- Inkbird IBT-2X
- Inkbird IBT-4XS
- @ConnectTimeout: 60 seconds
- @BatteryPollingInterval: 5 minutes
The iBBQ is a Bluetooth LE Gatt Device
@DeviceName: iBBQ
Standard Descriptor:
- @ClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptor: @uuid16{0x2902}
Its main service at @uuid16{0xfff0} contains the following characteristics:
- @SettingsResult: @uuid16{0xfff1} @notify returns results from control messages
- @AccountAndVerify: @uuid16{0xfff2} @write deals with the pairing process
- @HistoryData: @uuid16{0xfff3} @notify is not yet properly documented
- @RealtimeData: @uuid16{0xfff4} @notify returns the results from probes
- @SettingsData: @uuid16{0xfff5} @write is where control messages are sent
Here are some hardcoded messages:
- @CredentialsMessage: (:byte[]) { 0x21, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0xb8, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
- @RealtimeDataEnableMessage: (:byte[]) { 0x0B, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
- @UnitsFahrenheitMessage: (:byte[]) { 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
- @UnitsCelsiusMessage: (:byte[]) { 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
- @RequestBatteryLevelMessage: (:byte[]) { 0x08, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
A message exists to set target temperatures (low and high, the closest of which will be displayed on the screen)
- @SetTargetTempMessage: (:byte[]) { 0x01, probe-nr, low[0:7bits], low[8:15bits], high[0:7bits], high[8:15bits] }
- probe-nr is the probe to select, from 0 onwwards
- low is a int16 signed integer for the lower temperature, in 10^-1 Celsius
- high is a int16 signed integer for the higher temperature, in 10^-1 Celsius
initiate-login ::
write @CredentialsMessage to characteristic @AccountAndVerify
enable-realtime-data ::
enable notifications on @ClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptor
write @RealtimeDataEnableMessage to characteristic @SettingsData
set-unit :: Fahrenheit or Celsius
when Fahrenheit write @UnitsFahrenheitMessage to characteristic @SettingsData
when Celsius write @UnitsCelsiusMessage to characteristic @SettingsData
request-battery-level ::
write @RequestBatteryLevelMessage to characteristic @SettingsData
set-target-temp ::
write @SetTargetTempMessage to characteristic @SettingsData
When settings are written to @SettingsData, results are received on @SettingsResult
When request-battery-level has been sent, @SettingsResult will receive data which can be parsed as:
struct BatteryLevels {
header: uint8 = data[0], // header == 0x24
currentVoltage: uint16 = data[1] | data[2] << 8, // up to maxVoltage
maxVoltage: uint16 = data[3] | data[4] << 8, // if 0 maxVoltage is 6550
When enable-realtime-data has been sent, @RealtimeData will receive data which can be parsed as:
num_probes = sizeof(data)/sizeof(uint16)
probes: uint16[num_probes]
with 0 < i < num_probes:
probes[i] : uint16 = data[2*i] | data[2*i + 1] << 8
There's an history data end-point, but the format is unknown.
- Device: IBT-4XS
- @SilenceAlarmMessage: (:byte[]) { 0x04, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
Device alarm can be silenced by sending @SilenceAlarmMessage to the @SettingsData characteristic.
When an alarm is silenced by the user pressing the device's button, @SilenceAlarmMessage is received on @SettingsResult
Ok, fixed.
the client caracteristics configuration descriptior has to be configured in order to read the data.
Writing 0x0100 in 0x2902 let me received notifications.