Please tell us your contact details like full name, email, github ID, blog, etc.
What are you currently engaged in? Where do you work or study?
What is your experience level with Ruby? What is your experience with Tensor Flow or AI in general?
Have you used TensorFlow in your work before? What other projects have you worked on before? Can be Ruby or non-Ruby.
What other commitments do you have between 1st June 2016 and 31st August 2016? How many hours a week will you able to commit to this project?
Tell us in detail the exact work that you plan to finish in the summer. What TensorFlow functionality will you be exposing through the Ruby API? Why do you think it's the best functionality to be exposed through Ruby?
How will the functionlity be exposed? What tools will be used? Should it be SWIG? If so, why? What are the potential pitfalls one can face when using SWIG?
The details should be specified with ample code samples so that the selection comittee can properly determine the feasibiliy of the project and your understanding of the topic. A picture is worth a thousand words, and so is a code sample :)
Specify a detailed 3 month time line over which you will implement this project, starting from 1 June 2016 upto 31 August 2016.
The timeline should include the following:
- Weekly splitting of tasks
- A concrete set of deliverables at the end of each month. Payment will be subject to completion of these.
- Code samples explaining your tasks wherever necessary.
One aim of the Ruby Science Foundation (SciRuby) is to increase diversity in open source science software development. How do we get more women interested in open source software development and science? How do we get more people from underrepresented groups involved?
Dear @v0dro !
I excited to join the project.
This is my information: