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Last active March 3, 2016 20:34
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How to write typings

When you write typed definitions for DefinitelyTyped, you create a pull request on DefinitelyTyped with the corresponding .d.ts file and you are done. In the .d.ts file you write either an ambient internal module or ambient external module as in the handbook.

Things are a little bit different when you write a typings.

While it is definitely not harder then writing typed definitions for DefinitelyTyped, there isn't a clear term or reference on how to write a typings.

First things first...terminology

Going through the handbook and spec to understand everything you need to write typings is a great thing to do, but it isn't fun. Also, since TypeScript is rapidly improving, some information in the handbook is out of date.

Here are a list of terms that are relevant in writing typings so you can cut the chase.

If you like to learn by example, you can skim through this section and read the next one. Things will become more clear as you move along.

Typescript terminologies

ambient (declaration)

  • Declaration that don't define an implementation
  • all .d.ts files
  • I think it is named so to describe "These files describe the target JS in ambient to the TS world"

ambient modules

  • modules === external modules
    • i.e. ambient modules === ambient external module

We could define each module in its own .d.ts file with top-level export declarations, but it's more convenient to write them as one larger .d.ts file. To do so, we use a construct similar to ambient namespaces, but we use the module keyword and the quoted name of the module which will be available to a later import.

  • Refers to both top-level export declaration and declare module "name" {.

ambient namespaces

  • namespaces === internal modules
    • i.e. ambient namespaces === ambient internal module

  • declare namespace D3 + declare var d3: D3.Base to declare global object.
    • declare var d3 is needed because in the example D3 is a non-instantiated namespace.

external module

  • external modules are now modules

export = and import = require()

  • When importing a module using export =, TypeScript-specific import X = require("module") must be used to import the module.'s-new-in-TypeScript#support-for-default-import-interop-with-systemjs

  • In TypeScript 1.8, you can import X from 'module'; or import * as X from 'module';. The exact behavior depends on module: system|commonjs and allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true|false.

internal module

  • internal modules are now namespaces


  • ES2015 module
  • module === external module
  • Contain top-level export and import directives

  • Not module pattern. module pattern === namespace === internal module

module keyword

  • module X { is equivalent to the now-preferred namespace X {
    • When you write declare module X {, you are actually writing declare namespace X {.
    • i.e. you are writing namespace === internal module


  • The module keyword will be gradually deprecated.

module pattern

  • JavaScript module pattern: encapsulate private fields and methods using closure variables


  • Namespace is module pattern

  • Formalization of the IIFE pattern

Namespaces are either instantiated or non-instantiated. A non-instantiated namespace is a namespace containing only interface types, type aliases, and other non-instantiated namespace. An instantiated namespace is a namespace that doesn't meet this definition. In intuitive terms, an instantiated namespace is one for which a namespace instance is created, whereas a non-instantiated namespace is one for which no code is generated.

  • No code is generated for non-instantiated namespace
    • i.e. it can only be used as type
  • A namespace instance is created for instantiated namespace
    • i.e. at top-level, it creates a global namespace object

top-level declaration

  • Top-level declarations in a source file with no top-level import or export declarations belong to the global namespace
    • This applies to both module and namespace
    • i.e. declare namespace X { creates a global namespace X.
  • Top-level declarations in a source file with one or more top-level import or export declarations belong to the module represented by that source file.
    • i.e. declare namespace X { in such file does not create global namespace X.


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unional commented Mar 1, 2016

@blakeembrey, here are the terms I collected from TypeScript docs.

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Looks good. I'd open a PR and I can go over some of the phrasing with you. Seems better than what we currently have, which is nothing 😄

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