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Spandan Sharma ustulation

  • Scotland
  • 09:56 (UTC)
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ustulation /
Last active September 23, 2016 09:58
Versioned and unversioned directories
/// ------------------------------------------------------
/// Update-1: Metadata only with parent.
/// Versioned files inlined.
/// ------------------------------------------------------
/// - While giving the dir to someone we can actually give the DirMetaData itself - that way others
/// would be able to attach it to wherever they want (give it a parent) in their own tree and use
/// it from there - they can even give it a separate name and others (including owner) wouldn't
/// care as content is all they actually meant to share.
/// A Directory is `StructuredData::data(encrypted(serialised(Dir)));`
ustulation /
Last active June 18, 2016 13:13
Review Checklist for Crust

(0) Make sure the states exit after self.terminate() called directly or indirectly and nothing leaks. Pay special attentiion to codes executed after self.terminate().

(1) Alphabetical order of imports. 2 groups - std ones followed by a blank line followed all others. This is now a rule. No discussions regarding this is to be entertained.

(2) All variable conventions are now frozen - so make sure uniformity is maintained. Eg., if EventLoop is el then let it be el in new code. Not event_loop or something else. Consistency is better than useless discussions on proper convention leading to constant changes for no benefit. All major libraries including Linux Kernel, SodiumOxide etc have short names - like pk for PublicKey, sk for SecretKey. It is a hassle typing long ones by people who