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Last active October 27, 2021 09:00
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Chen Qiu: Data Mappings
license: mit
* This class lets you encode animated GIF files
* Base class :
* @author Kevin Weiner (original Java version - [email protected])
* @author Thibault Imbert (AS3 version -
* @author Kevin Kwok (JavaScript version -
* @version 0.1 AS3 implementation
GIFEncoder = function() {
for (var i = 0, chr = {}; i < 256; i++)
chr[i] = String.fromCharCode(i);
function ByteArray() {
this.bin = [];
ByteArray.prototype.getData = function() {
for (var v = '', l = this.bin.length, i = 0; i < l; i++)
v += chr[this.bin[i]];
return v;
ByteArray.prototype.writeByte = function(val) {
ByteArray.prototype.writeUTFBytes = function(string) {
for (var l = string.length, i = 0; i < l; i++)
ByteArray.prototype.writeBytes = function(array, offset, length) {
for (var l = length || array.length, i = offset || 0; i < l; i++)
var exports = {};
var width; // image size
var height;
var transparent = null; // transparent color if given
var transIndex; // transparent index in color table
var repeat = -1; // no repeat
var delay = 0; // frame delay (hundredths)
var started = false; // ready to output frames
var out;
var image; // current frame
var pixels; // BGR byte array from frame
var indexedPixels; // converted frame indexed to palette
var colorDepth; // number of bit planes
var colorTab; // RGB palette
var usedEntry = []; // active palette entries
var palSize = 7; // color table size (bits-1)
var dispose = -1; // disposal code (-1 = use default)
var closeStream = false; // close stream when finished
var firstFrame = true;
var sizeSet = false; // if false, get size from first frame
var sample = 10; // default sample interval for quantizer
var comment = "Generated by jsgif ("; // default comment for generated gif
* Sets the delay time between each frame, or changes it for subsequent frames
* (applies to last frame added)
* int delay time in milliseconds
* @param ms
var setDelay = exports.setDelay = function setDelay(ms) {
delay = Math.round(ms / 10);
* Sets the GIF frame disposal code for the last added frame and any
* subsequent frames. Default is 0 if no transparent color has been set,
* otherwise 2.
* @param code
* int disposal code.
var setDispose = exports.setDispose = function setDispose(code) {
if (code >= 0) dispose = code;
* Sets the number of times the set of GIF frames should be played. Default is
* 1; 0 means play indefinitely. Must be invoked before the first image is
* added.
* @param iter
* int number of iterations.
* @return
var setRepeat = exports.setRepeat = function setRepeat(iter) {
if (iter >= 0) repeat = iter;
* Sets the transparent color for the last added frame and any subsequent
* frames. Since all colors are subject to modification in the quantization
* process, the color in the final palette for each frame closest to the given
* color becomes the transparent color for that frame. May be set to null to
* indicate no transparent color.
* @param
* Color to be treated as transparent on display.
var setTransparent = exports.setTransparent = function setTransparent(c) {
transparent = c;
* Sets the comment for the block comment
* @param
* string to be insterted as comment
var setComment = exports.setComment = function setComment(c) {
comment = c;
* The addFrame method takes an incoming BitmapData object to create each frames
* @param
* BitmapData object to be treated as a GIF's frame
var addFrame = exports.addFrame = function addFrame(im, is_imageData) {
if ((im === null) || !started || out === null) {
throw new Error("Please call start method before calling addFrame");
var ok = true;
try {
if (!is_imageData) {
image = im.getImageData(0, 0, im.canvas.width, im.canvas.height).data;
if (!sizeSet) setSize(im.canvas.width, im.canvas.height);
} else {
if(im instanceof ImageData) {
image =;
if(!sizeset || width!=im.width || height!=im.height) {
} else {
} else if(im instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) {
if(im.length==(width*height*4)) {
} else {
console.log("Please set the correct size: ImageData length mismatch");
} else {
console.log("Please provide correct input");
getImagePixels(); // convert to correct format if necessary
analyzePixels(); // build color table & map pixels
if (firstFrame) {
writeLSD(); // logical screen descriptior
writePalette(); // global color table
if (repeat >= 0) {
// use NS app extension to indicate reps
writeGraphicCtrlExt(); // write graphic control extension
if (comment !== '') {
writeCommentExt(); // write comment extension
writeImageDesc(); // image descriptor
if (!firstFrame) writePalette(); // local color table
writePixels(); // encode and write pixel data
firstFrame = false;
} catch (e) {
ok = false;
return ok;
* @description: Downloads the encoded gif with the given name
* No need of any conversion from the stream data (out) to base64
* Solves the issue of large file sizes when there are more frames
* and does not involve in creation of any temporary data in the process
* so no wastage of memory, and speeds up the process of downloading
* to just calling this function.
