- magisk + Zygisk Next
- play integrity fix
- shamiko + zygisk assistant
- sensitive props mod
- hide my applist + lsposed
- put apps that do not need to see root in HMA and deny list in magisk
New official instructions: iv-org/documentation#581
(or for ARM64:
)apt-get update
apt-get install devscripts build-essential
apt-get source systemd/bookworm
.apt-get build-dep systemd/bookworm
.apt-get install clang libbpf-dev libbpf-tools bpftool
cd systemd-*
.debuild -us -uc
.cd ..
.dpkg -i systemd_*_amd64.deb
var e=function(n,t){return e=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(e,n){e.__proto__=n}||function(e,n){for(var t in n),t)&&(e[t]=n[t])},e(n,t)};function n(e,n,t,r){return new(t||(t=Promise))((function(i,o){function a(e){try{s(}catch(n){o(n)}}function u(e){try{s(r.throw(e))}catch(n){o(n)}}function s(e){var n;e.done?i(e.value):(n=e.value,n instanceof t?n:new t((function(e){e(n)}))).then(a,u)}s((r=r.apply(e,n||[])).next())}))}function t(e,n){var t,r,i,o,a={label:0,sent:function(){if(1&i[0])throw i[1];return i[1]},trys:[],ops:[]};return o={next:u(0),throw:u(1),return:u(2)},"function"==typeof Symbol&&(o[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),o;function u(u){return function(s){return function(u){if(t)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for(;o&&(o=0,u[0]&&(a=0)),a;)try{if(t=1,r&&(i=2&u[0]?r.return:u[0]?r.throw||((i=r.return)&&,0)!(,u[1])).done)return i;switch(r=0,i&&(u=[2&u[0],i.value]),u[0]){c |
#!/bin/bash | |
curl '' \ | |
--resolve \ | |
--cookie /tmp/cookie-mabbox.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookie-mabbox.txt \ | |
-H 'Accept: */*' \ | |
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \ | |
-H 'X-Requested-With: XmlHttpRequest' \ | |
--data-raw 'password=MYPASSWORD&remember=1' | |
btoken_json=$(curl -s '' \ |
Official discussion: searxng/searx-instances#417
By the 1st December 2023, we are going to make mandatory the setting "server.public_instance".
If you need help in configuring this new parameter please do not hesitate to ask for help:
This new parameter for the moment activate by default both the bot limiter AND the new advanced bot limiter called link_token. This is to improve the quality of the public instances by decreasing overal amount of bots harming the public instances.
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Technique found in
to /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p
ip -6 a
. Example: 2a03:b0c0:3:d0::1d4f:1/64
with the subnet found above:
/sbin/ip -6 route add local YOUR_IPV6_SUBNET dev lo