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Last active January 9, 2022 13:28
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Can’t you still have references to your draft documents in Sanity CMS? Setting up a full-fledged preview environment for your content
* [_type == "post"] {
* [_type == "post"] {
"author": * [_id == ("drafts." + ^.author._ref)][0],
* [_type == "post"] {
"author": coalesce( * [_id == ("drafts." + ^.author._ref)][0], author->)
"type": "post"
"docs": * [_type == $type]
"drafts": [_id in path("drafts.**")],
"published": [!(_id in path("drafts.**"))],
"coupled": [!(_id in path("drafts.**"))]{"published": {...}, "draft": ^.docs [_id == "drafts." + ^._id][0]},
"allCoupled": [[email protected], [email protected] [!(@._id in ^.published[]{"_id": ("drafts." + _id)}._id)]{"draft": {...}}],
"selected": @.allCoupled[]{
...coalesce(@.draft, @.published)
}.selected[] {
"author": coalesce( * [_id == ("drafts." + ^.author._ref)][0], author->)
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