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Created April 2, 2017 04:32
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Codetrotters Fellowsihp - Coding Challenge Interview 1. Goal: Make a function that takes 2 strings and determines if they are anagrams (made it for command line using node.js)
var prompt = require('prompt-sync')();
function checkSpell(string1, string2) {
if (string1.toUpperCase().split("").sort().join("").trim() === string2.toUpperCase().split("").sort().join("").trim()) {
return "This is an anagram";
} else {
// Just for humor's sake
return "In Trump's words: WRONG!";
function start() {
console.log("The purpose of this program is to check if the words you give us are anagrams.");
var string1 = prompt("Give us the first word: ");
var string2 = prompt("Give us the second word: ");
console.log(checkSpell(string1, string2));
}, 2000);
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