require 'formula' |
class Imagemagick < Formula |
homepage 'http://www.imagemagick.org' |
url 'http://www.imagemagick.org/download/releases/ImageMagick-6.9.2-10.tar.xz' |
sha256 'da2f6fba43d69f20ddb11783f13f77782b0b57783dde9cda39c9e5e733c2013c' |
head 'https://www.imagemagick.org/subversion/ImageMagick/trunk', |
:using => UnsafeSubversionDownloadStrategy |
option 'with-quantum-depth-8', 'Compile with a quantum depth of 8 bit' |
option 'with-quantum-depth-16', 'Compile with a quantum depth of 16 bit' |
option 'with-quantum-depth-32', 'Compile with a quantum depth of 32 bit' |
option 'with-perl', 'enable build/install of PerlMagick' |
option 'without-magick-plus-plus', 'disable build/install of Magick++' |
depends_on 'libtool' => :run |
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build |
depends_on 'jpeg' => :recommended |
depends_on 'libpng' => :recommended |
depends_on 'freetype' => :recommended |
depends_on 'x11' => :optional |
depends_on 'fontconfig' => :optional |
depends_on 'libtiff' => :optional |
depends_on 'little-cms' => :optional |
depends_on 'little-cms2' => :optional |
depends_on 'jasper' => :optional |
depends_on 'libwmf' => :optional |
depends_on 'librsvg' => :optional |
depends_on 'liblqr' => :optional |
depends_on 'openexr' => :optional |
depends_on 'ghostscript' => :optional |
depends_on 'webp' => :optional |
opoo '--with-ghostscript is not recommended' if build.with? 'ghostscript' |
skip_clean :la |
def install |
args = [ "--disable-osx-universal-binary", |
"--prefix=#{prefix}", |
"--disable-dependency-tracking", |
"--enable-shared", |
"--disable-static", |
"--without-pango", |
"--with-modules", |
"--disable-openmp"] |
args << "--disable-opencl" if build.include? 'disable-opencl' |
args << "--without-gslib" if build.without? 'ghostscript' |
args << "--without-perl" if build.without? 'perl' |
args << "--with-gs-font-dir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/ghostscript/fonts" if build.without? 'ghostscript' |
args << "--without-magick-plus-plus" if build.without? 'magick-plus-plus' |
args << "--enable-hdri=yes" if build.include? 'enable-hdri' |
if build.with? 'quantum-depth-32' |
quantum_depth = 32 |
elsif build.with? 'quantum-depth-16' |
quantum_depth = 16 |
elsif build.with? 'quantum-depth-8' |
quantum_depth = 8 |
end |
args << "--with-quantum-depth=#{quantum_depth}" if quantum_depth |
args << "--with-rsvg" if build.with? 'librsvg' |
args << "--without-x" if build.without? 'x11' |
args << "--with-fontconfig=yes" if build.with? 'fontconfig' |
args << "--with-freetype=yes" if build.with? 'freetype' |
args << "--with-webp=yes" if build.include? 'webp' |
# versioned stuff in main tree is pointless for us |
inreplace 'configure', '${PACKAGE_NAME}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}', '${PACKAGE_NAME}' |
system "./configure", *args |
system "make install" |
end |
def caveats |
s = <<-EOS.undent |
For full Perl support you must install the Image::Magick module from the CPAN. |
https://metacpan.org/module/Image::Magick |
The version of the Perl module and ImageMagick itself need to be kept in sync. |
If you upgrade one, you must upgrade the other. |
For this version of ImageMagick you should install |
version #{version} of the Image::Magick Perl module. |
s if build.with? 'perl' |
end |
test do |
system "#{bin}/identify", "/usr/share/doc/cups/images/cups.png" |
end |
end |
Command executed:
I get the following error:
How to fix this?