totals?
customer attributes?
customer emails?
adminhtml/sales_order_create, adminhtml/sales_order_create_form
_sidebar -- cart, wishlist, reorder, viewed, compared, pcompared?, pviewed?
_form_account -- customer form, model customer/customer. attributes from eav/attribute by entity_type customer
_shipping_address, _billing_address -- model customer/address, by entity_type address
_billing_method + form -- instanceof payment/form_container
_newsletter + form -- checkbox
_search + grid of products -- add new items, filter only adminhtml/sales/order/create/available_product_types
_items + grid -- added products
adminhtml_sales_order_create_load_block{header,sidebar,...,totals} -- every block from above
ajax calls:
helper catalog/product.skipSalableCheck -- admin can create any product (ignore inventory)
- clear session quote (customer_id, store_id, quote_id etc.)
- redirect ↓
- init session:
- event
-- only weee copies store_id for self
- order create form container and form
- order data json is empty - no customer and store selected
- 3 inline steps:
- customer grid, row click callback > loadBlock (header) +customer_id
- init session - save customer_id to quote session, event
- processActionData, event
, no more post data, nothing to process
- load and return layouts
- update page header title, user name, messages
- store selection, on selected > loadBlock (header,data) +store_id
- init session - save store_id to quote session, event
- processActionData, event
, no more post data, nothing to process
- load and return layouts
- user name header, data and messages
---- quote saved when customer and store selected, default customer group, inactive
- data:
... shipping_method - sales/order/create/shipping/method/form.phtml
- rate.error_message, rate.method_title, rate.method_description, rate.price
- helper tax.getShippingPrice (including/excluding by config)
- "get shipping rates" > loadBlock (shipping_method, totals)
!!! can enter products custom price
quote.customer_note -- admin order comments
- order create model = model adminhtml/sales_order_create implements Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart_Interface -- same as cart model
i getquote
i setQuote
i addProduct
i saveQuote
- !importPostData - account (customer fields), comment, {billing,shipping} address, payment_method, coupon.
quote.setBillingAddress -- updates old one with new data
- !applySidebarData - add {order,cart,wishlist}_item, add product, remove item, empty cart
- updateQuoteItems - update qty or order items
- applyCoupon
- setAccountData -- customer/form, extract data from request, form attributes collection
- recollectCart
- initFromOrder -- for reorder
- initFromOrderItem -- same
- moveQuoteItem - to order, cart, wishlist, remove
- ... shipping method, rates, payment method
? admin order create
- customer, store, data inline steps
? admin order edit -- same as create + tweaks
- session.use old shipping method
- initFromOrder:
- session.order id, currency id, customer id, store id
- event
- add items:
- only order items from <available_product_types> -- all should be added
- only items not shipped and not invoiced
- add items from buy request
- event
- copy fieldset {shipping,billing}Address order -> quote
- copy fieldset order -> quote
- event
- collect rates
- _processActionData: -- create addresses, save shipping/payment mehtods, apply coupon, tollect totals and save quote
- event
- model adinhtml/sales_order_create.importPostData:
- set account data
- quote.customer_note
- create {billing,shipping} address from data
- set {shipping,payment} method from data
- save coupon, mark quote to recollect
- skip lots of {reset_shipping, collect_shipping_rates, sidebar - applySidebarData, add/move/remove/update product/items}
- save payment data
- event
- collect totals and save quote
- skip {add products, update items, apply coupon}
- set payment data
- check payment internal, country, currency, min-max, zero total
- payment.importData -> method.assignData, validate
- order create model.importPostData -- account, addresses, shipping method and comment
- order create model.create order
- prepare customer:
- for existing, update/create addresses in book
- for new, generate password, set and validate customer/form data -- attribute data model.validte(value), save addresses
- save to quote customer_* form.user attributes
- _validate:
- check items without errors
- check method selected, available, validate
- prepare quote items -- options
- !if session.order --- editing order
- remember old id, increment, edit_increment, generate new increment: "{oldincrement}-{editincrement+1}"
(e.g. "oldincrement-1", "oldincrement-2")
- !order.cancel
- !new order = service.submitOrder
- link old order with new one
- event
- clear session quote -- customer_id, store_id, quote_id
- model adminhtml/sales_order_create.updateQuoteItems:
- item.setCustomPrice, setOriginalCustomPrice
- quote.collectTotals
- subtotal quote total collector.collect
- each items[]._initItem
- item.calcRowTotal
- getCalculationPriceOriginal --- will return custom price if defined
- item.row_total = qty * calculated price original
custom price - saved in DB in quote_item
quote_item.getCalculationPrice - custom_price if exists, otherwise convert price
adminhtml_sales_order_creditmemo_start -> _new
- by order_id
- if present, _initInvoice -- just load by invoice_id and order
- sales/service_order.prepareCreditMemo or .prepareInvoiceCreditMemo
- convert order_items -> creditmemo_items
- shipping_amount, adjustment +-
- creditmemo.collectTotals
-- subtotal: subtotal = sum(row total), subtotal_incl_tax = sum(row_total_incl_tax), grand total
shipping, tax, discount, grand_total, cost_total, weee
- set back_to_stock from saved data and config auto return enabled
- event
- register in 'current_creditmemo'
creditmemo any field = order_item.invoiced - refunded
tax proportionally refund qty/all qty
- data - items-qty, online/offline, comment, shipping, adjustment +-
- add comment if defined (text, visible on front, notify)
- mark refundedRequested, onlineRequested
- creditmemo.register
- creditmemo item[].register
- creditmemo.refund
- state REFUNDED (if payment reassigns, state can be OPEN)
- update order.*_refunded
- invoice.is_used_for_refund, .total_refunded
- payment.refund(creditmemo)
- payment.parentTransactionId -- automatically sets capture transaction - invoice transaction id
- payment.shouldCloseParentTransaction = true -- automatically marks to close
- method.setStore -- always available, store from order
- method.processBeforeRefund -- not to extend, sets payment.refundTransactionId
- method.refund
- method.processCreditmemo -- can extend, by default creditmemo.transaction_id = payment.last_trans_id
- event
- order.total_online_refunded, total_offline_refunded, total_invoiced_cost
- _saveCreditmemo -- creditmemo+order in transaction: core/resource_transaction->addObject()...->save()
- cancel
- cancel
credit memo
product link types:
- related }
- upsell }
- crosssell }
- grouped
- NEW -- just created but worthless, not counted in reports
- PENDING_PAYMENT -- useful one? used by Nets before order is paid
- PAYMENT_REVIEW -- fraud etc.