* @parameter {String} filename filename used for downloading the gif
var download = = function download(filename) {
if(out===null || closeStream==false) {
console.log("Please call start method and add frames and call finish method before calling download");
} else {
filename= filename !== undefined ? ( filename.endsWith(".gif")? filename: filename+".gif" ): "download.gif";
var templink = document.createElement("a");;
templink.href= URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([new Uint8Array(out.bin)], {type : "image/gif" } ));;
* Adds final trailer to the GIF stream, if you don't call the finish method
* the GIF stream will not be valid.
var finish = exports.finish = function finish() {
if (!started) return false;
var ok = true;
started = false;
try {
out.writeByte(0x3b); // gif trailer
} catch (e) {
ok = false;
return ok;
* Resets some members so that a new stream can be started.
* This method is actually called by the start method
var reset = function reset() {
// reset for subsequent use
transIndex = 0;
image = null;
pixels = null;
indexedPixels = null;
colorTab = null;
closeStream = false;
firstFrame = true;
* * Sets frame rate in frames per second. Equivalent to
* <code>setDelay(1000/fps)</code>.
* @param fps
* float frame rate (frames per second)
var setFrameRate = exports.setFrameRate = function setFrameRate(fps) {
if (fps != 0xf) delay = Math.round(100 / fps);
* Sets quality of color quantization (conversion of images to the maximum 256
* colors allowed by the GIF specification). Lower values (minimum = 1)
* produce better colors, but slow processing significantly. 10 is the
* default, and produces good color mapping at reasonable speeds. Values
* greater than 20 do not yield significant improvements in speed.
* @param quality
* int greater than 0.
* @return
var setQuality = exports.setQuality = function setQuality(quality) {
if (quality < 1) quality = 1;
sample = quality;
* Sets the GIF frame size. The default size is the size of the first frame
* added if this method is not invoked.
* @param w
* int frame width.
* @param h
* int frame width.
var setSize = exports.setSize = function setSize(w, h) {
if (started && !firstFrame) return;
width = w;
height = h;
if (width < 1) width = 320;
if (height < 1) height = 240;
sizeSet = true;
* Initiates GIF file creation on the given stream.
* @param os
* OutputStream on which GIF images are written.
* @return false if initial write failed.
var start = exports.start = function start() {
var ok = true;
closeStream = false;
out = new ByteArray();
try {
out.writeUTFBytes("GIF89a"); // header
} catch (e) {
ok = false;
return started = ok;
var cont = exports.cont = function cont() {
var ok = true;
closeStream = false;
out = new ByteArray();
return started = ok;
* Analyzes image colors and creates color map.
