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Created May 29, 2013 08:18
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Dirty augeas from puppet apply hack
## Use a custom lens to do something.
class example::custom {
if $::servername {
} else {
warning("puppet apply runs do not detect the correct lensdir: using dirty hack")
$lensdir = inline_template("<%= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(scope.source.file),'../lib/augeas/lenses')) %>")
Augeas {
load_path => "${lensdir}"
file {'/tmp/example-custom-test':
ensure => 'present',
} ->
augeas {'example-custom-test':
lens => 'Test.lns',
incl => '/tmp/example-custom-test',
changes => [
'set 01 foobar'
onlyif => "match *[. = 'foobar'] size == 0",
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