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Forked from NoCtrlZ1110/
Last active May 5, 2024 05:56
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Telegram to Google Sheet || Subscribe to original author channel:
// Constants
const TOKEN = `token`;
const BASE_URL = `${TOKEN}`;
const CHAT_ID = '=chat id';
const DEPLOYED_URL = 'deployed url';
const SUM_CELL = 'E2';
const METHODS = {
SEND_MESSAGE: 'sendMessage',
SET_WEBHOOK: 'setWebhook',
GET_UPDATES: 'getUpdates',
// Utils
const toQueryParamsString = (obj) => {
return Object.keys(obj)
.map(key => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[key])}`)
// Telegram APIs
const makeRequest = async (method, queryParams = {}) => {
const url = `${BASE_URL}/${method}?${toQueryParamsString(queryParams)}`
const response = await UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
return response.getContentText();
const sendMessage = (text) => {
chat_id: CHAT_ID,
const setWebhook = () => {
const getChatId = async () => {
const res = await makeRequest(METHODS.GET_UPDATES);
console.log("ChatId: ", JSON.parse(res)?.result[0]?.message?.chat?.id)
// Google Sheet
const addNewRow = (content = []) => {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
const Avals = sheet.getRange("A1:A").getValues();
const Alast = Avals.filter(String).length;
const columnNumber = content.length;
const newRow = sheet.getRange(Alast + 1, 1, 1, columnNumber);
// Extract label & price
const getMultiplyBase = (unitLabel) => {
switch (unitLabel) {
case 'k':
case 'K':
case 'nghìn':
case 'ng':
case 'ngàn':
return 1000;
case 'lít':
case 'lit':
case 'l':
return 100000;
case 'củ':
case 'tr':
case 'm':
case 'M':
return 1000000;
return 1;
const addExpense = (text) => {
const regex = /(.*)\s(\d*)(\w*)/g;
const label = text.replace(regex, '$1');
const priceText = text.replace(regex, '$2');
const unitLabel = text.replace(regex, '$3');
const time = new Date().toLocaleString();
const price = Number(priceText) * getMultiplyBase(unitLabel);
//Validate price
sendMessage("Lỗi: Số tiền không hợp lệ");
return false;
if(price < 1000) {
sendMessage("Lỗi: Số tiền không thể nhỏ hơn 1000đ");
return false;
addNewRow([time, label, price]);
return true;
// Webhooks
const doPost = (request) =>{
const contents = JSON.parse(request.postData.contents);
const text = contents.message.text;
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
const isValidMessage = addExpense(text);
if(!isValidMessage) return;
const totalExpenses = sheet.getRange(SUM_CELL).getValue().toLocaleString('vi-VN', {style : 'currency', currency : 'VND'});
sendMessage(`Tổng chi tiêu: ${totalExpenses}`);
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Dude you are leaving your token out in the open!

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Dude you are leaving your token out in the open!

I fixed it. thank bro for reminding me.

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