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Last active June 5, 2017 00:30
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gulp function to write jade variables to a json file
var through = require('through2');
var matter = require('jade-var-matter');
var jsonfile = require('jsonfile')
// Example -- sending jade files to writeToJson function
gulp.task('postsmeta', function() {
return gulp.src( jadesrc +'posts/*')
dest = jadesrc +'pages/data.json' // set file path
function writeToJson (dest) {
// USAGE: pipes the jade source files in -- these files should have variables in the front matter
// example -var name: "Little Engine", desc: "I am a post"
// Plugins jade-var-matter, jsonfile, through2
// Optional: "dest" -- sets file path output --> otherwise a data.json is placed at the root
// example: dest = jadesrc +'pages/data.json'
if (!dest) {
dest = './data.json'
// delete current list (so we won't get duplicates)
return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb){
// read jade variables into an object (uses plugin jade-var-matter )
var obj = matter(file.contents.toString());
// append the items to the destination Json file (used the plugin jsonfile)
jsonfile.writeFile(dest, obj, {flag: 'a'}, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
// Note: Json file is not in the correct format for reading multiple level arrays (like with multiple post)
// check gist postToJson
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