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Created April 24, 2023 20:07
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Extract the contact photo from a .vcf contact file. Decodes the base64 encoded contact image/jpeg from a .vcf file.
### Extract the contact image from a .vcf file. This is otherwise impossible with macOS contacts.
### To work, first export a single contact as a .vcf file.
# Example Usage:
# $ extract_vcf_image input.vcf > output.jpg
# $ file output.jpg
# output.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 72x72, segment length 16, Exif Standard: [TIFF image data, big-endian, direntries=1TIFF image data, big-endian, direntries=1], baseline, precision 8, 148x148, components 3
# Notes:
# - 2nd argument is the output path, if not specified, will output to stdout
# - Assumes a contact image per .vcf file. Will likely break if there are multiple contact images in a single .vcf file.
# - requires ggrep (GNU grep) or a grep that supports -P (perl regex)
# - requires base64 and a sed that supports -E (extended regex)
# - Tested only with base64 encoded jpg images, but should work with other formats
# - Only supports images that are base64 encoded. Other encodings, which I'm not sure exist, are not supported.
function extract_vcf_image() {
[ -z $1 ] && { echo "Usage: $0 <input.vcf> [<output_image>] (outputs to STDOUT if 2nd arg not provided)"; return 1; }
[ ! -f $1 ] && { echo "File not found: $1"; return 1; }
[ -z $2 ] && { local output_path='-'; } || { local output_path="$2"; }
local GCMD="ggrep"
command -v ggrep >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "WARNING: I require 'ggrep' on macOS or a system where 'grep' supports -P. Trying 'grep' but this won't work on macOS. "; GCMD="grep"; }
# Gets everything after the photo header to the next line not-starting with a space. The base64 lines following the first are all prefixed with a space.
# Then remove the non-base64 text. Forunately, base64 -D ignores whitespace.
cat input.vcf | $GCMD -Pzo 'PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=[A-Z]+:(.|\n)*\n\S' | $GCMD --text -E '^(\s|PHOTO;ENCODING=b;)' | sed -E 's|PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=[A-Z]+:||g' | base64 -D - -o $output_path
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