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Last active August 4, 2022 23:58
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Save vb100/d47a57ec63f7a11459e879bd699053be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. scrapper for get rents data
""" Zoopla scraping project """
# Import libraries
import requests, re, os
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
""" Generate the list of URLs : Start"""
def generateURLs(pages):
listURLs = []
base_url = ""
for i in range(1, pages+1, 1):
fullURL = base_url + str(i)
return listURLs
""" Generate the list of URLs : End"""
""" Get Data : Start"""
properties = [] # Here all the data will be stored
def getData(listURLs):
import re
#from selenium import webdriver
#options =
featuresOfProperties = {}
#chrome_path = r"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Python\JSscrapping\chromedriver.exe"
#driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_path)
def getFullDescription(objectURL):
r = requests.get(objectURL)
c = r.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(c, "html.parser")
description = soup.find("div", {"itemprop":"description"}).text
description = ""
cleaned = description.replace(",", " ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace(":", " ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace(".", " ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace("W C", "WC")
cleaned = cleaned.replace("/", " ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace(")", ") ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace("Description", "Description ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace("Floor", "Floor ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace("Floor", "Floor ")
cleaned = cleaned.replace("Annexe", "")
cleaned = cleaned.replace("Divided", " Divided")
cleaned = cleaned.replace(" ", " ")
return cleaned
for page in range(1, len(listURLs), 1): #(1, len(listURLs), 1):
print(page," : ", listURLs[page])
r = requests.get(listURLs[page])
c = r.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(c, "html.parser")
infoTable = soup.find("ul", {"class":"listing-results"})
items = infoTable.find_all("div", {"class":"listing-results-wrapper"})
#print("Len. = ", len(items))
for item in range (0, len(items), 1):
#print("Starting:", item)
blockProperty = items[item]
""" get Address """
address = blockProperty.find("a", {"class":"listing-results-address"}).text
""" Listed on """
listedOn = blockProperty.find("p", {"class":"top-half"}).find("small").text.split("\n")[2].replace(" ", "")
#print("listedOn:", listedOn)
monthNum = " "
if "Nov" in listedOn:
monthNum = 11
elif "Oct" in listedOn:
monthNum = 10
elif "Sep" in listedOn:
monthNum = 9
elif "Jun" in listedOn:
monthNum = 6
elif "Apr" in listedOn:
monthNum = 4
elif "Jan" in listedOn:
monthNum = 1
elif "Feb" in listedOn:
monthNum = 2
elif "Mar" in listedOn:
monthNum = 3
elif "May" in listedOn:
monthNum = 5
elif "Aug" in listedOn:
monthNum = 8
elif "Dec" in listedOn:
monthNum = 12
elif "Jul" in listedOn:
monthNum = 7
if "th" in listedOn:
day = listedOn.split("th")[0]
elif "nd" in listedOn:
day = listedOn.split("nd")[0]
elif "st" in listedOn:
day = listedOn.split("st")[0]
elif "rd" in listedOn:
day = listedOn.split("rd")[0]
year = "2017"
listedOn = day + "/" + str(monthNum) + "/" + year
#print("listedOn - after:", listedOn)
""" get ID """
#idPro = blockProperty["id"].split("ng_")[1]
idPro = blockProperty.parent["data-listing-id"]
""" get Price"""
pricePro_2 = []
pricePro = blockProperty.find_all("", {"class":"listing-results-price"})[0].text.replace(" ", "")
pricePro = pricePro.split("\n")
for item in pricePro:
if item:
pricePro = pricePro_2[0].replace("£", "")
""" get Bedrooms """
bedrooms = 0
blockForAttrs = blockProperty.find("h3").find_all("span")
for x in range(0, len(blockForAttrs), 1):
if "num-beds" in blockForAttrs[x]["class"]:
bedrooms = float(blockForAttrs[x].text)
print("No beds")
bedrooms = 0
""" get Bathrooms """
bathrooms = 0
blockForAttrs = blockProperty.find("h3").find_all("span")
bathrooms = 0
for x in range(0, len(blockForAttrs), 1):
if "num-baths" in blockForAttrs[x]["class"]:
bathrooms = float(blockForAttrs[x].text)
print("No bath")
bathrooms = 0
""" get Reception rooms """
receptions = 0
blockForAttrs = blockProperty.find("h3").find_all("span")
receptions = 0
for x in range(0, len(blockForAttrs), 1):
if "num-reception" in blockForAttrs[x]["class"]:
receptions = float(blockForAttrs[x].text)
print("No bath")
receptions = 0
ppM = pricePro.split("pcm")[0].replace(",", "")
#ppW = pricePro.split("pcm")[1].replace(",","")
#ppW = re.findall(r"\d+", ppW)[0]
#print("Price per Month:", ppM)
""" get description """
descriptionText = blockProperty.find_all("p", {"itemprop":"description"})[0].text.split("\n")
for item in descriptionText:
if len(item) < 1:
descriptionText = descriptionText[0]
print("No description")
descriptionText = "No description"
if len(descriptionText) > 1:
whiteIndex = 0
z = 0
while descriptionText[z] == " ":
whiteIndex = whiteIndex + 1
z = z + 1
descriptionText = descriptionText[z:]
""" get nearby station : working """
nearbyStation = ""
station_here = blockProperty.find("div", {"class":"nearby_stations_schools"}).text.split("\n")
#station_here = ''.join(station_here).split()
z = 0
while len(station_here[z]) < 2:
z = z + 1
nearbyStation = station_here[z]
""" Trying to get Lot Lan"""
#geoBlock = blockProperty.find_all("div", {"itemprop":"geo"})
geo_lat = blockProperty.find(itemprop = "latitude").get("content")
geo_lon = blockProperty.find(itemprop = "longitude").get("content")
#print("geo_lat", geo_lat)
#print("geo_lon", geo_lon)
""" get Type : working """
finalType = ""
typeProp = blockProperty.find("h2").find_all("a")[0].text
if "flat".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "flat"
elif "semi-deteached".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "semi-deteached house"
elif "property".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "apartment"
elif "studio".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "studio"
elif "maisonette".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "maisonette"
