by @piquadrat and @vanjacosic from Opbeat.
This is the approach we use on In gulp it uses the gulp-asset-manifest
module. In Django, it uses custom template tags to load the manifest.
We use it for JS and CSS, in this example it's some JS library files.
gulp.task('prepare-scripts', function() {
bundleName: 'lib_js',
manifestFile: 'assets/asset_manifest.json',
log: true,
pathPrepend: CACHED_DIR
"lib_js": [
{% load assets_url %}
{% do_asset "lib_js" %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}" charset="utf-8" crossorigin></script>
{% end_do_assets %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/build/cached/libs.min-69896a86.js" charset="utf-8" crossorigin></script>