var analyzePixels = function analyzePixels() {
var len = pixels.length;
var nPix = len / 3;
indexedPixels = [];
var nq = new NeuQuant(pixels, len, sample);
// initialize quantizer
colorTab = nq.process(); // create reduced palette
// map image pixels to new palette
var k = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < nPix; j++) {
var index =[k++] & 0xff, pixels[k++] & 0xff, pixels[k++] & 0xff);
usedEntry[index] = true;
indexedPixels[j] = index;
pixels = null;
colorDepth = 8;
palSize = 7;
// get closest match to transparent color if specified
if (transparent !== null) {
transIndex = findClosest(transparent);
* Returns index of palette color closest to c
var findClosest = function findClosest(c) {
if (colorTab === null) return -1;
var r = (c & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
var g = (c & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
var b = (c & 0x0000FF);
var minpos = 0;
var dmin = 256 * 256 * 256;
var len = colorTab.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len;) {
var dr = r - (colorTab[i++] & 0xff);
var dg = g - (colorTab[i++] & 0xff);
var db = b - (colorTab[i] & 0xff);
var d = dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db;
var index = i / 3;
if (usedEntry[index] && (d < dmin)) {
dmin = d;
minpos = index;
return minpos;
* Extracts image pixels into byte array "pixels
var getImagePixels = function getImagePixels() {
var w = width;
var h = height;
pixels = [];
var data = image;
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < w; j++) {
var b = (i * w * 4) + j * 4;
pixels[count++] = data[b];
pixels[count++] = data[b + 1];
pixels[count++] = data[b + 2];
* Writes Graphic Control Extension
var writeGraphicCtrlExt = function writeGraphicCtrlExt() {
out.writeByte(0x21); // extension introducer
out.writeByte(0xf9); // GCE label
out.writeByte(4); // data block size
var transp;
var disp;
if (transparent === null) {
transp = 0;
disp = 0; // dispose = no action
} else {
transp = 1;
disp = 2; // force clear if using transparent color
if (dispose >= 0) {
disp = dispose & 7; // user override
disp <<= 2;
// packed fields
out.writeByte(0 | // 1:3 reserved
disp | // 4:6 disposal
0 | // 7 user input - 0 = none
transp); // 8 transparency flag
WriteShort(delay); // delay x 1/100 sec
out.writeByte(transIndex); // transparent color index
out.writeByte(0); // block terminator
* Writes Comment Extention
var writeCommentExt = function writeCommentExt() {
out.writeByte(0x21); // extension introducer
out.writeByte(0xfe); // comment label
out.writeByte(comment.length); // Block Size (s)
out.writeByte(0); // block terminator
* Writes Image Descriptor
var writeImageDesc = function writeImageDesc() {
out.writeByte(0x2c); // image separator
WriteShort(0); // image position x,y = 0,0
WriteShort(width); // image size
// packed fields
if (firstFrame) {
// no LCT - GCT is used for first (or only) frame
} else {
// specify normal LCT
out.writeByte(0x80 | // 1 local color table 1=yes
0 | // 2 interlace - 0=no
0 | // 3 sorted - 0=no
0 | // 4-5 reserved
palSize); // 6-8 size of color table
* Writes Logical Screen Descriptor
var writeLSD = function writeLSD() {
// logical screen size
// packed fields
out.writeByte((0x80 | // 1 : global color table flag = 1 (gct used)
0x70 | // 2-4 : color resolution = 7
0x00 | // 5 : gct sort flag = 0
palSize)); // 6-8 : gct size
out.writeByte(0); // background color index
out.writeByte(0); // pixel aspect ratio - assume 1:1
* Writes Netscape application extension to define repeat count.
var writeNetscapeExt = function writeNetscapeExt() {
out.writeByte(0x21); // extension introducer
out.writeByte(0xff); // app extension label
out.writeByte(11); // block size
out.writeUTFBytes("NETSCAPE" + "2.0"); // app id + auth code
out.writeByte(3); // sub-block size
out.writeByte(1); // loop sub-block id
WriteShort(repeat); // loop count (extra iterations, 0=repeat forever)
out.writeByte(0); // block terminator
* Writes color table
var writePalette = function writePalette() {
var n = (3 * 256) - colorTab.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) out.writeByte(0);
var WriteShort = function WriteShort(pValue) {
out.writeByte(pValue & 0xFF);
out.writeByte((pValue >> 8) & 0xFF);
* Encodes and writes pixel data
var writePixels = function writePixels() {
var myencoder = new LZWEncoder(width, height, indexedPixels, colorDepth);
* Retrieves the GIF stream
var stream = = function stream() {
return out;
var setProperties = exports.setProperties = function setProperties(has_start, is_first) {
started = has_start;
firstFrame = is_first;
return exports;
* This class handles LZW encoding
* Adapted from Jef Poskanzer's Java port by way of J. M. G. Elliott.
