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Last active March 1, 2023 12:45
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[Setting up dnscrypt-proxy on Fedora 38]

Setting up dnscrypt-proxy on Fedora 38


  1. Install dnscrypt-proxy

         $ sudo dnf install dnscrypt-proxy


  1. Edit /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml so that it contains

         listen_addresses = ['', '[::1]:53']
         ipv6_servers = true
         doh_servers = false
         odoh_servers = true
         require_dnssec = true
         # uncomment [sources.'odoh-servers'] and [sources.'odoh-relays'] in [sources] section
         # add routes to [anonymized_dns] section for odoh servers, similar to the one given below
         routes = [
             { server_name='odoh-koki-ams', via=['odohrelay-crypto-sx', 'odohrelay-surf'] },
             { server_name='odoh-cloudflare', via=['odohrelay-crypto-sx', 'odohrelay-surf',
                           'odohrelay-ibksturm', 'odohrelay-koki-se', 'odohrelay-koki-ams'] },
             { server_name='odoh-crypto-sx', via=['odohrelay-surf', 'odohrelay-ibksturm',
                           'odohrelay-koki-se', 'odohrelay-koki-ams'] },
             { server_name='odoh-ibksturm', via=['odohrelay-crypto-sx', 'odohrelay-surf',
                           'odohrelay-koki-se', 'odohrelay-koki-ams'] },
             { server_name='odoh-koki-se', via=['odohrelay-crypto-sx', 'odohrelay-surf', 'odohrelay-ibksturm'] },
             { server_name='', via=['odohrelay-crypto-sx', 'odohrelay-surf', 'odohrelay-ibksturm',
                           'odohrelay-koki-se', 'odohrelay-koki-ams'] }
  2. Check any services bound to port 53. To see the list of processes using port 53, run

         ss -lp 'sport = :domain'
  3. Disable those services. Most probably systemd-resolved.service needs to be disabled

         $ sudo systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved.service
  4. Edit /etc/resolv.conf. If resolv.conf is a symbolic link remove it

         nameserver ::1
         options edns0 single-request-reopen trust-ad
  5. To prevent programs from overwriting /etc/resolv.conf, set the immutable file attribute

         $ sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

Enable and start systemd and NetworkManager services

  1. Enable systemd service

         sudo systemctl enable --now dnscrypt-proxy.service
  2. Restart NetworkManager service

         sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
  3. Check system log

         journalctl -u dnscrypt-proxy.service
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