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VoiceFunctions provider
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_error.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_result.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_to_text.dart';
class VoiceFunctions extends ChangeNotifier {
bool speechEngineState = false;
final speechTimeoutDuration = Duration(seconds: 5);
double level = 0.0;
String lastWords = "";
String lastError = "";
String lastStatus = "";
String secondVoiceInputTest = "";
String _currentLocaleId = "";
List<LocaleName> _localeNames = [];
final SpeechToText speechController = SpeechToText();
String verifyAnswerWords = '';
Future<void> initSpeechState() async {
bool speechEngineState = await speechController.initialize(onError: errorListener, onStatus: statusListener);
try {
if (speechEngineState == true) {
print("getting locales..");
_localeNames = await speechController.locales();
var systemLocale = await speechController.systemLocale();
_currentLocaleId = systemLocale.localeId;
print("Speech engine initialized!");
if (speechEngineState == false || speechEngineState == null) {
throw "Unable to initalize speechController engine, check microphone permissions.";
} catch (exception) {
void stopListening() {
speechController.stop().then((_) {
// setState(() {
// level = 0.0;
// lastStatus = "Stopped, not listening.";
// });
void cancelListening() {
speechController.cancel().then((value) {
// setState(() {
// level = 0.0;
// lastStatus = "Not Listening";
// });
void errorListener(SpeechRecognitionError error) {
print("error: " + error.toString());
if (error.errorMsg.contains('error_speech_timeout')) {
print("time out occurred");
// setState(() {
// lastStatus = "speechController timeout hit, ready.";
// });
if (error.errorMsg.contains('error_no_match')) {
print("No match found for voice sample received.");
// setState(() {
// lastStatus = "Couldn't find any words in voice sample.\n Please try again..";
// });
} else {
print("error: " + error.toString());
// setState(() {
// lastError = "${error.errorMsg} - ${error.permanent}";
// });
void statusListener(String status) {
// setState(() {
// var speechEngineStatus = "$status";
// // lastStatus = "$status";
// });
_switchLang(selectedVal) {
// setState(() {
// _currentLocaleId = selectedVal;
// });
void soundLevelListener(double level) {
// setState(() {
// this.level = level;
// });
// First Listener
void startFirstVoiceListener() {
lastWords = "";
lastError = "";
onResult: firstVoiceListenerResult,
listenFor: speechTimeoutDuration,
localeId: _currentLocaleId,
onSoundLevelChange: soundLevelListener,
cancelOnError: true,
partialResults: true);
// setState(() {
// lastStatus = "Listening...";
// });
void firstVoiceListenerResult(SpeechRecognitionResult result) {
print("${result.recognizedWords} - ${result.finalResult}");
// print(result.confidence);
verifyAnswerWords = result.recognizedWords;
lastWords = result.recognizedWords;
// setState(() {
// // lastWords = "${result.recognizedWords} - ${result.finalResult}";
// _textInputcontroller.text = "${result.recognizedWords}";
// lastStatus = "Words found from your voice. Please review them. Ready.";
// });
void getFirstVoiceResult() => lastWords;
// Second Listener
void startSecondListener(Function resultListener) {
onResult: resultListener,
listenFor: speechTimeoutDuration,
localeId: _currentLocaleId,
onSoundLevelChange: soundLevelListener,
cancelOnError: true,
partialResults: true);
// setState(() {
// lastStatus = "Listening...";
// });
// No results are provided from this
void mySecondResultListener(SpeechRecognitionResult result) {
print(result.confidence); // Nothing printed
print("${result.recognizedWords} - ${result.finalResult}");
// setState(() {
// _textVerifyInputcontroller.text = "${result.recognizedWords}";
// lastStatus = "Not listening";
// // secondVoiceInputTest = "${result.recognizedWords} - ${result.finalResult}";
// });
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