After I installed Vagrant from, I used the following set of commands to make a Vagrant environment for testing Vault:
mkdir -p ~/proj/vaulttest/ ; cd ~/proj/vaulttest/ ; vagrant init bento/centos-7.5 ; vagrant up && vagrant ssh
After this, I checked to make sure I was on vagrant by looking at my command prompt for vagrant
, and installed vault in my Vagrant machine:
wget && ls && sudo yum install -y unzip && unzip && sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/vault && vault -h
After installing Vault, I ran this: vault -autocomplete-install
Then I could run Vault in the background with the following:
export VAULT_ADDR=''
nohup vault server -dev &
cat nohup.out | egrep '(Token|Key)'
ps -ef | grep vault