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Last active January 31, 2018 13:32
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<pre>== Generic PHP information
PHP version: 7.1.14
Server: Probably CLI
Maximum execution time: 0 seconds
Maximum memory size: 128.00 MB (134217728 bytes)
Maximum upload size: 2.00 MB (2097152 bytes)
Modules loaded:
Core (7.1.14)
date (7.1.14)
libxml (7.1.14)
openssl (7.1.14)
pcre (7.1.14)
zlib (7.1.14)
filter (7.1.14)
hash (1.0)
pcntl (7.1.14)
readline (7.1.14)
Reflection (7.1.14)
SPL (7.1.14)
session (7.1.14)
standard (7.1.14)
bcmath (7.1.14)
bz2 (7.1.14)
calendar (7.1.14)
ctype (7.1.14)
curl (7.1.14)
dom (20031129)
mbstring (7.1.14)
fileinfo (1.0.5)
ftp (7.1.14)
gd (7.1.14)
gettext (7.1.14)
iconv (7.1.14)
imap (7.1.14)
intl (1.1.0)
json (1.5.0)
exif (7.1.14)
mcrypt (7.1.14)
mysqlnd (mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $)
PDO (7.1.14)
Phar (2.0.2)
posix (7.1.14)
shmop (7.1.14)
SimpleXML (7.1.14)
soap (7.1.14)
sockets (7.1.14)
sqlite3 (7.1.14)
sysvmsg (7.1.14)
sysvsem (7.1.14)
sysvshm (7.1.14)
tokenizer (7.1.14)
xml (7.1.14)
xmlwriter (7.1.14)
xsl (7.1.14)
mysqli (7.1.14)
pdo_mysql (7.1.14)
pdo_sqlite (7.1.14)
wddx (7.1.14)
xmlreader (7.1.14)
memcache (3.0.9-dev)
zip (1.15.2)
Zend OPcache (7.1.14)
== Disk performance information
Results sorted by file size (in bytes) in milliseconds (less is better), for a total of 100 cycles:
| 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096 | 8192 | 16384 | 32678 | 65536 |
| 0.0041942596435547 | 0.0041882991790771 | 0.0039434432983398 | 0.0039384365081787 | 0.0040974617004395 | 0.0047950744628906 | 0.0059170722961426 | 0.008725643157959 |
== CPU performance information
Math operation results by function in milliseconds (less is beter), for a total of 99999 cycles:
| abs | acos | asin | atan | bindec | floor | exp | sin | tan | pi | is_finite | is_nan | sqrt |
| 0.011702060699463 | 0.011353969573975 | 0.011291027069092 | 0.011823892593384 | 0.015850067138672 | 0.010581970214844 | 0.011754035949707 | 0.014558076858521 | 0.015811920166016 | 0.010285139083862 | 0.010680198669434 | 0.01088809967041 | 0.010715961456299 |
String operation results by function in milliseconds (less is beter), for a total of 99999 cycles:
| addslashes | chunk_split | metaphone | strip_tags | md5 | sha1 | strtoupper | strtolower | strrev | strlen | soundex | ord |
| 0.01668381690979 | 0.015537977218628 | 0.025296926498413 | 0.022201061248779 | 0.028334856033325 | 0.032810926437378 | 0.016227006912231 | 0.014446973800659 | 0.016890048980713 | 0.011621952056885 | 0.016236066818237 | 0.012000799179077 |
Loop operation results in milliseconds (less is beter), for a total of 99999 cycles: 0.0018351078033447
If/Else operation results in milliseconds (less is beter), for a total of 99999 cycles: 0.0016422271728516
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