* @author Kevin Weiner (original Java version - [email protected])
* @author Thibault Imbert (AS3 version -
* @author Kevin Kwok (JavaScript version -
* @version 0.1 AS3 implementation
LZWEncoder = function() {
var exports = {};
var EOF = -1;
var imgW;
var imgH;
var pixAry;
var initCodeSize;
var remaining;
var curPixel;
// GIFCOMPR.C - GIF Image compression routines
// Lempel-Ziv compression based on 'compress'. GIF modifications by
// David Rowley ([email protected])
// General DEFINEs
var BITS = 12;
var HSIZE = 5003; // 80% occupancy
// GIF Image compression - modified 'compress'
// Based on: compress.c - File compression ala IEEE Computer, June 1984.
// By Authors: Spencer W. Thomas (decvax!harpo!utah-cs!utah-gr!thomas)
// Jim McKie (decvax!mcvax!jim)
// Steve Davies (decvax!vax135!petsd!peora!srd)
// Ken Turkowski (decvax!decwrl!turtlevax!ken)
// James A. Woods (decvax!ihnp4!ames!jaw)
// Joe Orost (decvax!vax135!petsd!joe)
var n_bits; // number of bits/code
var maxbits = BITS; // user settable max # bits/code
var maxcode; // maximum code, given n_bits
var maxmaxcode = 1 << BITS; // should NEVER generate this code
var htab = [];
var codetab = [];
var hsize = HSIZE; // for dynamic table sizing
var free_ent = 0; // first unused entry
// block compression parameters -- after all codes are used up,
// and compression rate changes, start over.
var clear_flg = false;
// Algorithm: use open addressing double hashing (no chaining) on the
// prefix code / next character combination. We do a variant of Knuth's
// algorithm D (vol. 3, sec. 6.4) along with G. Knott's relatively-prime
// secondary probe. Here, the modular division first probe is gives way
// to a faster exclusive-or manipulation. Also do block compression with
// an adaptive reset, whereby the code table is cleared when the compression
// ratio decreases, but after the table fills. The variable-length output
// codes are re-sized at this point, and a special CLEAR code is generated
// for the decompressor. Late addition: construct the table according to
// file size for noticeable speed improvement on small files. Please direct
// questions about this implementation to ames!jaw.
var g_init_bits;
var ClearCode;
var EOFCode;
// output
// Output the given code.
// Inputs:
// code: A n_bits-bit integer. If == -1, then EOF. This assumes
// that n_bits =< wordsize - 1.
// Outputs:
// Outputs code to the file.
// Assumptions:
// Chars are 8 bits long.
// Algorithm:
// Maintain a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will
// fit in it exactly). Use the VAX insv instruction to insert each
// code in turn. When the buffer fills up empty it and start over.
var cur_accum = 0;
var cur_bits = 0;
var masks = [0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000F, 0x001F, 0x003F, 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF, 0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF];
// Number of characters so far in this 'packet'
var a_count;
// Define the storage for the packet accumulator
var accum = [];
var LZWEncoder = exports.LZWEncoder = function LZWEncoder(width, height, pixels, color_depth) {
imgW = width;
imgH = height;
pixAry = pixels;
initCodeSize = Math.max(2, color_depth);
// Add a character to the end of the current packet, and if it is 254
// characters, flush the packet to disk.
