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Created March 7, 2019 21:47
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' Author: VascoFerreira
' Description: Sort arrays with collections
' Version: 0.1
' Instructions: TODO
' Revisions: TODO
' - Date: 2019/03/07
' - Author: Vasco Ferreira
' - Description: Init
Option Explicit
' Description: Increase performance by disabling the screen update
' and automatic calculations.
Sub ToggleExcelUpdates(toggle As Boolean)
Application.ScreenUpdating = toggle
Application.DisplayStatusBar = toggle
Application.EnableEvents = toggle
If toggle Then
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
Application.Calculation = xlManual
End If
End Sub
' Description: Executes cleanup code at the end of each Sub, re-activates the
' current worksheet and shows the Sub runtime.
' It can be made public to handle cleanup code on other modules.
' Arguments: currentWorksheet
' startingTime - value of starting time
Private Sub Cleanup(currentWorksheet As Worksheet, startingTime As Double)
' Re-enable Screen update and automatic calculations
ToggleExcelUpdates True
' Re-activate current worksheet
' Show executionRuntime
' MsgBox "Execution time: " & _
(Timer - startingTime) & " seconds.", _
vbOkOnly + vbInformation, "Procedure Execution Time"
Debug.Print "Execution time: " & (Timer - startingTime) & " seconds."
End Sub
' Description: Handles all the errors and executes cleanup code afterwards
' It can be made public to handle cleanup code on other modules.
' Arguments: currentWorksheet
' startingTime - value of starting time
Private Sub ErrHandler(currentWorksheet As Worksheet, startingTime As Double)
' Handle specific errors
Select Case Err.Number
Case 0
' No error
End Select
' Show the Error Handling form with the error number and message
'frm_ErrorHandling.DisplayErrorForm Err.Number, Err.Description
Debug.Print "+++ Error: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Cleanup currentWorksheet, startingTime
End Sub
' Description: Sort an array using a collection and then replacing the values
' Arguments: sortArray - an array to sort
Sub CollectionSort(sortArray As Variant)
' Turn off screen update and automatic calculations
ToggleExcelUpdates False
' Start Sub timer
Dim executionRuntime As Double
executionRuntime = Timer
Dim currentWorkbook As Workbook
Dim currentWorksheet As Worksheet
' `ThisWorkbook` won't work when an add-in tries to manipulate another
' workbook because `ThisWorkbook` will point to the add-in's workbook.
Set currentWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Set currentWorksheet = currentWorkbook.ActiveSheet
' Variables Declaration
Dim sortedCollection As Collection
Dim collectionElement As Variant
Dim elementIndex As Long
Dim addedToCol As Boolean
Dim arrayElement As Variant
' TODO: Main Code
On Error GoTo ErrorHandling
Set sortedCollection = New Collection
For Each arrayElement In sortArray
' Check if sorted collection is not empty
If sortedCollection.Count <> 0 Then
elementIndex = 1
addedToCol = False
' Compare the array element to each coll element
' If it is smaller, prepend to the collection
For Each collectionElement In sortedCollection
If arrayElement < collectionElement Then
sortedCollection.Add arrayElement, Before:=elementIndex
addedToCol = True
Exit For
End If
elementIndex = elementIndex + 1
Next collectionElement
' If the array element is greater than any col element
' append it to the collection
If Not addedToCol Then
sortedCollection.Add arrayElement, After:=elementIndex - 1
End If
' If collection is empty, add the first array element
sortedCollection.Add arrayElement
End If
Next arrayElement
elementIndex = LBound(sortArray)
For Each collectionElement In sortedCollection
sortArray(elementIndex) = collectionElement
elementIndex = elementIndex + 1
Next collectionElement
Cleanup currentWorksheet, executionRuntime
Exit Sub
ErrHandler currentWorksheet, executionRuntime
End Sub
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