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Forked from bodziek666/
Created May 13, 2021 05:28
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systemd-sleep kwin hook
# Restart kwin on resume after suspend
case "${1}" in
KWIN_PID=$(pidof kwin)
KWIN_X11_PID=$(pidof kwin_x11)
if [ -n "${KWIN_PID}" ] ; then
KWIN_USER=$(ps -o euser= "${KWIN_PID}")
su "${KWIN_USER}" -c "DISPLAY=:0 kwin --replace &"
echo "kwin was successfully restarted after waking up..."
elif [ -n "${KWIN_X11_PID}" ] ; then
KWIN_X11_USER=$(ps -o euser= "${KWIN_X11_PID}")
su "${KWIN_X11_USER}" -c "DISPLAY=:0 kwin_x11 --replace &"
echo "kwin_x11 was successfully restarted after waking up..."
echo "kwin/kwin_x11 is not running..."
exit 1
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