These are some commands/configs that I ddin't know or haven't used a lot at the time of writing this gist but find them valuable to incorporate in my daily life
git config --global rerere.enabled
Solve the same conflict automatically the next time it comes up
There is a 4th secret option:
[includeIf "gitdir:~/projects/oss"]
path = ~/.gitconfig-oss
Git will look for config in ~/.gitconfig-oss
only when it matches ~/projects/oss
List branches in column (esier to see) and sorts them by the most recent commit
git config --global column.ui auto
git config --global branch.sort -committerdate
git config --global alias.fpush push --force-with-lease
git config --global help.autocorrect 1
git blame
- Ignore whitespaces-C
- Look for code movement between files- Also checkout
git column
since you're here ;)
git maintenance start
What it does:
gc: disabled.
commit-graph: hourly.
prefetch: hourly.
loose-objects: daily.
incremental-repack: daily.
git ls-remote
- PRs as actual refs