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Created June 16, 2022 16:00
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Interview exercise. Find the longest subsequence in an array
object FindLIS {
def findLIS(initialArray: Array[Int]): Int = {
if (initialArray.length < 2) return initialArray.length
val allSubSequences = initialArray.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(List.empty[Array[Int]]) {
case (currentSubSequences, (nextValue, index)) =>
currentSubSequences ::: getSubsequenceFromArray(Array(nextValue), initialArray.drop(index))
private def getSubsequenceFromArray(accumulator: Array[Int], remainder: Array[Int]): List[Array[Int]] = {
if (remainder.isEmpty) return List(accumulator)
val nextElement = remainder.head
if (nextElement > accumulator.last)
getSubsequenceFromArray(accumulator :+ nextElement, remainder.tail) ::: getSubsequenceFromArray(
getSubsequenceFromArray(accumulator, remainder.tail)
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