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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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SET [email protected]
SET STEAMPW=chamgeme
:: Workshop IDs: EpochExperimental = 455221958, Normal Epoch = 421839251
:: remove mod folder
rd /s/q "%ARMASVRPATH%\@Epoch"
:: update workshop mod
START "" /WAIT steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMUN% %STEAMPW% +workshop_download_item %ARMAAPPID% %ARMAWORKSHOPID% +quit
:: copy files back to server
xcopy /s/e/y/q/i "steamapps\workshop\content\%ARMAAPPID%\%ARMAWORKSHOPID%" "%ARMASVRPATH%\@Epoch"
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RoyDodd commented Aug 2, 2015

Best I can tell this script does not work on a machine dedicated solely to running an Epoch server instance without having Steam installed and the Steam Workshop Epoch subscription (which is kind of a pain if the Steam account you are using is only for an Arma Dedicated Server). (In other words, a PC with as little installed on it as possible.)

In the long run, I believe it might be easier to just navigate to your local machine's workshop folder (which is correctly identified in your script as \steamapps\workshop\content\107410\421839251 (for the normal current Epoch client build) and FTP its contents to an emptied @epoch folder in the server's target instance folder.

Unless I'm misinterpreting the terrible documentation for SteamCMD.exe...

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