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Last active September 16, 2024 11:34
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Footnote in tabular

Resource for answer in .

Packages to be tested:

Features to be tested:

  1. hyperref support
  2. footnotetext are placed on the correct page where the footnotemark appear for floating table
  3. automatic numbering when there are multiple footnotes
  4. footnotes are placed below the table/at the bottom of the page
  5. support for tabular environment itself without table environment around it
  6. support for floating environment, tabular inside table


Package 1 2 3 4 5 6
footnotehyper yes no yes bottom of the page yes yes
footnote one link per table no yes bottom of the page yes yes
tablefootnote yes no yes bottom of the page no yes
longtable only go to last page no yes bottom of the page yes yes
ftnxtra no no yes bottom of the page yes no
threeparttable no yes yes below the table yes yes
tabularx no no yes bottom of the page yes no
bidiftnxtra no no yes bottom of the page yes no
nicematrix yes no yes both supported yes no
tabularray yes yes no below the table yes yes
raw footnotemark/footnotetext one link per table no yes bottom of the page yes no

Things missing here

Things that could be tested, but isn't:

Features that could be tested, but isn't:

  1. support for align environment from amsmath
%! TEX program = xelatex
\caption{This is a caption\footnote{Another footnote.}}
Item 1 & Item 2\footnote{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.} \\
Item 3\footnote{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.} & Item 4 \\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
Item 5\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} & Item 6\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} \\
Item 1 & Item 2\footnote{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.} \\
Item 3\footnote{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.} & Item 4 \\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
Item 5\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} & Item 6\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} \\
Item 1 & Item 2\footnotemark \\
Item 3\footnotemark & Item 4 \\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
\footnotetext{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.}
\footnotetext{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.}
Item 5\footnotemark & Item 6\footnotemark \\
\footnotetext{Footnote in tabular environment for Item 5.}
\footnotetext{Footnote in tabular environment for Item 6.}
Item 1 & Item 2\footnote{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.} \\
Item 3\footnote{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.} & Item 4 \\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
Item 5\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} & Item 6\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} \\
\Blindtext[1] Footnote.\footnote{Footnote in a long table.} \\ \hline
\Blindtext[1] Footnote.\footnote{Footnote in a long table.} \\ \hline
\Blindtext[1] Footnote.\footnote{Footnote in a long table.} \\ \hline
\caption{Longtable with Footnote}
% technically longtable is not supposed to go inside table, but we test anyway (it doesn't work)
Item 1 & Item 2\footnote{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.} \\
Item 3\footnote{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.} & Item 4 \\
Item 1 & Item 2\footnote{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.} \\
Item 3\footnote{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.} & Item 4\tabularnote{A tabular note.}\\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
Item 5\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} & Item 6\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} \\
Item 1 & Item 2\tablefootnote{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.} \\
Item 3\tablefootnote{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.} & Item 4 \\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
\begin{center} % not supported!
Item 5\tablefootnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} & Item 6\tablefootnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} \\
note{1}={Footnote of the floating table on the other page.},
note{2}={Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.},
Item 1 with some long text & Item 2\TblrNote{1} \\
Item 3\TblrNote{2} & Item 4 \\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
note{3}={Footnote in tabular environment.},
note{4}={Footnote in tabular environment.},
Item 5\TblrNote{3} & Item 6\TblrNote{4} \\
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|X|X|} % Use tabularx and specify column width
Item 1 & Item 2\footnote{Footnote of the floating table on the other page.} \\
Item 3\footnote{Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.} & Item 4 \\
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|X|X|} % Use tabularx and specify column width
Item 5\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} & Item 6\footnote{Footnote in tabular environment.} \\
Item 1 with some long text & Item 2\tnote{1} \\
Item 3\tnote{2} & Item 4 \\
\item[1] Footnote of the floating table on the other page.
\item[2] Another footnote of the floating table on the other page.
\caption{Table with Hyperref Support and Multiple Footnotes}
Item 5\tnote{3} & Item 6 with some long text\tnote{4} \\
\item[3] Footnote in tabular environment.
\item[4] Footnote in tabular environment.
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