- PROCESSING -- invoiced or shipped
- COMPLETE -- invoiced + shipped
- CLOSED -- fully refunded
- HOLDED -- manually
- prepareInvoice
- prepareShipment
- prepareCreditMemo -- $order, qtys. qty to refund = invoiced - refunded
- prepareInvoiceCreditMemo
- getQtyToRefund = qty_invoiced - qty_refunded
- getQtyToShip
- totals = sales/order_invoice_config.getTotalModels
- each total model[].collect()
subtotal -- invoice.subtotal,subtotal,subtotal_incl_tax,grand_total + base
discount -- invoice.discount_amount,grand_total + base
shipping -- invoice.shipping_amount, shipping_incl_tax, grand_total + base
tax -- invoice.tax_amount, hidden_tax_amount, shipping_tax_amount, shipping_hidden_tax_amount + base
grand_total -- dummy
cost_total -- invoice.base_cost
wee -- invoice.subtotal, tax_amount, subtotal_incl_tax, grand_total
- by default only bundle implements this
- product.shipment_type
- product.weight_type -- 0 dynamic, 1 fixed
- configurable.getOrderOptions -- together
- buncle.getOrderOptions -- as saved
- typical usage: $item->getHasChildren() && $item->isShipSeparately()
- quote.getItemsSummaryQty -- if ship together = bundle.qty, if separately = sum(bundle.qty * child.qty)
- shipping method flatrate -- qty calculation for free boxes
- shipping method tablerate -- affects package_value and free qty
- order_item.isDummy -- don't ship irrelevant combinations
- quote address total shipping -- if separately, add calculate weights (fixed/dynamic)
- shipping packaging grid -- skip weight for ittelevant lines
- shipping USA methods -- get all items, count separately
track -- per shipment
track -- carrier_code, track_number, title, description, weight, qty
convert customer address custom attributes to order address -- fieldsets?
address templates? in <addres_templates> -- text/oneline/html/pdf/js_template
- new account -- login/password
- account confirmation -- login/password, link to confirm
- account confirmed -- just text
- password reset link
- your new password is ...
- authenticate -- check needs confirmation, check password, event
- set/hash/generate/validate/encrypt/decript password
- sendNewAccountEmail
- is confirmation required, get random confirmation key
- getName -- checks prefix,middlename,suffix is visible (customer_eav_attribute)
- get/add addresses
- get {primary,default} {billing,shipping} address. customer.default_shipping/billing = {id} -- load address by id
- getAttributes
- is in store, get shared {store,website} ids -- only current website stores or all stores
- validate
- changeResetPasswordLinkToken, isResetPasswordLinkTokenExpired
- getTaxClassId
- is_required
- is_user_defined
- is_visible
- is_system
- multiline_count
- input_filter (e.g. date, datetime)
- validte_rules
- data_model
eav/config singleton:
- getAttribute(entity type, code)
- getEntityAttributeCodes
- eav_attribute: attribute_code, is_required, is_user_defined = 1, backend_type (Input Type), frontend_input (), default_value
- customer_eav_attribute: is_visible (Show on Frontend), input_filter, is_system = 0, validte_rules -- min/max length, input validation
? table customer_form_attribute
- _initAttribute:
- customer/attribute -- eav_attribute by entity_type_id = 1
- store data in session
- register 'entity_attribute'
- content block -- enterprise_customer/adminhtml_customer_attribute_edit -- form container, form follows
- delete button only if not user defined
- *_edit_form -- dummy
- left block -- 2 tabs, main content tab
- parent block eav/adminhtml_attribute_edit_main_abstract (same for edit product attribute etc.) -- form
- base properties fieldset:
- attribute_code
- frontend_input
- default_value_{text,yesno,textarea}
- is_unique
- frontend_class
- locked attributes from <eav_attributes><{ENITY-TYPE}><{ATTRIBUTE}><locked_fields> -- disabled, readonly
- enterprise_customer/adinhtml_customer_attribute_edit_tab_main:
- remove attributes is_unique, frontend_class
- add own fields ...
- used_in_forms = options hardcoded in helper enterprise_customer/customer.getAttributeFormOptions
- checkout_register/customer_account_create/customer_account_edit/adminhtml_checkout
- event
helper enterprise_eav -- input_type > backend_type:
text - varchar
textarea - text
multiline - text
date - datetime
select - int
multiselect - varchar
boolean - int
file - varchar
image - varchar
user_defined = 1, is_system = 0
used_in_forms always adds 'adminhtml_customer'
events enterprise_customer_attribute_before_save
, enterprise_customer_attribute_save
checkout form:
only in enterprise template, after fax before password inject customer defined address attributes
read from table 'customer_form_attribute' by form_code = 'customer_register_address' and entity_type
only user defined and visible attributes (skip image and file)
get renderers from block 'customer_form_template' for each input type when form prepare layout
customer, customer address -> init checkout -> quote.assign customer -> quote.assignCustomerWithAddressChange
- new quote address.importCustomerAddress -- customer default billing address
- copy fieldset 'customer_address' > 'to_quote_address'
- same for shipping
copy fieldset 'sales_convert_quote' > 'to_order':
- copy user defined customer attributes with prefix -- order.'customer_*'
copy fieldset 'sales_convert_quote_address' > 'to_order_address':
- copy user defined address attributes
copy fieldset 'sales_convert_billing_address' > 'to_order':
copy fieldset 'sales_convert_shipping_address' > 'to_order':
! system > config > customer > account creation > generate human-friendly ID
- when disabled, customer_id will be always 1,2,3, ... as database handles, increment_id = null
- when enabled, increment_id is populated like in orders etc.
