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Created July 14, 2017 11:41
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TypeScript definitions for mapbox-gl-geocoder plugin
/// <reference types="mapbox-gl" />
/// <reference types="geojson" />
declare namespace __MapboxGeocoder {
interface LngLatLiteral {
lat: number;
lng: number;
type Bbox = [number, number, number, number];
interface Options {
accessToken?: string;
/** On geocoded result what zoom level should the map animate to when a bbox isn't found in the response. If a bbox is found the map will fit to the bbox. (optional, default 16) */
zoom?: number;
/** Override the default placeholder attribute value. (optional, default "Search") */
placeholder?: string;
/** If false, animating the map to a selected result is disabled. (optional, default true) */
flyTo?: boolean;
/** a proximity argument: this is a geographical point given as an object with latitude and longitude properties. Search results closer to this point will be given higher priority. */
proximity?: LngLatLiteral;
/** a bounding box argument: this is a bounding box given as an array in the format [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]. Search results will be limited to the bounding box. */
bbox?: Bbox;
/** a comma seperated list of types that filter results to match those specified. See for available types. */
types?: string;
/** a comma separated list of country codes to limit results to specified country or countries. */
country?: string;
/** Minimum number of characters to enter before results are shown. (optional, default 2) */
minLength?: number;
/** Maximum number of results to show. (optional, default 5) */
limit?: number;
interface Results extends GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Point> {
attribution: string;
query: string[];
interface Result extends GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Point> {
bbox: Bbox;
center: number[];
place_name: string;
place_type: string[];
relevance: number;
text: string;
declare class MapboxGeocoder extends mapboxgl.Control {
constructor(options?: __MapboxGeocoder.Options);
* Set & query the input
* @param searchInput location name or other search input
query(searchInput: string): this;
* Set input
* @param searchInput location name or other search input
setInput(value: string): this;
* Set proximity
* @param proximity The new options.proximity value. This is a geographical point given as an object with latitude and longitude properties.
setProximity(proximity: __MapboxGeocoder.LngLatLiteral): this;
* Get proximity
* @returns The geocoder proximity
getProximity(): __MapboxGeocoder.LngLatLiteral;
* Subscribe to events that happen within the plugin.
* @param type name of event. Available events and the data passed into their respective event objects are:
* - __clear__ `Emitted when the input is cleared`
* - __loading__ `{ query } Emitted when the geocoder is looking up a query`
* - __results__ `{ results } Fired when the geocoder returns a response`
* - __result__ `{ result } Fired when input is set`
* - __error__ `{ error } Error as string
* @param fn function that's called when the event is emitted.
on(type: "clear", listener: () => any): this;
on(type: "loading", listener: (ev: { query: string; }) => any): this;
on(type: "results", listener: (results: __MapboxGeocoder.Results) => any): this;
on(type: "result", listener: (ev: { result: __MapboxGeocoder.Result}) => any): this;
on(type: "error", listener: (e: { error: any }) => any): this;
on(type: string, listener: Function): this;
on(type: string, layer: string, listener: Function): this;
* Remove an event
* @param type Event name.
* @param fn Function that should unsubscribe to the event emitted.
off(type: string, listener: Function): this;
off(type: string, layer: string, listener: Function): this;
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