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Last active June 8, 2024 14:01
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Upcycle example kiosk Debian 12 XFCE
1. connect to network
2. open terminal
3. change password
1. $: passwd
4. update packages
1. $: sudo apt update
5. install chromium
1. $: sudo apt install chromium unclutter
6. Reboot
7. set chromium to launch at start up with custom url and flags
1. Settings > Settings Manager > Session and Startup > Application Autostart > Add
2. Fill in the following:
1. Name: MS Digital Signage
2. Description: Start Digital Signage
3. Command: /home/yourUserName/
4. Trigger: on login
8. Set power savings settings
1. Settings > Settings Manager > Power
2. Set the following
1. System
1. On Battery
1. System power saving
1. System sleep mode: suspend
2. When inactive for: never
2. Laptop Lid
1. When lid is closed: Switch Off display
2. Plugged in
1. System power saving
1. System Sleep mode: suspend
2. When inactive for: never
2. Laptop Lid
1. When lid is closed: Swtich off
2. Display
1. Display power management > tick off
1. Blank After: never
2. Brightness reduction
1. Reduce after: never
3. Security
1. Automatically lock the session: never
9. Set Screen profile (Must be done when connected to Sign Display)
1. Settings > Settings Manager > Displays
1. General
1. Drop menu to “Laptop”
2. Tick off
2. Advanced
1. Connecting Displays
1. When new displays are connected > Mirror
2. Automatically enable profiles when new display connected > tick on
2. Identifying Displays
1. Show popup windows to identify displays > tick off
3. Profiles
1. Add new profile by clicking the add button
2. Name new profile and save
10. Set login to auto
1. Settings > Settings Manager > login window
1. Users
1. Automatic Login
1. Username: linux
2. Delay before connection: 0
11. Create startup script named in your user home directory /home/yourUserName to set xset options in terminal so HDMI connection does not die
# Set some display settings
xset s off
xset s 0 0
xset -dpms
# Now launch Chrome in kiosk mode
chromium --password-store=basic "https://yourURL" -kiosk
12. Set the with the exec bit
chmod +x /home/yourUserName/
13. Add a crontab for root to restart the lightdm.service
# Restart lightdm.service
0 0 * * * systemctl restart lightdm.service
14. Reboot
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