My Widget
My Widget's description
My Parameter
My Parameter Description
First option
Field renderer...
...instead of type
Widget Template
Grid mode
Other mode
widget config xml is cached with CONFIG tag
Mage::getConfig()->loadModulesConfiguration('widget.xml', $config);
- get block widget/adminhtml_widget_options -- is form
- read and assign to block 'widget_type' and 'widget_options' -- from selected widget
- *_options.addFields:
- widget/widget.getConfigAsJson(type)
- searches widget.xml for match by type, returns first --- stupid, why not by code
- work with widget config.parameters
- for each parameter, _addField:
- ...
- categories anchor -- default,catalog_category_layered
- categories nonanchor -- default,catalog_category_default
- all products -- default,catalog_product_view
- each product type[] -- default,catalog_product_view,PRODUCT_TYPE_{type}
- all pages -- default
- specific page
ajax call <adminhtml_widget_instance_template>
- init widget instance: set type, package_theme
- block widget/adminhtml_widget_instance_edit_chooser_template
- set selected -- what?
- set widget templates -- widget/widget_instance.getWidgetSupportedTemplatesByBlock -- by selected block
ajax call <adminhtml_widget_instalce_blocks>
- block widget/adminhtml_widget_instance_edit_chooser_block
- blocks with !!!
selected layouts --- 'page groups'
resource widget_instance._afterSave:
- delete old widget_instance_pages
- for each 'page_group'[]:
- save layout updates -- return ids
- for each update in page_group.layout_handle_updates -- e.g. CATEGORY_4:
- generate widget_isntance.generate layout update xml -- checks template exists
- layout update inserts widget as block and contains setData for each parameter
- save pages and link to core layout updates ids
widget_instance -- type, theme, title, stores, parameter values
widget_instance_page -- block, entities, template
widget_isntance_page_layout -- link with generated rows in core_layout_update
all layouts:
model widget/widget_instance._layoutHandles, _specificEntitiesLayoutHandles
select page --- getLayoutsChooser:
-- all layout handles with !!!
-- EXCEPT default, catalog_category_, catalog_product_, PRODUCT_* -- all specific ones
block widget/adminhtml_widget_instance_edit_tab_main_layout.getDisplayOnOptions, getDisplayOnContainers
block widget/adminhtml_widget_instance_edit_chooser_layout.getLayoutHandles
-- all layouts look like specific CATEGORY* or PRODUCT_*
api v1 - xmlrpc/soap v1: register api.xml: convert/maincard
Human message, will be translated
Something weng wrong
<something_nested translate="title" module="mymodule">
<title>Nested Options</title>
- initialize - create given adapter by requested code, create given handler and assign to adapter
- adapter.run
- zend_xmlrpc.setClass(handler).handle()
- own cache tag 'config_api' -- Web Services Configuration
- api.xml
- getAdapters: ...
- getActiveAdapters:
- only 1 and check -- extension_loaded
adapter: xmlrpc/soap/soap_v2/soap_wsi, default -> soap -- deals with request/response, exposes handler methods
- _getWsdlConfig - object:
- name = 'Magento'
- url = current url
- handler = unassigned when constructing, so null
wsdl requested:
- read Mage_Api/etc/wsdl.xml as template
- substitute wsdl content using core/email_template_filter, use wsdl.{name,url,handler} as vars
non-wsdl - normal call:
- instantiate server:
- ini_set wsdl_cache_enabled yes/no by config
- build wsdl url -- current or if server vars PHP_AUTH_USER, PHP_AUTH_PW defined, build link like http://name:user@host/...
- new SoapServer with self ?wsdl, setClass(handler)
- SoapServer.handle()
- {start,end}Session, login, call, multiCall, resources, {resource,global}Faults
handler->_fault('code', 'someresource'): -- can use custom message
- first search resources/someresource/faults, then global faults
handler.login(name, key)
- api/session.login
- api/user.login
- authenticate - load by name and check key
- clean older sessions -- by timeout from System > Config > API > Config > Session Timeout (1 hr default)
- log login -- increment api_user.lognum
- record session -- insert/update to api_session
- event
- check user is active, assigned to some role
handler.call(sessId, ...) -- session is always mandatory
- api/session.isLoggedIn
-- loads user from api_session by user_id
-- check timeout not passed
-- loads ACL
-- records login, lognum
api/config.loadAclResources -- recursively build ACL paths in api/acl/resources/..., e.g. 'catalog/category/attributes'
resource api/acl.loadRoles -- [].addRole(role_user or role_group)
resource api/acl.loadRules -- tree
- instancofe api/resource
- for each object row in response, can use _getAttributes:
- filters _isAllowedAttribute: _ignoredAttributeCodes['global'], _ignoredAttributeCodes[$type]
- _attributesMap['global'], _attributesMap[$type] -- aliases, e.g. 'order_id' instead of 'entity_id'
controller Api/controllers/V2/Soap:indexAction -- /api/v2_soap/index
adapter, handler 'soap_v2'
all resources with suffix *_v2, e.g. sales/order_api -> sales/order_api_v2
- _getWsdlConfig: -- load from all modules, XML tree, elements of
- was varien object (name, url, handler), now model api/wsdl_config
- setHandler (handler code)
- init:
- caching enabled/disabled with main CONFIG type
- no cache tags, to reset -- flush Magento cache
- load own own wsdl2.xml + load all modules wsdl.xml
- every loaded file is processed by XML through
- core/email_template_filter.filter -- vars wsdl.{name, url -- current, handler -- code? 'soap_v2'}
- run?wsdl
- result tree is printed as XML
- run normal:
- no changes, regular {new SoapServer}.setClass(handler).handle()
__call magic method:
- parse joined function to v1 resource name.method using api/v2/resources_function_prefix
!need to register by ourselves
e.g. customerCustomerInfo -> customer.info (given
- proxies usual ->call()
- register consumers
- init/authorize/access token steps
- parse headers on REST calls
- cache enabled if config cache enabled
