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Created March 16, 2012 04:20
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PHP - Title to Excerpt Convertion
// sample title
$title = "the, * ;h'or']ror} (2)3!@ # $ % ^ & (* )^ ) _+-0(*)*%(&!^";
// find and replace any whitespace characters with underscores
$excerpt = preg_replace('/\s/', '_', $title);
// find an replace any none alphanumeric or underscore characters with any empty string ''
$excerpt = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $excerpt);
// while there is a '__' string inside the string, keep replacing the '__' with '_'
while (strpos($excerpt, '__') !== false){
$excerpt = str_replace('__', '_', $excerpt);
// turn the characters to lowercase
$excerpt = strtolower($excerpt);
// $excerpt = "the_true_horror_23_0"
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