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Created August 22, 2017 16:00
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Grab TJNU Student Grades
package main
import (
type GradeRecord struct {
Name string
Credit float32
Category string
Score float32
type StudentRecord struct {
Dept string
Class string
StudentId string
Name string
Grades []GradeRecord
func getRemotePage(userCode string) (string, error) {
const url = ""
form := make(map[string][]string)
form["sjxz"] = []string{"sjxz1"}
form["ysyx"] = []string{"yscj"}
form["zx"] = []string{"1"}
form["fx"] = []string{"1"}
form["userCode"] = []string{userCode}
form["xypjwchcnckcj"] = []string{"0"}
form["pjwchckcjklpbcj"] = []string{"0"}
form["xn1"] = []string{"2017"}
form["ysyxS"] = []string{"on"}
form["sjxzS"] = []string{"on"}
form["zxC"] = []string{"on"}
form["fxC"] = []string{"on"}
form["menucode_current"] = []string{"JW1314"}
if resp, err := http.PostForm(url, form); err == nil {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err == nil {
decoder := simplifiedchinese.GBK.NewDecoder()
str, _ := decoder.String(string(data))
return str, nil
} else {
return "", err
} else {
return "", err
func parsePage(html string) (*StudentRecord, error) {
record := StudentRecord{}
node, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(strings.NewReader(html))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Block for parsing basic information:
path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//div[@group='group']/div")
iter := path.Iter(node)
for iter.Next() {
line := iter.Node().String()
cols := strings.Split(line, ":")
switch cols[0] {
case "院(系)/部":
record.Dept = cols[1]
case "行政班级":
record.Class = cols[1]
case "学号":
record.StudentId = cols[1]
case "姓名":
record.Name = cols[1]
// Block for parsing grades:
path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//tbody/tr")
iter := path.Iter(node)
for iter.Next() {
tr := iter.Node()
gradeRecord := GradeRecord{}
tdPath := xmlpath.MustCompile("td")
tdIter := tdPath.Iter(tr)
currentCol := 0
for tdIter.Next() {
tdLine := tdIter.Node().String()
switch currentCol {
case 1:
gradeRecord.Name = tdLine
case 2:
credit, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(tdLine, 32)
gradeRecord.Credit = float32(credit)
case 3:
gradeRecord.Category = tdLine
case 7:
score, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(tdLine, 32)
gradeRecord.Score = float32(score)
record.Grades = append(record.Grades, gradeRecord)
return &record, nil
func fetchRecord(userCode string) *StudentRecord {
if page, err := getRemotePage(userCode); err == nil {
if record, err := parsePage(page); err == nil {
return record
return nil
func worker(requests <-chan string, results chan<- *StudentRecord) {
for request := range requests {
if record := fetchRecord(request); record != nil {
results <- record
func consumer(results <-chan *StudentRecord, count *int32, done chan<- bool) {
for result := range results {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)
atomic.AddInt32(count, -1)
if atomic.LoadInt32(count) == 0 {
// Potential completion.
if atomic.LoadInt32(count) == 0 {
done <- true
func main() {
startPtr := flag.Int("start", 280, "start of the fetching range")
endPtr := flag.Int("end", 320, "end of the fetching range")
requests := make(chan string, 8)
results := make(chan *StudentRecord, 8)
done := make(chan bool)
numToConsume := int32(*endPtr - *startPtr + 1)
// Start up to 8 goroutines to make HTTP requests and parsings.
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
go worker(requests, results)
// Start a goroutine for printing.
go consumer(results, &numToConsume, done)
for j := *startPtr; j <= *endPtr; j++ {
requests <- fmt.Sprintf("201616%d", j)
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