elif "room".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "room"
elif "house".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "house"
elif "shared accommodation".upper() in typeProp.upper():
finalType = "shared accomodation"
#print(finalType, type(finalType))
""" get link """
linkTo = str(blockProperty.find("a")).split('"/')[1].split('"')[0]
linkTo = "" + linkTo
""" get full descriptiom """
descriptionFull = getFullDescription(linkTo)
""" get Floor plan """
#FloorPlanURL = getFloorPlan(linkTo)
""" Save features to Database """
featuresOfProperties["ID"] = idPro
featuresOfProperties["DESCRIPTION"] = descriptionText
featuresOfProperties["STATION"] = nearbyStation
featuresOfProperties["ADDED"] = listedOn
featuresOfProperties["LOCATION"] = address
featuresOfProperties["PRICE PCM (£)"] = ppM
featuresOfProperties["TYPE"] = finalType
featuresOfProperties["BATHROOMS"] = bathrooms
featuresOfProperties["BEDROOMS"] = bedrooms
featuresOfProperties["RECEPTIONS"] = receptions
featuresOfProperties["LINK"] = linkTo
featuresOfProperties["FULL DESCRIPTION"] = descriptionFull
featuresOfProperties["LON"] = geo_lon
featuresOfProperties["LAT"] = geo_lat
return properties
""" Get Data : End"""
""" Update EXCEL file : start """
def updateExcel(dataset):
import openpyxl, os, datetime
from datetime import datetime
from pandas import ExcelWriter as ewriter
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Protection, Font, Fill
#directory = "C:\\Users\\Vytautas.Bielinskas\\Desktop\\Python\\01 Web Scraping\\Zoopla"
filename = "DataSaves - Data rent.xlsx"
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename, data_only = False)
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name("Data Rents")
rowForSearching = 10
while len(str(sheet.cell(row = rowForSearching, column = 2).value)) > 4:
rowForSearching = rowForSearching + 1
#print(rowForSearching, str(sheet.cell(row = rowForSearching, column = 2).value), len(str(sheet.cell(row = rowForSearching, column = 2).value)))
#print("rowForSearching: ", rowForSearching)
""" Define some Excel cell styles and formatting """
fillDefault = PatternFill(fill_type = None,
start_color = "FFFFFFFF",
end_color = "FF000000")
HyperlinkBlue = Font(color = "0563c1",
underline = "single")
rightAligment = Alignment(horizontal = "right")
centerAligment = Alignment(horizontal = "center")
""" Starting writing data to Excel file """
id_column = dataset.columns.get_loc("ID") # get index of ID column
id_station = dataset.columns.get_loc("STATION") # get index of STATION column
id_location = dataset.columns.get_loc("LOCATION") # get index of LOCATION column
id_bedrooms = dataset.columns.get_loc("BEDROOMS") # get index of BEDROOMS column
id_type = dataset.columns.get_loc("TYPE") # get index of TYPE column
id_pricePCM = dataset.columns.get_loc("PRICE PCM (£)") # get index of PCM column
id_description = dataset.columns.get_loc("DESCRIPTION") # get index of DESCRIPTION column
id_link = dataset.columns.get_loc("LINK") # get index of LINK column
id_added = dataset.columns.get_loc("ADDED") # get index of ADDED column
dataset_index = 0
for i in range(rowForSearching, rowForSearching + len(dataset), 1):
""" writing MONTH column """
today ='%d')
month ='%m')
year = "17"
if month == "11":
monthW = "Nov"
dateNow = today + "-" + monthW + "-" + year
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 2).value = dateNow
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 2).alignment = rightAligment
""" writing ID column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 3).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_column]
""" writing STATION column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 4).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_station].upper()
""" writing LOCATION column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 5).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_location]
""" writing BEDROOMS column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 6).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_bedrooms]
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 6).alignment = centerAligment
""" writing TYPE column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 7).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_type]
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 7).alignment = centerAligment
""" writing PRICE PCM column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 8).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_pricePCM]
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 8).alignment = centerAligment
""" writing DESCRIPTION column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 10).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_description]
""" writing LINK column """
FullLink = '=HYPERLINK("' + dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_link] + '","' + "WEBPAGE" + '")'
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 11).value = FullLink
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 11).font = HyperlinkBlue
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 11).alignment = centerAligment
""" writing ADDED column """
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 14).value = dataset.iat[dataset_index, id_added]
sheet.cell(row = i, column = 14).fill = fillDefault
dataset_index = dataset_index + 1
for i in range(rowForSearching, sheet.max_row, 1) :
for j in range(1, sheet.max_column, 1):
sheet.cell(row = i, column = j).fill = fillDefault
import datetime
from datetime import date
timeNow = str(":","-")[:-10]"DataSaved-FINAL - RENT - " + timeNow + ".xlsx")
return None
""" Update EXCEL file : end """
""" Save data to file : start """
def writeToFile(DF):
import time, datetime, os
from datetime import date
os.chdir("C:\\Users\\Vytautas.Bielinskas\\Desktop\\Python\\01 Web Scraping\\Zoopla")
timeNow = str(":","-")[:-10]
DF.to_csv(" - RENTS data.csv " + timeNow + ".csv")
return None
""" Save data to file : end """
numberOfPages = 7
URLs = generateURLs(numberOfPages)
FullData = getData(URLs)
DF = pd.DataFrame(FullData)
DataBase = DF
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