var char_out = function char_out(c, outs) {
accum[a_count++] = c;
if (a_count >= 254) flush_char(outs);
// Clear out the hash table
// table clear for block compress
var cl_block = function cl_block(outs) {
free_ent = ClearCode + 2;
clear_flg = true;
output(ClearCode, outs);
// reset code table
var cl_hash = function cl_hash(hsize) {
for (var i = 0; i < hsize; ++i) htab[i] = -1;
var compress = exports.compress = function compress(init_bits, outs) {
var fcode;
var i; /* = 0 */
var c;
var ent;
var disp;
var hsize_reg;
var hshift;
// Set up the globals: g_init_bits - initial number of bits
g_init_bits = init_bits;
// Set up the necessary values
clear_flg = false;
n_bits = g_init_bits;
maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
ClearCode = 1 << (init_bits - 1);
EOFCode = ClearCode + 1;
free_ent = ClearCode + 2;
a_count = 0; // clear packet
ent = nextPixel();
hshift = 0;
for (fcode = hsize; fcode < 65536; fcode *= 2)
hshift = 8 - hshift; // set hash code range bound
hsize_reg = hsize;
cl_hash(hsize_reg); // clear hash table
output(ClearCode, outs);
outer_loop: while ((c = nextPixel()) != EOF) {
fcode = (c << maxbits) + ent;
i = (c << hshift) ^ ent; // xor hashing
if (htab[i] == fcode) {
ent = codetab[i];
else if (htab[i] >= 0) { // non-empty slot
disp = hsize_reg - i; // secondary hash (after G. Knott)
if (i === 0) disp = 1;
do {
if ((i -= disp) < 0)
i += hsize_reg;
if (htab[i] == fcode) {
ent = codetab[i];
continue outer_loop;
} while (htab[i] >= 0);
output(ent, outs);
ent = c;
if (free_ent < maxmaxcode) {
codetab[i] = free_ent++; // code -> hashtable
htab[i] = fcode;
else cl_block(outs);
// Put out the final code.
output(ent, outs);
output(EOFCode, outs);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var encode = exports.encode = function encode(os) {
os.writeByte(initCodeSize); // write "initial code size" byte
remaining = imgW * imgH; // reset navigation variables
curPixel = 0;
compress(initCodeSize + 1, os); // compress and write the pixel data
os.writeByte(0); // write block terminator
// Flush the packet to disk, and reset the accumulator
var flush_char = function flush_char(outs) {
if (a_count > 0) {
outs.writeBytes(accum, 0, a_count);
a_count = 0;
var MAXCODE = function MAXCODE(n_bits) {
return (1 << n_bits) - 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the next pixel from the image
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var nextPixel = function nextPixel() {
if (remaining === 0) return EOF;
var pix = pixAry[curPixel++];
return pix & 0xff;
var output = function output(code, outs) {
cur_accum &= masks[cur_bits];
if (cur_bits > 0) cur_accum |= (code << cur_bits);
else cur_accum = code;
cur_bits += n_bits;
while (cur_bits >= 8) {
char_out((cur_accum & 0xff), outs);
cur_accum >>= 8;
cur_bits -= 8;
// If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size,
// then increase it, if possible.
if (free_ent > maxcode || clear_flg) {
if (clear_flg) {
maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = g_init_bits);
clear_flg = false;
} else {
if (n_bits == maxbits) maxcode = maxmaxcode;
else maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
if (code == EOFCode) {
// At EOF, write the rest of the buffer.
while (cur_bits > 0) {
char_out((cur_accum & 0xff), outs);
cur_accum >>= 8;
cur_bits -= 8;
LZWEncoder.apply(this, arguments);
return exports;
* NeuQuant Neural-Net Quantization Algorithm
* ------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 1994 Anthony Dekker
* NEUQUANT Neural-Net quantization algorithm by Anthony Dekker, 1994. See
* "Kohonen neural networks for optimal colour quantization" in "Network:
* Computation in Neural Systems" Vol. 5 (1994) pp 351-367. for a discussion of
* the algorithm.
