/* |
* Here are some things you can edit |
*/ |
const colorBack = "#e3eded"; |
const colorFront = "#199cff"; |
const colorLines = "#000090"; |
/* |
* do not edit this rest of this file, instead edit the letter |
* drawing code in draw_letters.js |
*/ |
const canvasWidth = 960; |
const canvasHeight = 500; |
// these variables are used for animation |
let soloCurLetter = "B"; |
let soloLastLetter = "A" |
let soloPrevObj = alphabet["default"]; |
let soloIsAnimating = false; |
let soloNumAnimationFrames = 30; |
let soloCurAnimationFrame = 0; |
// Handy string of all letters available |
const letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789?"; |
let chosenLetters = []; |
let chosenPrevObjs = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]; |
let chosenIsAnimating = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]; |
let chosenNumAnimationFrames = 30; |
let chosenCurAnimationFrame = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; |
let curChosenLetter = 0; |
let lastKeyPressedTime; |
let secondsUntilSwapMode = 15; |
let lastWordSwappedTime; |
let isSwappingWords = true; |
let secondsPerWord = 8; |
let curSwapWord = 0; |
var defaultSwapWords = [ |
"1234567?", |
] |
const interpolation_is_on = (typeof interpolate_letter === "function") |
function setup () { |
// create the drawing canvas, save the canvas element |
main_canvas = createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); |
main_canvas.parent('canvasContainer'); |
let now = millis(); |
lastKeyPressedTime = now; |
lastWordSwappedTime = now; |
if (typeof swapWords === 'undefined') { |
// the variable is defined |
swapWords = []; |
} |
swapWords = swapWords.concat(defaultSwapWords); |
chosenLetters = []; |
let first_word = swapWords[0]; |
for(let i=0; i<first_word.length; i++) { |
chosenLetters.push(first_word[i]); |
} |
} |
function getCharacterInterpolationObj(percent, oldObj, newObj) { |
if (interpolation_is_on) { |
// safe to use the function |
obj = interpolate_letter(percent, oldObj, newObj) |
} |
else { |
if(percent == 0) { |
obj = oldObj; |
} |
else { |
obj = newObj; |
} |
} |
return obj; |
} |
function getObjFromChar(c) { |
if (c in alphabet) { |
return alphabet[c]; |
} |
else { |
return alphabet["default"]; |
} |
} |
function getCharacterInterpolation(percent, oldChar, newChar) { |
let oldObj = getObjFromChar(oldChar); |
let newObj = getObjFromChar(newChar); |
return getCharacterInterpolationObj(percent, oldObj, newObj); |
} |
function computeCurrentSoloChar() { |
// now figure out what object to draw |
let obj; |
if (soloIsAnimating) { |
nextObj = getObjFromChar(soloCurLetter); |
progress = map(soloCurAnimationFrame, 0, soloNumAnimationFrames, 0, 100); |
obj = getCharacterInterpolationObj(progress, soloPrevObj, nextObj) |
} |
else { |
obj = getObjFromChar(soloCurLetter); |
} |
return obj; |
} |
// draws a single character given an object, position, and scale |
function drawFromDataObject(x, y, s, obj) { |
push(); |
translate(x, y); |
scale(s, s); |
drawLetter(obj); |
pop(); |
} |
function computeCurrentChosenChar(n) { |
// now figure out what object to draw |
var obj; |
if (chosenIsAnimating[n]) { |
if(chosenCurAnimationFrame[n] < 0) { |
obj = chosenPrevObjs[n]; |
} |
else { |
nextObj = getObjFromChar(chosenLetters[n]); |
if (interpolation_is_on) { |
// safe to use the function |
let percent = map(chosenCurAnimationFrame[n], 0, chosenNumAnimationFrames, 0, 100) |
// obj["box1"]["position"] = map(chosenCurAnimationFrame[n], 0, chosenNumAnimationFrames, chosenPrevObjs[n]["box1"]["position"], nextObj["box1"]["position"]) |
obj = interpolate_letter(percent, chosenPrevObjs[n], nextObj) |
} |
else { |
obj = nextObj; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
obj = getObjFromChar(chosenLetters[n]); |
} |
return obj; |
} |
function draw () { |
now = millis(); |
// check to see if we should go into swapping mode |
if(!isSwappingWords && lastKeyPressedTime + 1000 * secondsUntilSwapMode < now) { |
isSwappingWords = true; |
} |
if(isSwappingWords) { |
if(lastWordSwappedTime + 1000 * secondsPerWord < now) { |
lastWordSwappedTime = now; |
curSwapWord = (curSwapWord + 1) % swapWords.length; |
for(var i=0; i<8; i++) { |
var c = swapWords[curSwapWord][i]; |
swapExhibitLetter(i, c, 6*i); |
} |
} |
} |
background(colorBack); |
fill(colorFront); |
stroke(95, 52, 8); |
// shorthand variables to allow margin |
var o = 20 |
var w2 = width - 2 * o |
var h2 = height - 2 * o |
for(var i=0; i<8; i++) { |
// see if animation should be turned off |
if(chosenIsAnimating[i] && chosenCurAnimationFrame[i] >= chosenNumAnimationFrames) { |
chosenIsAnimating[i] = false; |
} |
// if we are animating, increment the number of animation frames |
if(chosenIsAnimating[i]) { |
chosenCurAnimationFrame[i] = chosenCurAnimationFrame[i] + 1; |
} |
var obj = computeCurrentChosenChar(i); |
drawFromDataObject(o + i*w2/8.0, o + h2/2.0 - 120, 1.0, obj) |
} |
} |
function swapExhibitLetter(n, c, frameDelay) { |
chosenPrevObjs[n] = computeCurrentChosenChar(n); |
chosenLetters[n] = c; |
chosenIsAnimating[n] = true; |
chosenCurAnimationFrame[n] = 0 - frameDelay; |
} |
function keyTyped() { |
if (key == '!') { |
saveBlocksImages(); |
} |
else if (key == '@') { |
saveBlocksImages(true); |
} |
else { |
lastKeyPressedTime = millis(); |
if(isSwappingWords) { |
isSwappingWords = false; |
} |
upper_key = key.toUpperCase(); |
swapExhibitLetter(curChosenLetter, upper_key, 0); |
curChosenLetter = (curChosenLetter + 1) % 8; |
} |
} |