- no events
- to add api type, rewrite api2/server and extend _apiTypes
api2_acl_user -- assign admin user to admin role
api2_acl_role -- #1 == guest, #2 == customer, others - admin roles. create, updated, role name
api2_acl_rule -- role-resource-operation
api2_acl_attribute -- user type-resource-operation-attributes[] joined
- users, role, access to attributes
to edit ACL in admin, resource groups (endpoints) + privileges (actions)
desctibed by api2.xml > resources/privileges/{user type}/{operation}
guest - only one role, only available:
- product.read
- category.read
- product image.read
customer - only one role , available above +:
- orders.read
- order items.read
- order addresses.read
- order comments.read
- customer.read/update
- customer address.*
admin - many roles, admin user can be assigned only to one:
- all methods
Access to attributes / per user type / read or write - 2 admin roles CANNOT have different attribute access
Human Name
Accept: something/specific
Accept: something/*
Accept: /
- application/json -- default, matches / -- json_encode
- text/plain -- query style, http_build_query
- text/xml == application/xml == application/xhtml+xml
Authenticate -- for oauth_adapter.isApplicable
Version -- request.getVersion
/api/rest --> /api.php?type=rest
match ?type supported in api2/server._apiTypes = rest
- renderer = api2/renderer::factory by request.getAcceptTypes -- sorted by requested weights
- search global/api2/response/renderers to match adapter.type = Accept: type
- authenticate -- assigns server.authUser - instanceof api2/auth_user{guest/customer/admin}. getLabel, getRole.
- _route -- collect routes, run each route.match -- set request.model
- _allow -- check acl
- _dispatch
- for each registered auth adapter .isApplicableToRequest, .getUserParams . return (type=admin/user/guest, id)
-- api2/auth_adapter_oauth -> applicable if header 'Authorization', getUserParams oauth/server.checkAccessRequest
- returns user model by type
- first match hardcoded route api2/route_apiType -- matches 'api/:api_type'
- returns api_type value = rest
- request.setPathInfo -- remove api/:api_type, leaving e.g. /customers
- request.setParam api_type = rest
- config.get routes by api_type=rest -- 27 routes
- load from api2/resources/routes
- wraps api2/route_{type=rest} for each one.
route => 'customer/:customerId'
defaults => {
model => 'customer/api2_customer' -- from api2/resources/
type => '$resourceKey' -- request.getResourceType
action_type => 'entity' -- or 'collection'
- api2/router.setRoutes.route
- for each route api2/route_{type=rest}.match
- returns matched {names? + wildcards + defaults}
- when matched, request.setParams -- from match return
- match must return params (request.setParams), set request.resourceType and request.model
- load resource model (:resource_:api_:user_v:version)
:resource = model, e.g. customer/api2_customer
:api = api type, e.g. rest
:user = user type, i.e. guest/customer/adin
:version - requested or first available
-- {resource model}rest{guest/customer/admin}v1, e.g. {customer/api2_customer}{rest}_{customer}_v{1}
- model.set request,response,api user
- model.dispatch -- api2/resource.dispatch
- switch action_type(from route config)+operation(depend on http verb) -- {entity/collection},{retrieve/create/update/delete}
- collection.create - <action_type>collection</action_type>,POST -- _create/_multiCreate depending on data
- filter data via api2/acl_filter
- _create -- do actual stuff here and return new item location
- collection.retrieve
- _retrieveCollection
- _render:
- response.setMimeType = renderer.getMimeType
- response.setBody = renderer.render(data from resource method)
! customer-specific resource models just add filter to collection entity_id = apiUser.userId
filter collection - ?filter[0][attribute]=name
api2/route_rest.match -- Zend_Controller_Router_Route
- in -- filter allowed attributes to write
- out -- filter allowed attributes to read, leave only requested -- ?attrs=first,last or ?attrs[]=first&attrs[]=last
- collectionIn
- collectionOut
api2/response -- zend http response + messages[] - {message,code}
api2/request - zend http request +:
- order field/order direction/page number/page size
- action_type, ... other
resource model:
- _create
- _multiCreate
- _retrieve
- _retrieveCollection
- _update
- _multiUpdate
- _delete
- _multiDelete
- getAvailableAttributes(user type, operation)
- target rules?
- reward points?
- website restrictions?
- full page cache?
- payment bridge?
admin conditions
catalog related, upsell
checkout crossell
depends on Mage_Rule heavily - conditions, actions, customer groups, website ids
- name, date from/to, type(related/crossell/upsell), conditions, actions
-? actions select, actions select bind
targetrule_customersegment -- many to many
targetrule_product -- products matching rule condition
enterprise_targetrule_index --- for given (type,product,store,customer_group) find customer segments
?enterprise_targetrule_index_{related,upsell,crosssell}_product -- many to many
targetrule indexer is not visible
resource indexer delegates to sub-indexers 'index_{related,upsell,crosssell}'
cron runs every hour: -- Check store datetime and every day per store clean index cache
- for each website, only at local midnight, indexer.logEvent - targetrule clean targets --- what does it do? prepare to
dataobject = {type_id = null, store = []}
- indexer.registerEvent - targetrule clean targets -- process all matched above? -- what does it do?
- cleanIndex({type_id = null, store = :id}) -> delegate to all types 'index_{type}'.cleanIndex
- deletes records from 'index_related'
after product save:
- dispatch global reindex: targetrule_product.reindex_targetrules
after saving product, reindex:
index._reindex({id, store_id, rule, from_date, to_date})
- for each type, remove index by product
- remove matched product-rule associations from targetrule_product (see default mage_rule.unbind...)