* Any party obtaining a copy of these files from the author, directly or
* indirectly, is granted, free of charge, a full and unrestricted irrevocable,
* world-wide, paid up, royalty-free, nonexclusive right and license to deal in
* this software and documentation files (the "Software"), including without
* limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
* sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons who
* receive copies from any such party to do so, with the only requirement being
* that this copyright notice remain intact.
* This class handles Neural-Net quantization algorithm
* @author Kevin Weiner (original Java version - [email protected])
* @author Thibault Imbert (AS3 version -
* @author Kevin Kwok (JavaScript version -
* @version 0.1 AS3 implementation
NeuQuant = function() {
var exports = {};
var netsize = 256; /* number of colours used */
/* four primes near 500 - assume no image has a length so large */
/* that it is divisible by all four primes */
var prime1 = 499;
var prime2 = 491;
var prime3 = 487;
var prime4 = 503;
var minpicturebytes = (3 * prime4); /* minimum size for input image */
* Program Skeleton ---------------- [select samplefac in range 1..30] [read
* image from input file] pic = (unsigned char*) malloc(3*width*height);
* initnet(pic,3*width*height,samplefac); learn(); unbiasnet(); [write output
* image header, using writecolourmap(f)] inxbuild(); write output image using
* inxsearch(b,g,r)
* Network Definitions -------------------
var maxnetpos = (netsize - 1);
var netbiasshift = 4; /* bias for colour values */
var ncycles = 100; /* no. of learning cycles */
/* defs for freq and bias */
var intbiasshift = 16; /* bias for fractions */
var intbias = (1 << intbiasshift);
var gammashift = 10; /* gamma = 1024 */
var gamma = (1 << gammashift);
var betashift = 10;
var beta = (intbias >> betashift); /* beta = 1/1024 */
var betagamma = (intbias << (gammashift - betashift));
/* defs for decreasing radius factor */
var initrad = (netsize >> 3); /* for 256 cols, radius starts */
var radiusbiasshift = 6; /* at 32.0 biased by 6 bits */
var radiusbias = (1 << radiusbiasshift);
var initradius = (initrad * radiusbias); /* and decreases by a */
var radiusdec = 30; /* factor of 1/30 each cycle */
/* defs for decreasing alpha factor */
var alphabiasshift = 10; /* alpha starts at 1.0 */
var initalpha = (1 << alphabiasshift);
var alphadec; /* biased by 10 bits */
/* radbias and alpharadbias used for radpower calculation */
var radbiasshift = 8;
var radbias = (1 << radbiasshift);
var alpharadbshift = (alphabiasshift + radbiasshift);
var alpharadbias = (1 << alpharadbshift);
* Types and Global Variables --------------------------
var thepicture; /* the input image itself */
var lengthcount; /* lengthcount = H*W*3 */
var samplefac; /* sampling factor 1..30 */
// typedef int pixel[4]; /* BGRc */
var network; /* the network itself - [netsize][4] */
var netindex = [];
/* for network lookup - really 256 */
var bias = [];
/* bias and freq arrays for learning */
var freq = [];
var radpower = [];
var NeuQuant = exports.NeuQuant = function NeuQuant(thepic, len, sample) {
var i;
var p;
thepicture = thepic;
lengthcount = len;
samplefac = sample;
network = new Array(netsize);
for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {
network[i] = new Array(4);
p = network[i];
p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (i << (netbiasshift + 8)) / netsize;
