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Last active February 11, 2025 17:48
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Use private GitHub hosted terraform modules with AFT v1.5.1

I'll try to share my approach to use private GitHub hosted terraform modules with AFT v1.5.1. It relies on GH App to create ephemeral tokens during Global Customization stage which will share with the target account so it can be used during Account Customization stage.

Relates to: aws-ia/terraform-aws-control_tower_account_factory#42


  • Create a GH APP:
    • Permissions: allow the clone of repositories
    • Set to a restricted list of terraform modules repos
  • Create parameter store entries for GH_APP pem, id and installation_id under AFT_MGT account
module "aft" {
  source                                        = ""

provider "aws" {
  alias  = "aft_management"
  region = var.ct_home_region
  assume_role {
    role_arn     = "arn:aws:iam::${var.aft_management_account_id}:role/AWSControlTowerExecution"
    session_name = "AWSAFT-Session"

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "app_pem" {
  provider = aws.aft_management
  name     = "/gh/tf-modules-app/pem"
  type     = "SecureString"
  value    = "TODO"
  depends_on = [

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "app_id" {
  provider = aws.aft_management
  name     = "/gh/tf-modules-app/id"
  type     = "SecureString"
  value    = "TODO"
  depends_on = [

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "app_installation_id" {
  provider = aws.aft_management
  name     = "/gh/tf-modules-app/installation-id"
  type     = "SecureString"
  value    = "TODO"
  depends_on = [
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

Then in of the global customizations we'll create the ephemeral GH token and share it with the vended account:


set -e

echo "Executing Pre-API Helpers"

export AWS_PROFILE=aft-management

aws ssm get-parameter --name "/gh/tf-modules-app/pem" --query "Parameter.Value" --with-decryption --output text > $gh_app_pem_file
gh_app_id=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/gh/tf-modules-app/id" --query "Parameter.Value" --with-decryption --output text)
gh_app_installation_id=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/gh/tf-modules-app/installation-id" --query "Parameter.Value" --with-decryption --output text)

gem install jwt

cat >jwt.rb <<EOF
require 'openssl'
require 'jwt'  #

# Private key contents
private_pem ="$gh_app_pem_file")
private_key =

# Generate the JWT
payload = {
  # issued at time, 60 seconds in the past to allow for clock drift
  iat: - 60,
  # JWT expiration time (10 minute maximum)
  exp: + (10 * 60),
  # GitHub App's identifier
  iss: "$gh_app_id"

jwt = JWT.encode(payload, private_key, "RS256")
puts jwt

jwt=$(ruby jwt.rb)


r=$(curl --fail-with-body -s -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${jwt}" \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \

echo $(echo "$r" | jq -r '.token') > token.txt

export AWS_PROFILE=aft-target

aws ssm put-parameter \
    --name "/gh/tf-modules-app/token" \
    --value "$(cat token.txt)" \
    --type SecureString \

rm token.txt
rm jwt.rb

Finally, during the Account Customization stage we'll get the token and configure git auth with GH cli.

# #!/bin/bash

set -e

echo "Executing Pre-API Helpers"

wget -q$gh_cli_version/gh_$gh_cli_version\_linux_386.rpm
sudo rpm -i gh_$gh_cli_version\_linux_386.rpm
gh --version

aws ssm get-parameter --name "/gh/tf-modules-app/token" --query "Parameter.Value" --with-decryption --output text > token.txt

gh auth login --with-token < token.txt
gh repo list
gh auth setup-git
export GH_TOKEN=$(cat token.txt)
rm token.txt

And thats it, now you can use private terraform modules.