- for each rule, if product matches condition, insert into targetrule_product (default mage_rule.bindRuleToEntity)
after saving rule, populate targetrule_product -- all matching condition products
- filter: some category
- display related: from same category and same attribute set and same gender
- filter: some category
- display upsell: from same category and price > 100% of matched
<catalog_product_view> catalog/product_list_related
- itemsCollection = product.getRelatedProductCollection
- link instance.get product collection -- all products linked to current
- exclude
- don't use category id when building URL
- model catalog/url._getCategoryIdForUrl <- catalog/url.getProductUrl <- catalog/url.getUrl
- ! no limit
- add checkbox to add to cart if can - not composite, no required options, saleable
replaces block catalog.product.related
renders each item in separate block catalog.product.related.item -- contents the same + Caching
targetrule_index -- true/false if generated for given product/customer segment
targetrule_index_{type} -- true/false if generated for given product/customer segment/type
targetrule_index_{type}_product -- actual data! generated and saved on demand
on first request type.getProductIds for missing customer segments, generate, save and mark generated by flag=1
- resource index._matchProductIdsBySegmentId
for each rule[]:
- ensure date from, to matches
- resource index._getProductIdsByRule
- rule.getActions().getConditionForCollection is cached in targetrule table
-! do actual search of match by PRODUCT-RULE-SEGMENT
- type index.saveResultForCustomerSegments
- check targetrule_index_{type}. if exists, meaning already created, delete {type}_products and save new ones
- if not exists, not generated, insert row and save new ones into {type}_products
- resource index.saveFlag
on next requests, return directly from renerated type index
- type index.loadProductIdsBySegmentId -- select directly from targetrule_index_{type}
resource targetrule/index.getProductIds
- depending on behavior, add rule-based and custom items:
- get link products -- same logic wrapped far far away
- get target rule products
- exclude current product
-! index resource.getProductIds by (type,product,exclude)
- get current customer segments 0,30,32
- find matched customer segments in index table by (type,product,store,customer group)
- for each current customer segment:
- if main index has segments for this customer segment[], return type index.loadProductIdsBySegmentId -- load extended version?
- select from targetrule_index_{related,upsell} by (product,store,customer_group,customer segment)
- if main index has NO segments for this customer segment[]:
- type index._matchProductIdsBySegmentId
- type index.saveResultForCustomerSegments
- save flag
- how to handle customer balance?
- customer balance history?
- quote columns for discount?
- where input injected on cart/checkout?
- can redeem part?
- admin use points?
expiry date:
- static -- each balance increase has own expiration
- dynamic -- expiration date prolonged on each balance increase
- purchase -- on event
- registration --
- newsletter
- review
- tag
- convert invitation to customer
- convert invitation to order
! rate currency->points must be defined
! currency->points: -- works only for whole increments, not proportionally!
for each $1 you earn 1pt, order for $10 = 10pt
for each $10 you earn 5pt, matches only when total >$10. $10 = 5pt, $15=5pt, $20=10pt
! when credit memo, can set manually Refund creditmemo amount
enterprise_reward - customer balance per website
reward_history -- new balance and change details - action, entity, delta, used, voided, expired -- in $$ and points
reward_rate -- per website/customer group/direction
reward_salesrule -- cart price rule - reward points
quote.use_reward_points, reward_points_balance, {base_,}reward_currency_amount
order.reward_points_balance, {base_,}reward_currency_amount, reward_salesrule_points, reward_currency_amount_{refunded,invoiced}
- when action happens - add bonus
- totals collector for quote, order, credit memo
- cronjob every hour:
- notify before expiring points
- expire points
-. pdf totals
currency to points - when purchase $$, you get points
- only whole points!
- when big currency points assigned for each reached step, e.g. $100 - 100pt -- you won't get you 100pt before you reach $100
points to currency
- your points are worth $$ discount
buy $1 get 1pt -- normal point values
exchange 1pt for $0.01 -- small currency values
reward.updateRewardPoints: (customer_id, store, action, action entity)
- reward.canUpdateRewardPoints
- action instance.set{action,reward,history,entity}
- action instance.canAddRewardPoints -- check here!
- reward.save
before save: -- update points balance
- load by customer -- update existing reward if can
- _preparePointsDelta: delta = action instance.getPoints
- _preparePointsBalance:
- balance += delta, but no more than max points config.
- if capped, save cropped points as well!
after save: -- update history, including currency balance
- prepareCurrencyAmount:
- currency{delta,amount} = _convertPointsToCurrency
- get rate by direction.calculateToCurrency
- e.g. direction = 1 (to currency), 4 points = 1 USD. 10 points = 10/4 = 2.5 USD
- history.prepareFromReward
- history.*, comment
- history.additional data - rate details, cropped points
- send balance notification
has models reward, reward history, entity (is passed)
13 action types by default
- canAddRewardPoints -- extend
- checks history if not duplicate by entity and action
- checks applied limit exceeded
- getPoints -- extend; how much to add! used when ading and to estimate in tooltip
- getRewardLimit -- extend; max applied qty in history
- getHistoryMessage -- extend
- isRewardLimitExceeded
- estimateRewardsQtyLimit
block tooltip
- initRewardType(action instance) -- in layout
- before html - _prepareTemplateData:
- 'reward_points' = reward.estimateRewardPoints
- if has exiting record, add also current balance in points and currency
- when saving payment method, event
- if balance more than min, quote.setUseRewardPoints = true -- to be used in collector
- total_quote_reward.collect:
after order placed: balance deducted
add action and model -- static reward::setActionModelClass - (action id, model)
// use only money customer spend - shipping & tax
$monetaryAmount = $quote->getBaseGrandTotal()
- $address->getBaseShippingAmount()
- $address->getBaseTaxAmount();
$monetaryAmount = $monetaryAmount < 0 ? 0 : $monetaryAmount;
2 way - REDIRECT:
$controller->setFlag('', Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action::FLAG_NO_DISPATCH, true);
restrict store - require logged in?
whitelist some CMS pages?
