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Last active February 16, 2025 00:36
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Configure your Mac to use DNS over TLS

Switching to DNS over TLS on macOS

How to configure your Mac to use DNS over TLS in five easy steps:

  1. Install Stubby with Homebrew (

     brew install stubby
  2. Edit the configuration file:

     vim /usr/local/etc/stubby/stubby.yml
  3. Remove the default DNSes an replace them with Quad9 and Cloudflare:

     # IPv4 addresses
     # Quad9 with EDNS
     - address_data:
       tls_auth_name: ""
       - digest: "sha256"
         value: /SlsviBkb05Y/8XiKF9+CZsgCtrqPQk5bh47o0R3/Cg=
     # Cloudflare
     - address_data:
       tls_auth_name: ""
       - digest: "sha256"
         value: V6zes8hHBVwUECsHf7uV5xGM7dj3uMXIS9//7qC8+jU=
     # Quad9 with EDNS
     - address_data:
       tls_auth_name: ""
       - digest: "sha256"
         value: /SlsviBkb05Y/8XiKF9+CZsgCtrqPQk5bh47o0R3/Cg=
     # Cloudflare
     - address_data:
       tls_auth_name: ""
       - digest: "sha256"
         value: V6zes8hHBVwUECsHf7uV5xGM7dj3uMXIS9//7qC8+jU=

    And also verify that Stubby is configured to use DNS over TLS:

     tls_authentication: GETDNS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED  
  4. Start the stubby service using the daemon plist provided by Homebrew:

     sudo brew services start stubby
  5. Replace the current DNS configuration to use

     sudo /usr/local/opt/stubby/sbin/
  6. Verify that everything is working as expected (use dig or nslookup):

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If I'm not mistaken - this is a custom configuration replicating CloudFare's WARP + functionality - but no bandwidth or VPN restrictions?

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uraimo commented Apr 17, 2021

Hi @girlscoutfather, this is basically just the secure dns part (using cloudflare, quad9,etc...) of warp+, other kinds of traffic are not being encrypted in any way. To roll your own quasi-VPN I recommend looking into WireGuard.

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daturadev commented Apr 17, 2021

Hi @girlscoutfather, this is basically just the secure DNS part (using Cloudflare, quad9, etc...) of warp+, other kinds of traffic are not being encrypted in any way. To roll your own quasi-VPN I recommend looking into WireGuard.

No, this is exactly what I am looking for actually. Cloudflare WARP's GUI software does just that - they use some adapted form of WireGuard (I believe) which effectively converts this DNS config into a VPN config - rendering it impossible to use in conjunction with VPN set-ups. I was trying to figure out a way around this and this method is extremely clever. The only issue in regards to their WARP service is that their paid service, WARP+ is stated that

[They] route your internet requests to avoid Internet traffic jams, making it even better.

I'm wondering how significant or valid this claim is. Unrelated and not a huge issue, more of a personal, curious pursuit.

Little edit: doing a quick search leads me to the impression that WARP + is mobile-specific, rendering this the exact alternative I was seeking. Props to you, brother!

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In case this helps anyone, my stubby is at /opt/homebrew/bin/stubby and so step 5 of the gist becomes

sudo /opt/homebrew/sbin/

Also, the following will tell you about which configuration files are being read

stubby -h

while the following will tell you if any parsing errors came up:

sudo stubby -i

Thank you @4cm4k1 and @uraimo!

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