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Created April 13, 2013 13:23
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A script to get a random point on a mesh, for Unity3D
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class RandomPointOnMesh : MonoBehaviour
public MeshCollider lookupCollider;
public bool bangGetPoint;
private Vector3 randomPoint;
public List<Vector3> debugPoints;
void Update () {
//click the checkbox to generate a point, and have it shown in a debug gizmo.
//here's a blogpost on it
if (bangGetPoint)
Vector3 randomPoint = GetRandomPointOnMesh(lookupCollider.sharedMesh);
randomPoint += lookupCollider.transform.position;
bangGetPoint = false;
public void OnDrawGizmos()
foreach (Vector3 debugPoint in debugPoints)
Gizmos.DrawSphere(debugPoint, 1f);
Vector3 GetRandomPointOnMesh(Mesh mesh)
//if you're repeatedly doing this on a single mesh, you'll likely want to cache cumulativeSizes and total
float[] sizes = GetTriSizes(mesh.triangles, mesh.vertices);
float[] cumulativeSizes = new float[sizes.Length];
float total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.Length; i++)
total += sizes[i];
cumulativeSizes[i] = total;
//so everything above this point wants to be factored out
float randomsample = Random.value* total;
int triIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.Length; i++)
if (randomsample <= cumulativeSizes[i])
triIndex = i;
if (triIndex == -1) Debug.LogError("triIndex should never be -1");
Vector3 a = mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[triIndex * 3]];
Vector3 b = mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[triIndex * 3 + 1]];
Vector3 c = mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[triIndex * 3 + 2]];
//generate random barycentric coordinates
float r = Random.value;
float s = Random.value;
if(r + s >=1)
r = 1 - r;
s = 1 - s;
//and then turn them back to a Vector3
Vector3 pointOnMesh = a + r*(b - a) + s*(c - a);
return pointOnMesh;
float[] GetTriSizes(int[] tris, Vector3[] verts)
int triCount = tris.Length / 3;
float[] sizes = new float[triCount];
for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i++)
sizes[i] = .5f*Vector3.Cross(verts[tris[i*3 + 1]] - verts[tris[i*3]], verts[tris[i*3 + 2]] - verts[tris[i*3]]).magnitude;
return sizes;
* more readably:
for(int ii = 0 ; ii < indices.Length; ii+=3)
Vector3 A = Points[indices[ii]];
Vector3 B = Points[indices[ii+1]];
Vector3 C = Points[indices[ii+2]];
Vector3 V = Vector3.Cross(A-B, A-C);
Area += V.magnitude * 0.5f;
* */
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Just gonna leave a warning that accessing vertices and triangles on a mesh creates copies of these arrays every time, so you might want to store these in some local variable.

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treecki commented Oct 30, 2022

Works well! I'm curious if there is a solution to having already rotated objects or applying rotation to the point to match the game object

Edit: Nevermind, realized it wasn't too much more to do that. Here's my code:

Vector3 RotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 angles)
    Vector3 dir = point - pivot;
    dir = Quaternion.Euler(angles) * dir;
    point = dir + pivot;
    return point;

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