whitelist some routes?
check customer.isLoggedIn -- work on events predispatch before?
customer/account/create - disable if configured -- predispatch?
replace any route with full-page landing. no login or signup
event websiterestriction_frontend
-- can 1) disable restriction or 2) mark user logged in
website closed - ALLOW_NONE - replace all routes with 'restriction/index/stub'
- cache per website
- load CMS page by config
- apply design package/theme (from-to date support) if enabled in CMS page
- render CMS page
- whitelist routes in config/frontend/enterprise/websiterestriction/full_action_names/generic/*
- if registration is enabled, whitelist routes in config/frontend/enterprise/websiterestriction/full_action_names/register/*
- see event
- website restriction can disable if enabled and not ALLOW_REGISTER
- mode 302 redirect to landing - whitelist only given cms page view and redirect
- non-whitelisted URL - redirect to login
allow none - nothing works, always stub
allow login or register - redirect to landing or login
add layout handle <restriction_privatesales_mode> only for ALLOW_REGISTER, ALLOW_LOGIN
- can use to display widget instance on 'page' mode
- app/etc/enterprise.xml: <request_processors> -- model processor
- mage::run() -> app.run() -> cache.processRequest -> enterprise_pagecache/processor.extractContent
- render cold page:
- after rendering dynamic blocks
a. save rendered dynamic blocks to cache -- own cache lifetime and tags. To be loaded from cache in applyWihoutApp!
b. wrap it in start/end tags content
- before final response in
, extract dynamic blocks to save main page in cache without dynamic data
- render warm page:
- load base cache
- render and substitute all placeholders (render definitions) without app
- if not all rendered without app:
- replace request.{moduleName,controllerName,actionName} = pagecache/request/process
- save request.routingInfo - aliases, requested_{route,controller,action}
- pagecache/request/processAction -- container[].applyInApp -- process rest containers that need app
- load cached by request id
- _processContent: -- process containers
- _processContainers -- container[].applyWithoutApp, if false, then return for further processing in app
- replace form key (cached as FORM_KEY_MARKER)
- replace session id (cached as SID_MARKER)
- if all containers processes without app, we are done! return content --> to be returned to app.run before init modules
- if unprocessed containers left, replace request routing info, return false
-- no direct response, normal magento flow ...
-- run our controller to replace containers in app
if left containers, pagecache/request/processAction:
container[].applyInApp(): -- cached page content as parameter
- _renderBlock -- place custom logic here!
- _applyToContent(cached page content, block content) -- just replace definition in cached with rendered value. start/end tags kept!
- if processor.subprocessor: -- won't save rendered to cache if missing!
- subprocessor.replaceContentToPlaceholderReplacer -- replace nested rendered blocks with definitions by kept start/end tags
- save rendered block to cache -- personal tags and lifetime
isAllowed - deny if:
- GET['no_cache']
- GET['SID']
canProcessRequest - above + following:
- check max depth -- number of GET params
- multicurrency ...
_createRequestIds (concat):
- path
- cookies:
- store
- currency
- customer group - 'CUSTOMER_INFO'
- customer logged in - 'CUSTOMER_AUTH'
- customer segment - 'CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_IDS'
- user allowed to save cookie
- design package
- getPageIdWithoutApp
- replaceContentToPlaceholderReplacer
instanceof processor_default
- allowCache
in constructor accepts string block definition key=value (container, block, cache_id, cache_lifetime + cache key info!)
splits definition and saves in _attributes
- getAttribute
- get{Start,End}Tag
- getPattern -- to match and replace containers
- _getCacheId -- must extend! default false = completely removed from cached page
- saveCache
- _saveCache
- applyWithoutApp -- extend. default try to load from cache
- applyInApp -- extend. default use _renderBlock
- _renderBlock -- extend! custom logic when in app. getLayout->getBlock->toHtml
should dispatch event
- _applyToContent(content, rendered) -- just replace definition in cached with rendered value
placeholder is created in pagecache/config.getBlockPlaceholder.
container has access to placeholder it was created from, e.g.:
cache_id="c1edfcf3858cef371e7eca712834ec17a50c6443" -- block.getCacheKey()
something="yes" xyz="33" -- from original block.getCacheKeyInfo
controller_action_predispatch_before -- disable standard block cache
- collect all unique blocks cache tags:
- normal blocks - processor.requestTags[]
- blocks inside dynamic placeholder blocks - context block.addCacheTag
- renderBlockPlaceholder:
- block definition in place of dynamic content -- contains values of block->getCacheKeyInfo!
-- when later rendering in app in _renderBlock, can use $block->getAttribute
after model saved/deleted, validator.cleanEntityCache by model.getCacheIdTags == model.getId() + model._cacheTag
clean caches after category change (is active, include in menu)
- You install a payment bridge web-application on a separate server. Magento will communicate with it.
- unified interface for all operations
- separate server must be PCI compliant
- how does it handle different methods?
- how to implement more methods?
- ? 3rd-party payment applications accept and store credit cart info. -> you get token worth payment info.
Cardinal Centinel 3D Secure:
- Authorize.Net
- PayPal Payments Pro
- PayPal Payments Pro Payflow Edition (UK only)
- PayPal Payflow Pro
authorize.net CIM - Customer Information Manager - tokenize payment info
- token === hash of credit card, can bill many times
- token can include billing and shipping info
New merchant has successfully been added.
Data Transfer Key generated: 564546f3171538385c7bd61c299e6618
Merchant Key generated: 2b4b3d16d8b96c966014b6ea6ceb8bcb72c138ff61c9b477b3cd77f21d5d88b8
payment bridge instance - standalone
cc -> payment bridge method -> concrete method
model pbridge/payment_method_pbridge
< payment/method_abstract
model pbridge/model_payment_method_authorizenet
< pbridge/model_payment_method_abstract
-- all Pbridge methods here. (assignData, validate, ...)->proxy to Payment bridge instance
< payment/method_cc
-- save cc details
< payment/method_abstract
-- order/authorize/capture/cancel/void/....
block payment iframe used for:
- payment form -- all payment methods forms extend here
- payment review
- payment profile?