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andiempettJISC commented Jul 13, 2022

Building on the above example. Here is the same in python:

In the AFT-Management account create 3 parameters in ssm parameter store named:

In aft-global-customizations/api_helpers/


echo "Executing Pre-API Helpers"

python $DEFAULT_PATH/api_helpers/

add python deps in aft-global-customizations/api_helpers/python/requirements.txt


for the script itself aft-global-customizations/api_helpers/

import os
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
import jwt
import requests
import time
import boto3

# Set the aws creds to aft-management accout to fetch github creds
session = boto3.Session(profile_name='aft-management')
ssm = session.client('ssm')

github_app_id = ssm.get_parameter(Name='/github/apps/aft_terraform_modules/app_id', WithDecryption=True)['Parameter']['Value']
github_app_installation_id = ssm.get_parameter(Name='/github/apps/aft_terraform_modules/app_installation_id', WithDecryption=True)['Parameter']['Value']
github_app_private_key = ssm.get_parameter(Name='/github/apps/aft_terraform_modules/app_private_key', WithDecryption=True)['Parameter']['Value']

cert_bytes = github_app_private_key.encode()

private_key = default_backend().load_pem_private_key(cert_bytes, None)

def get_headers():

    time_since_epoch_in_seconds = int(time.time())
    payload = {
      # issued at time
      'iat': time_since_epoch_in_seconds,
      # JWT expiration time (10 minute maximum)
      'exp': time_since_epoch_in_seconds + (10 * 60),
      # GitHub App's identifier
      'iss': github_app_id

    actual_jwt = jwt.encode(payload, private_key, algorithm='RS256')

    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(actual_jwt),
               "Accept": "application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json"}
    return headers

resp = requests.get('', headers=get_headers())

print('Status Code: ', resp.status_code)
# print('Content: ', resp.content.decode())

resp ='{}/access_tokens'.format(github_app_installation_id),

print('Status Code: ', resp.status_code)

gh_token = resp.json()['token']

headers = {"Authorization": "token {}".format(gh_token),
           "Accept": "application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json"}

resp = requests.get('', headers=headers)

print('Status Code: ', resp.status_code)
for repo in resp.json()['repositories']:
    print('Authorised Repository: ', repo['name'])

# Set the aws creds to the target account to vend the token into
session = boto3.Session(profile_name='aft-target')
ssm = session.client('ssm')

github_app_vended_token = ssm.put_parameter(
        Description='A limited-time GitHub token to pull terraform modules',

then do the same as the above examples in aft-account-customizations/<my account>/api_helpers/


set -e

echo "Executing Pre-API Helpers"

wget -q$gh_cli_version/gh_$gh_cli_version\_linux_386.rpm
sudo rpm -i gh_$gh_cli_version\_linux_386.rpm
gh --version

aws ssm get-parameter --name "/github/apps/aft_terraform_modules/vended_token" --query "Parameter.Value" --with-decryption --output text > gh_token

gh auth login --with-token < gh_token
gh repo list
gh auth setup-git
export GH_TOKEN=$(cat gh_token)
rm gh_token

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What about private aft repositries? For example aft-account-request repo? How we use this private repo?

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v-rosa commented Oct 2, 2023

Hey @omerurhan, do you need to have access to private tf repositories when running aft-account-request pipeline?

Is my understanding correct?

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sv-aws commented Sep 19, 2024

@v-rosa Do you have a similar solution for gitlab? i am looking for a similar solution where a private modules repo can be accessed by account pipeline for both global and account level customizations

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@andiempettJISC Appreciate your work on this script!

I ran into an error in the Python script:

    private_key = default_backend().load_pem_private_key(cert_bytes, None)
AttributeError: 'Backend' object has no attribute 'load_pem_private_key'

I remedied this with the following:

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

private_key = load_pem_private_key(cert_bytes, password=None, backend=default_backend())

The next error I incurred was:

    gh_token = resp.json()['token']
KeyError: 'token'

I solved this in two way:

  1. Changing the headers:
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(actual_jwt),
               "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",
               "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28"}
  1. Updating the API requests:
resp = requests.get('', headers=get_headers())

print('Status Code: ', resp.status_code)

id = resp.json()[0]['id']

resp ='{}/access_tokens'.format(id),

print('Status Code: ', resp.status_code)

gh_token = resp.json()['token']

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