freq[i] = intbias / netsize; /* 1/netsize */
bias[i] = 0;
var colorMap = function colorMap() {
var map = [];
var index = new Array(netsize);
for (var i = 0; i < netsize; i++)
index[network[i][3]] = i;
var k = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < netsize; l++) {
var j = index[l];
map[k++] = (network[j][0]);
map[k++] = (network[j][1]);
map[k++] = (network[j][2]);
return map;
* Insertion sort of network and building of netindex[0..255] (to do after
* unbias)
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var inxbuild = function inxbuild() {
var i;
var j;
var smallpos;
var smallval;
var p;
var q;
var previouscol;
var startpos;
previouscol = 0;
startpos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {
p = network[i];
smallpos = i;
smallval = p[1]; /* index on g */
/* find smallest in i..netsize-1 */
for (j = i + 1; j < netsize; j++) {
q = network[j];
if (q[1] < smallval) { /* index on g */
smallpos = j;
smallval = q[1]; /* index on g */
q = network[smallpos];
/* swap p (i) and q (smallpos) entries */
if (i != smallpos) {
j = q[0];
q[0] = p[0];
p[0] = j;
j = q[1];
q[1] = p[1];
p[1] = j;
j = q[2];
q[2] = p[2];
p[2] = j;
j = q[3];
q[3] = p[3];
p[3] = j;
/* smallval entry is now in position i */
if (smallval != previouscol) {
netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + i) >> 1;
for (j = previouscol + 1; j < smallval; j++) netindex[j] = i;
previouscol = smallval;
startpos = i;
netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + maxnetpos) >> 1;
for (j = previouscol + 1; j < 256; j++) netindex[j] = maxnetpos; /* really 256 */
* Main Learning Loop ------------------
var learn = function learn() {
var i;
var j;
var b;
var g;
var r;
var radius;
var rad;
var alpha;
var step;
var delta;
var samplepixels;
var p;
var pix;
var lim;
if (lengthcount < minpicturebytes) samplefac = 1;
alphadec = 30 + ((samplefac - 1) / 3);
p = thepicture;
pix = 0;
lim = lengthcount;
samplepixels = lengthcount / (3 * samplefac);
delta = (samplepixels / ncycles) | 0;
alpha = initalpha;
radius = initradius;
rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;
if (rad <= 1) rad = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rad; i++) radpower[i] = alpha * (((rad * rad - i * i) * radbias) / (rad * rad));
if (lengthcount < minpicturebytes) step = 3;
else if ((lengthcount % prime1) !== 0) step = 3 * prime1;
else {
if ((lengthcount % prime2) !== 0) step = 3 * prime2;
else {
if ((lengthcount % prime3) !== 0) step = 3 * prime3;
else step = 3 * prime4;
i = 0;
while (i < samplepixels) {
b = (p[pix + 0] & 0xff) << netbiasshift;
g = (p[pix + 1] & 0xff) << netbiasshift;
r = (p[pix + 2] & 0xff) << netbiasshift;
j = contest(b, g, r);
altersingle(alpha, j, b, g, r);
if (rad !== 0) alterneigh(rad, j, b, g, r); /* alter neighbours */
pix += step;
if (pix >= lim) pix -= lengthcount;
if (delta === 0) delta = 1;
if (i % delta === 0) {
alpha -= alpha / alphadec;
radius -= radius / radiusdec;
rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;
if (rad <= 1) rad = 0;
for (j = 0; j < rad; j++) radpower[j] = alpha * (((rad * rad - j * j) * radbias) / (rad * rad));
** Search for BGR values 0..255 (after net is unbiased) and return colour
* index
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var map = = function map(b, g, r) {
var i;
var j;
var dist;
var a;
var bestd;
var p;
var best;
bestd = 1000; /* biggest possible dist is 256*3 */
best = -1;
i = netindex[g]; /* index on g */
j = i - 1; /* start at netindex[g] and work outwards */