- admin: edit payment
_formBlockType - enterprise_pbridge/checkout_payment_abstract
-- define iframe source URL
< pbridge/iframe_abstract
-- add child block 'pbridge_iframe'
in template for form block, include iframe:
- getSourceUrl: .../bridge.php with encrypted params:
- !action = GatewayForm
- locale, order increment id (reserved)
- payment action = authorize
- amount, currency
- redirect url = enterprise_pbridge/pbridge/result
- customer id, name, billing/shipping addresses
- fill in credit card numbers: POST bridge.php
-? saves card numbers somewhere, generates token
- redirects to enterprise_pbridge/pbridge/result with encrypted data. token?
- magento is inside iframe (domain now same as parent):
- create hidden inputs with values under selected pbridge method:
-! token = efaefd79223bdf1970c276637289f5cc
- original_payment_method = authorizenet
- cc_last4 = 1111
- cc_type VI
- x_params
- calls parent js class payment.save - submits /onepage/savePayment with public info
assignData -> getPbridgeMethodInstance.assignData:
- save to info_instance: cc_last4, cc_type
- save pbridge_data (token, ori...) to info_instance.additionalData
- save token to pbridge session
validate -> getPbridgeMethodInstance.validate:
- ensure token is saved in additional data
authorize -> getPbridgeMethodInstance.authorize:
- build request:
- country
- order id
- !magento_payment_action = 'authorize' (can also be 'authorize_capture')
- !payment_action = place
- amount, currency
- client_identifier = hash(quote id)
- customer email, billing address, shipping address
- cart items -- reuse paypal/cart
- notify url -- /enterprise_pbridge/PbridgeIpn
- api.doAuthorize
- !api._prepareRequestParams: 'token', 'action' = 'Payments'
- _importResultToPayment: set payment.transaction_id, prepared message for transaction with original transaction id
- add response data to info_instance (order_payment)
!requested action = from request 'action'
action class = Varien_Bridge_Action_Action{requested action}
Varien_Bridge_Action.runAction(action class):
- check allowed IP
- action class.execute
!gatewayCode = from request 'request_gateway_code'
gatewayConfig = merchant.getGateways(code):
- read from db config
- merge config:
- merchant - from db?
- !file config (cfg/payments.php 'payment_gateways'): title, class, active, ...
gateway = create from config 'class', e.g. Varien_Payment_Gateway_AuthorizeNet
add form fields to config -- from gateway.getFormFields
payment action = from request 'payment_action': place/capture/refund/void/cancel/accept/deny/fetch
-> proxy to Varien_Payment
-> some logic, proxy to current gateway
$_COOKIE['currency'] ?
single-store mode:
- affects EAV attributes saving for catalog, store_id is always 0
- clean cache ty tags getCacheTags: -- all blocks that depend on this model will be refreshed
- model._cacheTag, e.g.
-- refresh all blocks that depend on any category
- getCacheIdTags -- for each _cacheTag, adds
-- all blocks that depend on specific category
- e.g. [
, catalog_category_1
getCacheKey -> getCacheKeyInfo -- variations block depends on, e.g. if customer logged in and current category --> cache.save(data, id)
getCacheTags -- internal data block depends on, e.g. when category is updated, content should be refreshed
- to add tags, there's no internal property, call addCacheTag
- to add dependency on specific model, e.g. category, call addModelTags -- e.g. will add tag
block data is saved to cache with tags it depends on
at the same time, same tags are saved to cache with themselves as dependency. wtf?
- data(block::CACHE_TAGS_DATA_KEY)
- getCacheKeyInfo() -- extend. different behavior for different pages/customers/situations? put variations here
- getCacheKey() - builds key using getCacheKeyInfo
- getCacheTags() -- extend or use addCacheTag. put here all tags you depend on. changing one of them will refresh this block
- addCacheTag()
- addModelTags($model) -- if you depend on specific model, use this to clean cache when it updates
attribute backend?
attribute frontend?
dropdown types?
eav resource?
eav collection?
setup class?
?all attributes = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')->getEntityAttributeCodes($this->getEntityType(), $object);
resource = singleton
extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Abstract
-- which is stupid, only transactions and _prepareDataForTable
- getEntityType: child class must call setType, will trigger eav/config.getEntityType() -- load from
- load:
- load row from entity table without any attributes, assign to object
- loadAllAttributes:
- eav/config.getEntityAttributeCodes(entity type, object) ----- from customer_eav_attributes??? not eav_attribute.entity_type_id???
- getDefaultAttributes
- for all - getAttribute/addAttribute -- pupulates _attributeBy{Id,Code,Table}
- _loadModelAttributes: -- loads and assigns values
- groups all attributes by select from each table: select all from _varchar by customer id, from _int by customer id etc.
