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Ordinal regression with ImproperUniform distribution in NumPyro
# Ordinal regression with ImproperUniform
from jax import numpy as np, random
import numpyro
from numpyro import sample
from numpyro.distributions import constraints, Normal, ImproperUniform, Categorical, OrderedLogistic
from numpyro.infer.mcmc import NUTS, MCMC
import pandas as pd
num_chains = 4
# Generate data with ordinal structure
simkeys = random.split(random.PRNGKey(1), 2)
nsim = 50
nclasses = 3
Y = Categorical(logits=np.zeros((nclasses,))).sample(simkeys[0], sample_shape=(nsim,))
X = Normal().sample(simkeys[1], sample_shape = (nsim,))
X += Y
print("value counts of Y:")
for i in range(nclasses):
print(f"mean(X) for Y == {i}: {X[np.where(Y==i)].mean():.3f}")
# Create models using the `OrderedLogistic` distribution.
# This requires cutpoints that are ordered, so we need to introduce this as a constraint.
# We can use the `ImproperUnifrom` distribution to introduce a parameter
# with an arbitrary support that is otherwise completely uninformative
def model1(X, Y, nclasses=3):
b_X_eta = sample('b_X_eta', Normal(0, 5))
c_y = sample('c_y', ImproperUniform(support=constraints.ordered_vector, event_shape=(nclasses-1,)))
with numpyro.plate('obs', X.shape[0]):
eta = X * b_X_eta
sample('Y', OrderedLogistic(eta, c_y), obs=Y)
mcmc_key = random.PRNGKey(1234)
kernel = NUTS(model1)
mcmc = MCMC(kernel, num_warmup=250, num_samples=750, num_chains=num_chains), X,Y, nclasses)
# If we have additional information on the parameters that we want to add,
# we can add a `sample` statement that uses a 'regular' prior with an `obs` argument,
# conditioning the parameter drawn from the `ImproperUniform` on the chosen prior
def model2(X, Y, nclasses=3):
b_X_eta = sample('b_X_eta', Normal(0, 5))
c_y = sample('c_y', ImproperUniform(support=constraints.ordered_vector, event_shape=(nclasses-1,)))
sample('c_y_smp', Normal(0,1), obs=c_y)
with numpyro.plate('obs', X.shape[0]):
eta = X * b_X_eta
sample('Y', OrderedLogistic(eta, c_y), obs=Y)
kernel = NUTS(model2)
mcmc = MCMC(kernel, num_warmup=250, num_samples=750, num_chains=num_chains), X,Y, nclasses)
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