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Last active March 18, 2021 22:02
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Remove rows based on a condition and add new columns to a table
' Author: Vasco Ferreira
' Description: Increase performance of Excel when running heavy subs
' Version: 0.1
' Instructions: Add this module to the workbook and call its subs
' Revisions: TODO
' - Date: 2019/03/10
' - Author: Vasco Ferreira
' - Description: Init
Option Explicit
' Description: Increase performance by disabling the screen update
' and automatic calculations.
Public Sub ToggleExcelUpdates(toggle As Boolean)
Application.ScreenUpdating = toggle
Application.DisplayStatusBar = toggle
Application.EnableEvents = toggle
If toggle Then
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
Application.Calculation = xlManual
End If
End Sub
' Description: Executes cleanup code at the end of each Sub, re-activates the
' current worksheet and shows the Sub runtime.
' It can be made public to handle cleanup code on other modules.
' Arguments: currentWorksheet
' startingTime - value of starting time
Public Sub Cleanup(currentWorksheet As Worksheet, startingTime As Double)
' Re-enable Screen update and automatic calculations
ToggleExcelUpdates True
' Re-activate current worksheet
' Show executionRuntime
' MsgBox "Execution time: " & _
(Timer - startingTime) & " seconds.", _
vbOkOnly + vbInformation, "Procedure Execution Time"
Debug.Print "Execution time: " & (Timer - startingTime) & " seconds."
End Sub
' Description: Handles all the errors and executes cleanup code afterwards
' It can be made public to handle cleanup code on other modules.
' Arguments: currentWorksheet
' startingTime - value of starting time
Public Sub ErrHandler(currentWorksheet As Worksheet, startingTime As Double)
' Handle specific errors
Select Case Err.Number
Case 0
' No error
Case Else
' Show the Error Handling form with the error number and message
'frm_ErrorHandling.DisplayErrorForm Err.Number, Err.Description
Debug.Print "+++ Error: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Select
Cleanup currentWorksheet, startingTime
End Sub
' Author: TODO
' Description: TODO
' Version: 0.1
' Instructions: TODO
' Revisions: TODO
' - Date: yyyy/mm/dd
' - Author:
' - Description:
Option Explicit
' Description:
' Arguments:
' Returns:
Sub RemoveInvalidDataAndFormatTable()
' Start Sub timer
Dim executionRuntime As Double
executionRuntime = Timer
' Turn off screen update and automatic calculations
m_CleanupAndPerformance.ToggleExcelUpdates False
Dim currentWorkbook As Workbook
Dim currentWorksheet As Worksheet
' `ThisWorkbook` won't work when an add-in tries to manipulate another
' workbook because `ThisWorkbook` will point to the add-in's workbook.
Set currentWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Set currentWorksheet = currentWorkbook.ActiveSheet
' When something bad happens, panic! Execute the cleanup to enable excel
' updates and calculations again.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandling
Dim curWorksheet As Worksheet
For Each curWorksheet In currentWorkbook.workSheets
Dim table As Variant
For Each table In curWorksheet.ListObjects
Dim tableDataRange As Range
Set tableDataRange = table.DataBodyRange
' Create an array to store the data from the table
Dim tableData As BetterArray
Set tableData = New BetterArray
tableData.FromExcelRange tableDataRange, False, False
' Create an array to store the data we want to keep
' I hope this is faster than removing and resizing the array
Dim finalData As BetterArray
Set finalData = New BetterArray
' Check which rows you want to keep
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To tableData.UpperBound
' Filter rows with this condition
If tableData(i)(4) < 7000 Then
finalData.Push (tableData(i))
End If
' Pass the data to the worksheet
finalData.ToExcelRange tableDataRange
' Add more columns
Dim newColumnA As ListColumn
Set newColumnA = table.ListColumns.Add
newColumnA.Name = "Tax"
' Store the data of the new column in a new array
Dim columnData As BetterArray
Set columnData = New BetterArray
' Pushing an array to another makes it 0 index based
' So, subtract one from the index you want
Dim columnIndex As Integer
columnIndex = 4 - 1
Dim j As Long
For j = 1 To finalData.UpperBound
' Tax is 25% of revenue
columnData.Push (finalData(j)(columnIndex) * 0.25)
' Set the values of the new column
columnData.ToExcelRange newColumnA.DataBodyRange
Next table
Next curWorksheet
' Enable calculations and screen updates
m_CleanupAndPerformance.Cleanup currentWorksheet, executionRuntime
Exit Sub
' If something goes wrong, enable calculations and screen updates
m_CleanupAndPerformance.ErrHandler currentWorksheet, executionRuntime
End Sub
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