- union selects from all tables :) _varchar UNION _int UNION _datetime
- for each loaded attribute id and value:
- object.setData(code, value)
- attribute.backend.setEntityValueId
-- backend knows that for customer 23 varchar attribute row id is 73847. used later in collectSaveData
- _setOrigData
- _afterLoad: every attribute[].getBackend.afterLoad
- save: -- just compare orig/new data and do insertDuplicate/delete grouped by table
- delete if isDeleted
- if marked partialSave, loadAllAttributes -- unused
- _beforeSave
- all attribute[].backend.beforeSave
- _collectSaveData -- return ['newObject', 'entityRow', 'insert', 'update', 'delete']
- detects static fields, compares new data and old data
- entityRow -- _prepareStaticValue. all static fields regardless if changed or not. decimal type is locale processed
- decide on delete[]/update[] if attribute existed in original data
- insert[] non-empty new value
- _processSaveData:
-! object field value can be Zend_Db_Expr
- if entity_id defined, loads to ensure exists (of would need to insert with id)
- insert/update entity row depending on entity id
- for all collected insert/update/delete attributes, do _insertAttribute / _updateAttribute / _deleteAttributes
-- just remembers to future execution
- _processAttributeValues -- executes insertDuplicate/delete
- _afterSave
- all attribute[].backend.beforeSave
- loadAllAttributes:
- asks attribute codes from eav/config.getEntityAttributeCodes
- inits all attributes via getAttribute -- populating _attributesBy{Id,Code}
- special handling for default attributes, if don't exist in EAV, their attribute model is created in memory with fixed params
- getDefaultAttributeSourceModel
- getAttribute -- creates attribute model
- addAttribute -- register in _attributesBy{Id,Code,Table}
- _getDefaultAttributes -- extend
- getAttributesByCode
- setNewIncrementId
-- entityType.attribute_model from DB
- isStatic
- setAttributeModel -- why? attribute instance already created by
- getBackend
- as assigned in
- attribute._getDefaultBackendModel -- extend, special cases for
, updated_at
, store_id
, increment_id
- getFrontend
- as assigned in
-- do this
- attribute._getDefaultFrontendModel -- extend, not used
- usesSource -- only frontend_input == 'select', 'multiselect' OR
- getSource
- as assigned in
- attribute._getDefaultSourceModel
-> entity.getDefaultSourceModel -- extend, all catalog entities use
- select all options from DB
- setAttributeModel
lazy loaded on first attribute.getBackend
setAttribute -- always has attribute it works with
isStatic == attribute.isStatic
- getValue(object) -- extend
- if frontend_input is 'select' or 'boolean':
- attempts to load attribute.source.getOptionText
- or gets value from falback
-- yes/no
- if frontend_input is 'multiselect' (value is comma-separated), gets source.getOptionText and joins 'value1, value2'
- getLabel
- returns
or falls back to attribute_code
- getOption(optionId)
- delegates to attribute.source.getOptionText
getAllOptions -- returns []['label', 'value']
getOptionText -- text by id
getOptionId -- by both id or label
getIndexOptionText -- for search indexing
!default source model eav/entity_attribute_source_config:
- _configNodePath -- extend and options will be taken from config node
getAttributeModel -- e.g. customer/attribute
- addAttributeToFilter('name', ['in' => ['One', 'Two']])
- addAttributeToSelect('*')
- load(true) - print result SQL
- extends plain resource of course
has children that join additional table (customer_eav_attribute
, catalog_eav_attribute
) or form in _initSelect
-getAttribute: -- returns attribute model
- creates new eav/entity_type.loadByCode(code)
- respects store and attribute set - read from object argument
- used by entity when loading object
- _initAttributes: ?? study more?
- reads from
+ eav_entity_attribute
(or customer_eav_attribute
) table by entity type, joins additiaonl table?
- creates models for all attributes, returnes codes
getAdditionalAttributeTable -- catalog_eav_attribute, customer_eav_attribute
getAttributeModel -- by default eav/entity_attribute; can also be e.g. customer/attribute
eav_entity -- deprecated
eav_entity_attribute -- has data. why?
eav_entity_{type} -- deprecated
customer_eav_attribute -- additional table
catalog_eav_attribute -- additional table
! \Mage_Eav_Model_Resource_Attribute_Collection::_getEavWebsiteTable
joins additional table and attribute scope
if ($result &&
($attribute->isScopeStore() || $attribute->isScopeWebsite()) &&
!$this->_isAttributeValueEmpty($attribute, $value) &&
$value == $origData[$attribute->getAttributeCode()] &&
isset($origData['store_id']) && $origData['store_id'] != $this->getDefaultStoreId()
attribute = eav/config.getAttribute(customer, first_name)
or see eav/entity_attribute_source_table
that is default source model for product attributes
so any attribute of entity_type catalog_product
attribute.getFrontend.getAllOptions will load from DB:
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_option_collection')
$this->_options[$storeId] = $collection->toOptionArray();
_entityTypeId = Mage::getModel('eav/entity')->setType(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY)->getTypeId();
catalog attribute:
- model
- resource model
- support
catalog attributes can apply to specific product types. if not, entity skips attribute
- support store_id and single-store mode
- eav/entity_attribute_source_abstract
- _config -- extend, load from config node
- _store -- load stores from DB
- _table -- load all options from DB
- eav/entity_attribute_backend_default = abstract
- _datetime -- normalize to format
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- _array -- join(', ', values)
- _serialized
- eav/entity-attribute_frontend_default = abstract
- _datetime --
, date('c'), 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
_prepareValues -- extend, defaults for addAttribute
addAttribute -- if exists, will updateAttribute
getDefaultEntities -- extend
installEntities -- supply of used getDefaultEntities
- []: addEntityType, addAttribute, setDefaultSetToEntityType
createEntityTables -- has bug here?
-- see property _nominalOnly. null - all, true - nominal, false - non-nominal
-- see quote_item.isNominal == item.product is recurring
getAllNonNominalItems() -- getAllItems + property _nominalOnly = false
getAllNominalItems() -- getAllItems + property _nominalOnly
importCustomerAddress -- using fieldset
exportCustomerAddress -- to customer address
importOrderAddress -- when editing order?
toArray - rates, items, totals
-- model rule/condition_abstract
implements Mage_Rule_Model_Condition_Interface
- asHtml: type + element + operator + value + removeLink + chooserContainer
> rule/condition_product_abstract
-- adds attributes {Qty,Price,Row total} in cart
- items
- info
- create -- supports individual qty - part shipment
- {add,remove,info}Track --
- getCarriers -- only with isTrackingAvailable
- sendInfo -- shipment.sendMail
- addComment
- items
- info
- create -- supports itemsQty - part invoice
- capture -- whole invoice
- void -- whole invoice
- cancel -- whole invoice
- addComment
- items
- info
- create -- supports qtys, store credit amount
- cancel -- whole
- addComment --
product collection.addAttributeToSelect(model catalog/config.getProductAttributes)