while ((i < netsize) || (j >= 0)) {
if (i < netsize) {
p = network[i];
dist = p[1] - g; /* inx key */
if (dist >= bestd) i = netsize; /* stop iter */
else {
if (dist < 0) dist = -dist;
a = p[0] - b;
if (a < 0) a = -a;
dist += a;
if (dist < bestd) {
a = p[2] - r;
if (a < 0) a = -a;
dist += a;
if (dist < bestd) {
bestd = dist;
best = p[3];
if (j >= 0) {
p = network[j];
dist = g - p[1]; /* inx key - reverse dif */
if (dist >= bestd) j = -1; /* stop iter */
else {
if (dist < 0) dist = -dist;
a = p[0] - b;
if (a < 0) a = -a;
dist += a;
if (dist < bestd) {
a = p[2] - r;
if (a < 0) a = -a;
dist += a;
if (dist < bestd) {
bestd = dist;
best = p[3];
return (best);
var process = exports.process = function process() {
return colorMap();
* Unbias network to give byte values 0..255 and record position i to prepare
* for sort
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var unbiasnet = function unbiasnet() {
var i;
var j;
for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {
network[i][0] >>= netbiasshift;
network[i][1] >>= netbiasshift;
network[i][2] >>= netbiasshift;
network[i][3] = i; /* record colour no */
* Move adjacent neurons by precomputed alpha*(1-((i-j)^2/[r]^2)) in
* radpower[|i-j|]
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var alterneigh = function alterneigh(rad, i, b, g, r) {
var j;
var k;
var lo;
var hi;
var a;
var m;
var p;
lo = i - rad;
if (lo < -1) lo = -1;
hi = i + rad;
if (hi > netsize) hi = netsize;
j = i + 1;
k = i - 1;
m = 1;
while ((j < hi) || (k > lo)) {
a = radpower[m++];
if (j < hi) {
p = network[j++];
try {
p[0] -= (a * (p[0] - b)) / alpharadbias;
p[1] -= (a * (p[1] - g)) / alpharadbias;
p[2] -= (a * (p[2] - r)) / alpharadbias;
} catch (e) {} // prevents 1.3 miscompilation
if (k > lo) {
p = network[k--];
try {
p[0] -= (a * (p[0] - b)) / alpharadbias;
p[1] -= (a * (p[1] - g)) / alpharadbias;
p[2] -= (a * (p[2] - r)) / alpharadbias;
} catch (e) {}
* Move neuron i towards biased (b,g,r) by factor alpha
* ----------------------------------------------------
var altersingle = function altersingle(alpha, i, b, g, r) {
/* alter hit neuron */
var n = network[i];
n[0] -= (alpha * (n[0] - b)) / initalpha;
n[1] -= (alpha * (n[1] - g)) / initalpha;
n[2] -= (alpha * (n[2] - r)) / initalpha;
* Search for biased BGR values ----------------------------
var contest = function contest(b, g, r) {
/* finds closest neuron (min dist) and updates freq */
/* finds best neuron (min dist-bias) and returns position */
/* for frequently chosen neurons, freq[i] is high and bias[i] is negative */
/* bias[i] = gamma*((1/netsize)-freq[i]) */
var i;
var dist;
var a;
var biasdist;
var betafreq;
var bestpos;
var bestbiaspos;
var bestd;
var bestbiasd;
var n;
bestd = ~ (1 << 31);
bestbiasd = bestd;
bestpos = -1;
bestbiaspos = bestpos;
for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {
n = network[i];
dist = n[0] - b;
if (dist < 0) dist = -dist;
a = n[1] - g;
if (a < 0) a = -a;
dist += a;
a = n[2] - r;
if (a < 0) a = -a;
dist += a;
if (dist < bestd) {
bestd = dist;
bestpos = i;
biasdist = dist - ((bias[i]) >> (intbiasshift - netbiasshift));
if (biasdist < bestbiasd) {
bestbiasd = biasdist;
bestbiaspos = i;
betafreq = (freq[i] >> betashift);
freq[i] -= betafreq;
bias[i] += (betafreq << gammashift);
freq[bestpos] += beta;
bias[bestpos] -= betagamma;
return (bestbiaspos);
NeuQuant.apply(this, arguments);
return exports;
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