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Last active May 7, 2021 14:32
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SwiftyBeaver+ThreadSafe.swift related to
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extension SwiftyBeaver {
static let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.asensei.asensei.SwiftyBeaver")
class func ts_addDestination(_ destination: BaseDestination) -> Bool {
return self.queue.sync { SwiftyBeaver.addDestination(destination) }
class func ts_removeDestination(_ destination: BaseDestination) -> Bool {
return self.queue.sync { SwiftyBeaver.removeDestination(destination) }
class func ts_removeAllDestinations() {
self.queue.sync { SwiftyBeaver.removeAllDestinations() }
class func ts_countDestinations() -> Int {
return self.queue.sync { SwiftyBeaver.countDestinations() }
extension SwiftyBeaver: Logger {
public static func custom(level: LoggerLevel, message: @autoclosure () -> Any, file: String, function: String, line: Int, context: Any?) {
self.queue.sync {
level: .init(level),
message: message(),
file: file,
function: function,
line: line,
context: context
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